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  1. OnTheLine

    What is your favorite tan line?

    That would be my knee brace tan line. Great conversation starter at any cocktail party.
  2. OnTheLine

    The Post-Injury Existential Crisis

    Oh @Cindysphinx I feel for you. On the coming back from a major injury/surgery. I have done it more times than I would like in my life. Mostly not with tennis though. But full ACL repair to get back to collegiate soccer ... the physical aspect was enormous work, but the mental aspect was...
  3. OnTheLine

    Try to act "normal", follow what others do...

    Yes I am a Try-Hard ... and yes a little OCD, and yes, I put them in a nice little triangle ... not exactly on one spot but close. Bottom line though ... it is not gamesmanship.
  4. OnTheLine

    Try to act "normal", follow what others do...

    ??? Who said I finished at net, who said I didn't have 2 balls in my pocket ... ambled to the fence to get the 3rd, and then dropped all 3 balls at baseline?
  5. OnTheLine

    Try to act "normal", follow what others do...

    Wow ... no, that anyone could possibly consider it gamesmanship ... and at this point that I have fallen for your trolling on it.
  6. OnTheLine

    Try to act "normal", follow what others do...

    really? I am placing them exactly where they need to be for the next server. And now they aren't dealing with balls and their towel and their water. How is that annoying?
  7. OnTheLine

    Gender neutral rating for usta

    WTA only uses a lighter ball at the USO, none of the other majors I think that shoulder/arm strength is a big issue. As I understand it, the heavier the topspin, the greater the swingspeed needs to be in order not to lose velocity. And WTA players do not hit flat shots. They just hit a flatter...
  8. OnTheLine

    Try to act "normal", follow what others do...

    As a female I have of course perfected the Death Glare that is taught by the matrilineal line. Seems that it only works in distances shorter than a tennis court.
  9. OnTheLine

    Try to act "normal", follow what others do...

    No, I am talking about you needing the 2nd ball ... 3rd is wherever ... you have your hand up and they hit it no where near you. Side change, if I had been server, I gather all balls currently on my side and leave them on the baseline at the middle mark. No muss, no fuss. Now playing dubs I...
  10. OnTheLine

    Try to act "normal", follow what others do...

    I have ... and it is annoying. And I prefer having all 3 myself ... but if the 3rd is sitting peacefully in the corner on their side I would never ask for it. If it is in their hand, sure. Demanding it when it is elsewhere slows down the play and is simply irritating. Equally annoying: Hitting...
  11. OnTheLine

    League Set PRACTICE Fast Conditions?

    Me? Faster the better. If I can play on cement, my game loves it, although my knees and back don't.
  12. OnTheLine

    What is your play style in singles?

    A very good 3.5 player :-D
  13. OnTheLine

    What is your play style in singles?

    Where is the response for listed Total Disaster? Right now, a combination of junkballer (I rely way too often on my forehand slice, although it is deep and not floaty) and S&V, with a little baseliner if I can hit a backhand which is all topspin, pace and depth. Points I win: all S&V and C&C...
  14. OnTheLine

    The dreaded EOY Rating thread

    If you are done with this forever: Please.Go.Away Your posts bring nothing to this board. You are not helpful, give no insight that may assist another ... and you don't even play tennis anymore. Go Away!
  15. OnTheLine

    The dreaded EOY Rating thread

    You made me look .... and in my case, a bunch of matches that had fallen off (no longer with gray ball thingy) are now back listed as used for UTR calculation. I think 6-8 matches. Odd.
  16. OnTheLine

    The dreaded EOY Rating thread

    That is not accurate .... a retirement counts if at least 6 games were played. If he split sets, at least 12 games were played: that match should have counted. From the FAQ on NTRP from USTA: Valid Match: A team match in which a majority of the individual matches, played by the competing teams...
  17. OnTheLine

    The dreaded EOY Rating thread

    And even messier with an S rate plays multiple matches with or against another S rate, or with/against a player with few match results ... that is one big wild card to try and compute.
  18. OnTheLine

    Gender neutral rating for usta

    If you move to such a place and lose the relativistic thinking you are known for .... yes. In terms of me and a co-ed league ... meh, I have no need for it. I already have mixed league for when I want that. Club drop-in when I want that. And I am as fierce a competitor as they come, and...
  19. OnTheLine

    Gender neutral rating for usta

    What he is saying is that just like in politics, the vast empty middle should not be dictating what works in the big or even medium cities. Thankfully, that saying is really OLD and over with. We no longer care whether it plays in Peoria .... Part of why Iowa lost its spot in presidential...
  20. OnTheLine

    How cold is too cold to play tennis?

    I have decided today is too cold to play. 22F with a light breeze. Even with some sunshine. Ladder singles match ... taking the default loss. Oh well.
  21. OnTheLine

    2023 GOALS

    All I want is a single injury-free, emergency-surgery-free year. If I can get that then everything that I have as a goal on the tennis court will probably happen! I will add one: Play my aggressive tennis again instead of my attempt at "smart" (read timid) shot placement tennis. Therefore...
  22. OnTheLine

    Fall behind if you don’t “Play up?”

    It is a nasty cycle this playing up thing. Especially in women's circles. So many play up that the next level gets fully diluted. (polluted?) If you are going to be low-man on the 3.5 totem pole, you will likely get placed in 3rd dubs and very unlikely to play 2nd singles (unless the team has...
  23. OnTheLine

    Tennis growing, competition declining?

    I would say league tennis is growing ... but participation in tournaments continues to shrink.
  24. OnTheLine

    How do you handle opponents who try to win the warmup?

    Not blasting anything .... I agree with the code... it is warm up, not practice ... particularly when you only have 5 minutes. In the case of a fool who in warm up blasts winners (especially at net) figure they don't need any more feeds and move on.
  25. OnTheLine

    How do you handle opponents who try to win the warmup?

    Where I live, that is next to impossible as there are very few public neighborhood courts outside of the facilities .... and those few that exist are packed solid. I would imagine those areas that need to play indoors would find it even more onerous.
  26. OnTheLine

    How do you handle opponents who try to win the warmup?

    How exactly do you do this when you are waiting for courts and the local rules give a 5 minute warm up? Most facilities book league matches back to back to back. In an ideal world yes, that would be great to be warmed up beforehand.
  27. OnTheLine

    The dreaded EOY Rating thread

    I too know a Vegas player who did this .... a little different and with a SoCal address originally ... was a 4.0S, bumped down to 3.5C, new profile created as a 4.0S again, bumped again down to 3.5C and then disappeared. Was a disaster to play mixed with ... I don't think he was 3.5, more like 3.0.
  28. OnTheLine

    The dreaded EOY Rating thread

    I told you Las Vegas was going to get crushed with bumps :)
  29. OnTheLine

    The dreaded EOY Rating thread

    I have no idea about leagues that advance to a sectionals but not a nationals ... with the exception of some combo and mixed leagues that in the sections I am aware of do not count towards ratings at all. There are also leagues that have no post season at all ... completely non-advancing. And...