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  1. L

    Is Tennis Magazine Going Under?

    Man, it was great reading Tennis Mag while in the bathroom...
  2. L

    Nadal Cheating??

    If that's true, then all players that look at their group box should be fined, especially when they look to them whether or not to call a challenge.
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    Sampras vs Federer at age 29 and beyond

    "He needs to work on his net game..." What are you smoking??? This guy has been working on his game since he picked up a racquet, do you really think he needs to "work" on something in terms of gameplay at this point? It's all mental now. He served terribly in his last match, do you think he...
  4. L

    Which semi wil be first on Saturday

    You underestimate pro athletes' fitness level. Don't compare them to your own. The heat is something that would have affected players more than anything, and now that it's cooled down, anything goes. I think it will be a no-contest semi for Nadal, and as for Fed-Djoker, it's up in the air...
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    All the pressure is ON FEDERER at the U.S Open 10

    Wow, you guys are taking this way too seriously. The pro's are making millions each year and not even worried about who's GOAT or whatever. I think Nadal can definitely take the title, but Fed is really doing well too. Both haven't dropped sets so far...we'll see what happens tomorrow in Fed vs...
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    Ground strokes side-view (video clip)

    Thanks I did notice that I wasn't fully extending my arm out and timing the shoulder/body turn with the swing so I can get that centrifugal force, but it was hard to practice when the guy is expecting me to hit it back to him. I really need to practice it next time.
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    Ground strokes side-view (video clip) Here are my ground strokes from a side-view. I can definitely hit back but the problem is when he hits it at an angle with heavy top spin, I do my running forehand (which I can get back 40-50% of the time) or running backhand (25%). A big issue with...
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    Serve Critique

    Knee bend, it's amazing how much power you get when you explode into the serve. Along with that, make sure you get enough shoulder turn.
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    Match play analysis (video clip)

    Good suggestions, I actually did use some drop shots and they've been very effective. In the past I could never get them to drop so close to the net as I can now. It definitely throws them off since I can disguise them very well at my backhand. The forehand drop shot I haven't tried very much...
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    Match play analysis (video clip)

    I don't think I'm a 3.0 level, I've played guys in 3.0 before and my game is definitely past that. I think I'm at least 3.5, if not 4.0.
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    Match play analysis (video clip)

    Yes I agree my backhand is not very reliable, but for some reason I have good days and bad days. I'm trying to get better at approaching because most of the times I get short balls and when I approach I hit it in the net or long. My forehand is eastern/semi-western, depending on the shot I...
  12. L

    Match play analysis (video clip)

    Thanks for the input guys. Next time I'll record from the side view.
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    Match play analysis (video clip)

    Thanks for the replies. After watching that video, I could tell that I look really lazy on recovering after the serve. I should serve and quickly get ready to hit the next shot. Same thing with hitting a groundstroke. It's like I sit there waiting for something when I should be in the ready...
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    Match play analysis (video clip)

    Hello again, Here is a video clip of my match play with a friend (I'm the guy with the brown shorts). I lost that match. You'll see all my errors and laziness lol. But please check it out and let me know how I can improve my game. Thanks
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    My serve - please let me know what you think

    Thanks for the advice. I must say, after that one day of practice and reading everyone's input on my serve helped me improve it dramatically. I played yesterday (video coming soon) and I only double faulted a few times, vs many times in the past few weeks. My flat serve is finally back :) and...
  16. L

    My serve - please let me know what you think

    Good tips. One of the things I noticed is my knee bend and my jumping to hit the ball. For the most part I was barely getting off the ground. But towards the end of practice I was able to correctly time the jump and swing correctly and really noticed a difference. I'm definitely going to try...
  17. L

    My serve - please let me know what you think

    I agree. For some reason my serves don't seem to kick as much as I'd like them to. I've been told a few times that I got a nice "kick" in a few of my serves, but I'd like to be consistent with them. One thing that I sometimes visualize is hitting the ball somewhat behind my head, but that...
  18. L

    My serve - please let me know what you think

    Yes I wanted to practice that because my 2nd serve sucks ass. But I tried to do a couple flat ones and they turned out to be kick serves lol. I still have to find that motion again. It's funny that you mention Goran since I used to mimic his serve when I was younger! :)
  19. L

    My serve - please let me know what you think

    So after seeing some good feedback from others on their serve, I decided to try it out. It's amazing what you can learn from just watching it yourself. This is the first time I've ever seen myself play tennis from this perspective. I can't wait to record myself hitting groundstrokes and...
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    My first serious attempts at getting a good serve

    Pretty good for someone who just started playing.
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    How does poor 1HBH form cause T.E.?

    Dude, it's the computer/electronics. I work at a desk all day and sitting there for hours doesn't help. Try changing positions and read up on proper sitting posture and mouse/keyboard placement while sitting at your desk. I've had issues where my right shoulder, not so much my elbow, was...
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    How to improve the returns?

    take a step or two from where you are standing now, then you may be able to get a good swing at it, or else you can block the shot like a volley or slice.
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    What do you guys think?

    It looks like your arms are not as extended as the should be when hitting your strokes. But, if it's working for you... Try not to hit the ball so close to your body so you can get a full arm extension, probably get more power out of the shot.
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    Some slo-mo hitting footage

    lol at your reaction to errors
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    Eastern Backhand Grip Before Service Return

    I wait on the BH grip (continental FH), it's easier for me to change to my FH grip than BH.
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    Attacking A Weak Serve

    You're thinking too much. Just like GetBetterer said: "Just do it"
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    Attacking A Weak Serve

    It's not impossible, especially if you're trying to hit a winner out of it. If anything you're more likely to mishit if you're trying to bang out a winner vs pushing it back safely
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    Attacking A Weak Serve

    I've had to deal with this last weekend. If he hit a really weak serve, I always tried to go down the line and deep and move into the net. It wouldn't make sense to hit it right back to them cross court where they wouldn't have to move to hit it back to you.
  29. L

    Playing in the heat vs during comfortable temps?

    Make sure you have lots of cold water and try to sit in a shade during changeovers. I like bringing grapes due to the water content and also a towel to dry off the sweat. I was also thinking about bringing a folding chair to sit on during the changeovers but haven't done that yet. Consider...
  30. L

    playing against a heavy topspin player

    Make sure you respond with a deep return because heavy top spin shots will likely push you back to the baseline, unless you can take the ball early on the rise. I don't know if this is good advice or not, but you may have to employ a jumping forehand/backhand so you can reach the ball to...