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    Tennis Warehouse Playtest: Wilson Clash v3

    Not on the playtest, only tried the 100, it does seem to be between the v1 and V2 but found it least stable of the 3 off center. Weight distribution and head shape made it feel a bit more attacking oriented than the last two (more oval). Feel was soft and muted but not loose, and has a bit of...
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    Tennis Warehouse Playtest: Wilson Clash v3

    Have been using the 98v1 and my bro uses the v1 100. Both looking for a bit more stability but closer to v1 than V2
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    Head Speed MP 2024

    Grip size? May be interested in one
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    Relation of racket head speed and balance

    Been gone for months and it seems we haven't progressed.
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    Tennis warehouse demos never received

    I'd recommend calling them to see if they can ship out your purchased items separately. Unfortunately if you pick some popular rackets, it may take a while for them to ship out as they wait for them all to be available simultaneously.
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    I'm changing my old Flexpoint Radical Tour! Need your inputs....

    I used to play with the Flexpoint Radical Tour. You won't find much similar to rackets of old... I currently play with the Blade v7 (18x20), I like the Speed MP 24, the Prestige Tour is also good. The balance and such might not be the same but a little weight in the handle can have these...
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    Latest techniques and feedback in shoulder replacement surgery

    What is your issue? I had a complication resulting in 4 surgeries. I'm still tearing through scar tissue, but I'm recovering past what anyone ever expected given I had many complications. When not at a "weak point" in my recovery, I'd definitely answer your question with yes, you can easily...
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    why does stability matter?

    You'll know when you need more stability. Low swing weight does not mean low stability, it usually means a higher twist weight (I'd call it "static" stability). For counter punching, blocking, volleys, etc, this would be what commonly is referred to as more stable. If you don't supply your own...
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    Difference in power level between Blade Pro and Regular Blade (16x19 versions)

    This is pretty much the case with most rackets. Swing weight is generally what determines power potential. I think TW's power level is a measure using strokes given the average person. The regular blade line gives a "boost" to slower pace strokes.
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    Struggling to dial in the pure aero 98

    What do you usually use? Try decreasing tension first.
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    Looking for a cheat code string for grinders

    VCT 16 or Hyper G 17
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    Solinco String short by few feet often?

    New pack Hyper G soft 17, 38 feet 3 inches...... at least it's enough... 3/4 Hyper G packs short, only standard 17 was as it should be. Definitely don't think this issue has been resolved..
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    NikeCourt Zoom GP Challenge 1

    Forgot to review these, went with the CG1s.. It's not a GP turbo and shouldn't really be compared to it. For some reason I couldn't even walk in the house without my foot crashing into the front of the shoe. The GP turbo did have the same issue but there was enough cushioning and softer...
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    Wilson Blade Pro 98 16x19 V9

    In stock form, I'd go with the 18x20 BP or 18x20 blade over the 16x19 BP V9. It doesn't provide much over those. The Prostaff v14 is also very good .. I would say the BP does have more control through spin andshape, but the pro staff is more powerful, gives more on serve and is for me, one of...
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    Solinco String short by few feet often?

    Solinco finally got back to me after I messaged them a few different ways. They told me this issue has been resolved in the past and were questioning the measurement.. They're offering me some free sets if I buy a reel which doesn't really help me regain confidence in them or necessarily resolve...
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    Solinco String short by few feet often?

    I like their strings but makes me wonder if their reels are coming short as well.
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    Solinco String short by few feet often?

    New pack of Hyper G 18, 38 feet. Last pack of Hyper G soft 18 37.X feet
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    New Balance Coco CG1

    How does it compare to the CG1?
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    Solinco String short by few feet often?

    Two piece 18x20 blade on a drop weight low tension. Set was over 2 feet short had to work some magic
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    Solinco String short by few feet often?

    Particularly with Hyper G Soft I notice packs are a few feet short and it has burned me more than once. Has anyone measured a reel of regular hyper G?
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    Wilson x RF Aug 8, 2024

    Just tried a pro. Weighed kind of like a six one. Very dead tip, comes around fast, lot of short angle winners. Kinda feels like an ezone x six one With that being said, not sure if this is going to sell well and not an RF replacement
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    New Balance Coco CG2

    Women's only shoe this time?
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    My Blades are dying...possible replacements?

    Upper handle has a bit of weight , emptier throat, then pretty a evenly across the hoop there's a little bit missing somewhere in the bottom of hoop.
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    My Blades are dying...possible replacements?

    Pretty evenly distributed for the one I tried.
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    Rackets to test from a Tfight 305 iso: aggressive baseliner

    New weight distribution and and the smaller grip makes it feel "thin" in the same way the iso does. Swings similar, etc. I'm usually a thin beam guy. It's not thin but not awful
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    Rackets to test from a Tfight 305 iso: aggressive baseliner

    24 speed MP or 18x20 blade both 1 grip size down. Easy swinging like the iso 305 but boosted
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    Nike Zoom GP Turbo official thread.

    Too many hours. Once they start making noise, when you start feeling new pains, I wouldn't use them anymore. Have been looking for new shoes for the last few weeks but haven't been finding anything that fits and doesn't have uncomfortable plastics... Court ff3 and GP Challenge 1 didn't work out
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    Nike Zoom GP Turbo official thread.

    Just tore my second calf on old pairs of these. Anyone still using these make sure to change them up when they get mushy.
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    What is the best Yonex racquet ever made?

    I've only played two gens of Yonex 's whole lineup but VCP97H by far
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    Wrist cord?

    That's the problem. Need to use a dry overgrip like Tourna