Search results

  1. Biogenic

    ON (The Roger) tennis shoes

    Superb shoes. Really felt the ground on this one it almost felt like that i do not have shoes on lol.
  2. Biogenic

    My Wilson Custom Experience

    Hows the quality control? And pictures please!
  3. Biogenic

    My Wilson Custom Experience

    I haven't got that I hope there wouldbe no delays
  4. Biogenic

    My Wilson Custom Experience

    Hi guys! I do have a question, per email there was supposed to be 5% extra charge upon ordering? I am from the Philippines and the conversion rate to USD was really high compared to market rate so I was wondering if Wilson charged me the extra 5%? Would be great if anyone shares their...
  5. Biogenic

    Vapor X price increase.

    From 135 Vapor 9.5 to this 150 :(
  6. Biogenic

    post your shoes before the shoe warranty claim

    Just a question, How did you guys wear out your shoes like that in just like 1-3 months. Do you play singles high level or play 5x a week?
  7. Biogenic

    Djokovic Lacoste outfits: full catalogue

    Djokovic outifit onfire together with his shoes
  8. Biogenic

    UNIQLO - Worst brand ever

    if it calms u. Been to hongkong, japan, china, philippines. Not one has tennis items for sale lol
  9. Biogenic

    New Laver Cup RF97 for 2019?

    There’s also a blue 97CV and 97L it seems
  10. Biogenic

    New Laver Cup RF97 for 2019?

    Does it come with leather grip this time? Damn wilson for being so cheap last time
  11. Biogenic

    Should the Mains be tighter or Crosses?

    I want to know about this as well thank you!
  12. Biogenic

    Mizuno USA Tennis Official

    Hello! @mizuno Official Do you have any news if mizuno tennis shoes will become available in Philippines anytime soon?
  13. Biogenic

    GOAT @ Uniqlo store pre-USO

    Please make more federer items uniqlo!!! Read Talk tennis boards hahaha
  14. Biogenic

    Federer Uniqlo outfits: full catalogue

    Love all Rog’s uniqlo outfit!! Expect that madrid
  15. Biogenic

    Uniqlo US Open

    W where did you see sir
  16. Biogenic

    Uniqlo US Open

    So excited for it
  17. Biogenic

    Uniqlo US Open

    Oh damnn didnt read that correctly
  18. Biogenic

    Uniqlo US Open

    What do you mean both colors except white?
  19. Biogenic

    2019 Wilson Blade

    I I have question, so does this mean from Now on wilson will drop countervail? Including prostaff?
  20. Biogenic

    Federer Hardcourt Swing/USO Uniqlo Kit

    Yahooo!!! Any hints on what the design is?
  21. Biogenic

    Federer Hardcourt Swing/USO Uniqlo Kit

    Legit sources sir babolast?
  22. Biogenic

    Federer Hardcourt Swing/USO Uniqlo Kit

    Hope they release Them soon update plsss
  23. Biogenic

    Mizuno USA Tennis Official

    Hello! Are there plans to sell the the tennis lines here in the Philippines
  24. Biogenic

    Federer Hardcourt Swing/USO Uniqlo Kit

    Pls uniqlo release those jackets
  25. Biogenic

    Uniqlo apparel review

    The london socks has some padding in the heel and toe area. Its better than the FO open without padding. But overall the FO is also thick
  26. Biogenic

    Uniqlo apparel review

    I would like them to sell their dry ex to have logo. But i think if they do that their signature line of fed and nishi would become just like normal clothes and they will have a hard time to justify why their dry ex fed are 39$ and the normal ones are like 15
  27. Biogenic

    Uniqlo Wimbledon

    Well, when someone lifts weights in the gym; its not always to have a body like arnold schwarzenegger or some random dude with humongous muscle mass. There are different goals and reasons for lifting. For example your gould could just be having an aesthetic but functional body like for the...
  28. Biogenic

    Federer Wimbledon Kit

    Same here but their RF collab shirts and shoes really is super overpriced and i guess did not make profit for them. hence dropping fed for their own mistake of being too greedy
  29. Biogenic

    Federer Wimbledon Kit

    His last year was good right? Red accents was ok i guess