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  1. P

    Angell React MPP 99 Review

    That's a good description. I frame a bit more with the React, no idea why. I would say these two are very close playing wise with the React having a touch more power but less spin for some reason.
  2. P

    Angell React MPP 99 Review

    I have the CX200 tour 18X20 which I feel is far more controlled than the 16X19. I would say the React is similar with a touch more power, maybe slightly less stability just because it's lighter.
  3. P

    Angell React MPP 99 Review

    PC2.0 and PS85 are the two greatest sticks I shouldn't play with.
  4. P

    Angell React MPP 99 Review

    Yes it is the 18X19. It's a great feeling frame but like the Wilson Ultra Tour, I feel I need to beef it up to get the zing I need, and then my fitness level matters more.
  5. P

    Angell React MPP 99 Review

    Hi Guys, It's been a looong time. I thought I'd post in the main racquet group as I think the Angell thread is getting so long, things are getting lost. I, like a lot of people, am constantly fighting a battle between control and easy put away power. I love very controlled, no B.S. racquets...
  6. P

    The Official Angell Users Club

    It's not that great in stock form. 305G with a 21mm beam and strung SW of something like 315 IIRC, It needs some help.
  7. P

    HEAD Boom Official Thread

    I've had a Boom Pro for a few weeks now. It's a very interesting racquet. I'm switching from the Dunlop CX-200 pro 18X20. I love that racquet but feel it can be too demanding on my 52 year old out of shape butt. I see the Boom Pro as being in between the Pure Aero and the CX-200 Tour. Both...
  8. P

    Head Boom Pro 2022 Anyone?

    I'll post in the other thread as well. It's a very interesting racquet. I'm switching from the Dunlop CX-200 pro 18X20. I love that racquet but feel it can be too demanding on my 52 year old out of shape butt. Imagine this racquet as in between the Pure Aero and the CX-200 Tour. It has more feel...
  9. P

    The new Wilson Blade 100 v7.. stud or dud

    Hi Rye I wish I could give you more details but There isn't much to say. They added Flexfeel to the racquet which made it feel just like a clash to me. I find the feel of the clash and to a lesser extent, the blades, nondescript. I can't tell what's going on....just not for me. If you want a...
  10. P

    The new Wilson Blade 100 v7.. stud or dud

    I am demoing it right now. I use a pure strike 16X19 and also have a technifibre t-40. It has more power and spin than the 98 blade. The feel is just as non-descript as the 98's, possibly even more vague. It went back in the bag very quickly. Not a fan of the clash technology. I which they...
  11. P

    What is best racquet for a high school varsity tennis player (girl)?

    I hit regularly with the kids on the varsity team here at drills. I see a lot of Wilson Blades and Babolat Pure Strikes.
  12. P

    Wilson Pro Labs: Blade Pro Official Thread

    You guys are beasts! It truly is a great racquet, If you have the technique.
  13. P

    Wilson Pro Labs: Blade Pro Official Thread

    Hi guys, I'm curious what you are coming up with for swing weight. I got a pro 16X19 used with VS gut and ALU. The SW is 340, which I though was a bit high even with having gut on there. I put a bout two wraps of lead on the tail and it's now an 11.9 ounce racquet with a balance point at 33CM.
  14. P

    Info On My Babolat Appreciated - Year, Liked or Not, ETC ...

    Is that the soft drive?
  15. P

    Wilson Pro Labs: Blade Pro Official Thread

    Hi Guys, Just adding my $.02. I tried the BP 16X19. It's really nice!. I'd say it's like a softer version of my Babolat Pure-Strike. There's a lot of weight in the hoop! IT has great feel and decent spin! Great-great feel. Far better than the new blades! Nice stick!!
  16. P

    Stiffness and Gut Mains

    Well nothing is more comfortable than full gut...nothing. You lose a lot of spin compared to a hybrid or full poly. If that's not part of your game.. I prefer gut in mains over the crosses. I can get more control with poly in the mains and more power and feel with gut in the mains. FWIW
  17. P

    Clash 100 TW Review Honeymoon Period ?

    Out of curiosity, anybody mod a clash 100 and like the results?
  18. P

    Stiffness and Gut Mains

    As I'm getting older, poly is starting to affect my arm. I have to string poly at 50 or lower 46-48 is best for me. Gut at 55 poly at 50 works pretty well unless you are used to poly at 55+ then you have a slingshot. It takes quite a while to get used to the lower tension but it can be done.
  19. P

    Clash 100 TW Review Honeymoon Period ?

    Their review scores fluctuate a little, which makes sense, since racquet reviewing is always gonna be a bit subjective. They are still incredibly high for the clash. Stability his very high but in stock form I get pushed around. Stability is high for a racquet in it's weight class not high...
  20. P

    Clash 100 TW Review Honeymoon Period ?

    I agree, Flat serve doesn't have enough pop for me. I actually had to change my technique to get the ball in consistently. It needs more weight in the tip.
  21. P

    Clash 100 TW Review Honeymoon Period ?

    Hi guys, I'm curious if anyone else thinks the clash review on TW might be a little high. like they rated it in the honeymoon period. I'd probably rate it like this. Groundstroke=86 Volleys=83 Serve=79 Returns=86 Power=84 Control=85 Maneuverability=89 Stability=82 Comfort=90 Touch/Feel=80 Top...
  22. P

    Wilson Blade Pro (16X19) VS Ultra Pro (16X19)

    Thanks for responding. This is great information!
  23. P

    Wilson Blade Pro (16X19) VS Ultra Pro (16X19)

    Oh your right. it's only 20.6mm VS 21.5 on the BP...
  24. P

    Wilson Pro Labs: Ultra Pro (16x19) Official Thread

    Is an actual prostock lighter to start with?
  25. P

    Wilson Blade Pro (16X19) VS Ultra Pro (16X19)

    SW doesn't matter to me. In fact I think it's an advantage as it gives me more room to customize. So we will never know the layup difference. I'm not sure I'd understand it if you told me. The UP has a thicker beam and is stiffer but has a smaller head size. the BP has a thinner beam and is less...
  26. P

    Wilson Blade Pro (16X19) VS Ultra Pro (16X19)

    Thanks, I'm reading through the threads. The Ultra has a thicker beam all the way around. =more powerful. The Blade Pro has a larger head size which may equal things out. No ide on the stiffness of either... I called Wilson and they didn't even know the stiffness ratings were on there, even if...
  27. P

    Wilson Blade Pro (16X19) VS Ultra Pro (16X19)

    Hi guys, I know these sticks are pretty new but I thought I'd ask any way. I'm hearing the Blade pro is an H-22 mold and the Ultra Pro is an H-19. I have no idea if that is accurate. I loved the ultra tour but needed a little more pop and spin. I hated the new blades with the Clash technology...
  28. P

    Wilson Pro Labs: Ultra Pro (16x19) Official Thread

    I remember reading that Wilson was switching to a more rounded grip. I noticed the difference the first time I picked up a clash. I definitely feels thicker.
  29. P

    How do you deal with people who don't call lines fairly

    I'm sure. I was laughing through the whole thing.
  30. P

    How do you deal with people who don't call lines fairly

    I had a doubles match and we were getting robbed. I've never seen anything like it. Balls that were two feet in, were being called out and not just out, with a resounding NO! We did all the polite stuff. "are you sure?" then "Really?, are you sure?". Finally my partner had enough. They were...