Thanks for the info.
It's 12 oz (340 gms) but doesn't feel heavy. In fact, it swings fast. It feels flexible but has enough power (and control). I'll ask the shop if they can find another one for me as I'm enjoying this racket.
I bought this used Graphene Prestige S from a local tennis shop. It comes with a Head leather grip. By the way, this local shop, besides selling new gears, also sells used rackets from amateur and junior players. I'm wondering if this is a non-retail Graphene Prestige S.
Note: I've had this...
Personally, I like the creative Fed. I just love to see his footwork and how he constructs points. I've been watching some of his matches lately on YouTube, and all I can say (particularly his win against Isner) is that he has evolved into a different kind of Fed. Compared to his dominant run 5...
He's a lot smarter now in terms of how he manages his shots. He no longer goes for the big shots (only when there's an obvious opening), instead he sets the point well. More often, he uses the drop shot or wrong-foots his opponents. Also, he goes to the net more to end points or to force his...
I can't wait to see which Dunlop racket is he going to use. Anyway, he has played the following rackets:
He also played with a Wilson racket, but I couldn't find the picture.
I haven't tried the 4D 300 Tour, but I'm playing with AG 300 16x18. All I can say is that the AG 300 16x18 is a great racket on stock form, but if you lead it up, it becomes an even better racket. I placed 6 grams of lead on the racket's shaft just to increase the racket's swing weight. It's now...
i used to play with it, moved to the 18x20 version. i liked it at first, but you get bullied by power hitters, because it's not that stable (light perhaps).
I really like the M-Fil 200 18x20. At first I hated it, because I strung it with full poly at 59 lbs. But, when I lowered my tension to 52 and used a softer sting, it made a big difference. The control and feel that I can get is quite outstanding. I mean, I used to play with Aerogel 300 16x18...