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  1. M

    Babolat Pure Storm Ltd GT vs. Prince EXO3 Tour 100 (18x20)

    Errata (engine deletes spaces): figure 1 _| # figure 2 | # _ is just space
  2. M

    Babolat Pure Storm Ltd GT vs. Prince EXO3 Tour 100 (18x20)

    Thank you very much for the replies, as with good racquets, it is usually the case is the best choice is to get them both :-D @JesterMania, just for the record. Standard grommet "keeps" string in place, hole port however is just well "hole", so if you look at side the string can be in several...
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    Babolat Pure Storm Ltd GT vs. Prince EXO3 Tour 100 (18x20)

    Hi, Both racquets are in the lists of "plays like a" of TW, so what are the distinctive differences that a player should know about (apart from specs, it is obvious)? I am in particular interested in behaviour of EXO3 holes. Let's say I hit a forehand and after that backhand -- do...
  4. M

    [Wilson] Pro Staff 6.0 95 -- is the handle hollow?

    Thank you both. Pity -- I wanted to change the balance to make handle more heavy. However if I don't put anything inside, it would mean making handle more thick.
  5. M

    [Wilson] Pro Staff 6.0 95 -- is the handle hollow?

    Hi, I know that some people changed the buttcaps of those racquets (because by default it says "BLX" all of the sudden), so I have the question related to it. Is the handle hollow or not? Thank you in advance. Kind regards,
  6. M

    Wilson Pro Staff 6.0 85

    I've read all pages, and I didn't find the answer so if I may -- is this racquet originally (i.e. by Wilson) stringed? Or does it come with empty frame? Thank you for clarifying this issue.