Search results

  1. geom

    5.0 hit in San Diego 11/30-12/3

    Hi, I will be in San Diego this Friday 11/30 to Monday 12/3. Looking for a solid 4.5-5.0 for a singles hit or to join in some doubles. Post here or shoot me a message if interested. Thanks much! G
  2. geom

    Head Racquet Sensor......Powered by ZEPP!

    Good to know Jaakko, appreciate your reply and follow-up.
  3. geom

    Head Racquet Sensor......Powered by ZEPP!

    @Jaakko - so the app does not allow you to go back and view the specific detail about the individual strokes that make up a session? Is only summary data (averages, etc) available for a saved session?
  4. geom

    Why is the USTA website so terrible!!

    Here’s your chance to make it better:
  5. geom

    Looking for 4.5-5.5 Hit in Phoenix area around Thanksgiving

    Thanks for the message - I sent you an email.
  6. geom

    Looking for 4.5-5.5 Hit in Phoenix area around Thanksgiving

    Will be in PHX area for a week and change around Thanksgiving. 5.0 level. Drop me a note if interested in hitting, doubles, etc. May jump in for the Phoenix Fiesta Bowl depending on draw. Thanks, G
  7. geom

    Double Bump - ever see it?

    I was on the team that took 5.0 Nationals in 2010; our top ringer guy got double-bumpage from 5.0 to 6.0.
  8. geom

    Any USTA rules changes you'd like to see?

    Couple things... 1) I was one of the 5.0's on a 40+ 4.5 team. I'm wondering why they only allow 2 "+" rated players to be rostered. I understand only being able to field 2 "+" players per match, but why restrict the roster to only 2? The way I see it, this creates the opportunity for more...
  9. geom

    Stats guys: 55% games won; 70% matches won

    I run a contract time group of 4.5/5.0 guys. One year I logged the match results into a database and tracked stats. Here's how they looked...
  10. geom

    Intensive practice session for 4.5 to 5.0 player in NYC?

    Hey arche3 or anyone other solid 4.5's/5.0's in this area, I will be staying in that area (Ridgefield NJ) this weekend 2/19 & 2/20 and would love to have a hit session at Binghamton if you are available. I'm a former D3 player and was on a 5.0 USTA team that went to Nationals this year...
  11. geom

    Hybrid setup - Cross suggestions to use w/Big Ace?

    Thanks BarricadeV. Are you using the same tension for the mains & crosses with that Blue Gear/Maxim Touch setup?
  12. geom

    Hybrid setup - Cross suggestions to use w/Big Ace?

    Hello, I've been playing with Pro Supex Big Ace 18g (1.22) for about 6 months now. I really like the string, and think it has added some additional pop to my game, particulary my serve. However, as someone who plays a lot of doubles as well as singles, and plays serve & volley more...
  13. geom

    New to stringers

    I was in a similar situation, looking to spend around $500-600 and was considering both the Alpha Revo and Gamma X-ST. Then I happened into a used Prince Neos in fantastic condition and jumped on it for the same price. I love it. I had used a drop weight when I was in high-school 20 years...
  14. geom

    prince neos owners: need help

    I would try Tennis Machines... tennismachines dot com 1-800-572-1055 They are very helpful.
  15. geom

    Gamma 6004 6pt VS New Alpha Apex II

    Why wouldn't you simply get the Gamma stand for the X-ST?
  16. geom

    Used Neos, or new Axis/Gamma X-ST?

    Hello, I've been contemplating the purchase of a new stringing machine and had narrowed my decision to the usual suspects that get good feedback around here (Alpha Revo/Axis Pro & Gamma X-ST/5003). I've come across a like-new condition, used Prince Neos that I can get for ~$550-$600...