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  1. T

    If RAFA wins Gold and US WILL BE the greatest individual season ever!

    Following your logic, Federer should not be considered GOAT either...I mean he basically played against the same "weak" field of players aading the advantage that he didn't have to face a GOAT contender.
  2. T

    How does Nadal get all these muscles ?

    The funny thing is that I recall him saying in some interview that he hasn't lifted weights in his whole life. I got friends who have that natural gift...the simple hard daily hard work they do as a living has made them have bodies I wouldn't have even if I lifted weights all my life. Nadal...
  3. T

    How does Nadal get all these muscles ?

    Let's see if I understando this correctly? Its something new...therefore it must be wrong, evil and bad. Wow, I thought that kind of thinking died in the middle age.
  4. T

    Olympics is still something special

    What he's saying isn't important. The guy is crying. Not seen him do that in any of the major titles he has won, but just having an olympic medal (not even gold) made him crack.
  5. T

    Olympics is still something special

    Haven't posted a lot here though I do read the forum almost everyday. I just wanted to share something that really caught my eye. It seems that the olympics are really really special for whatever reason. Proof: this guy has won tons of titles...
  6. T

    Did you See that Call - WoW

    I find that Capriati's behaviour during that whole incident is the saddest thing of all....she knew very well that the ball was good and she kep quiet (its just impossible to see that ball out, its so way in its ridiculous)... didn't know about this incident but JC has lost a lot of points on...