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  1. G

    Los Angeles and pro football?

    I wish that ESPN and the rest of the national media would quit talking about the Jaguars as possible contenders to be the first team to move. Go look for yourselves... Jacksonville has NEVER been last in the league in attendance. They get a bad rap...
  2. G

    demos in Destin

    I love Sandestin; my wife and I went last year (or the year before, possibly). What are you talking about with regards to problems with privileges? We stayed in a condo on the beach, but were still allowed a bike rental, an hour of tennis per day, and use of the trams. Anyways, their...
  3. G

    allowing time between mains and crosses?

    As long as it's your own racket, do whatever makes you happy. I hope you never charge anyone for that, though I guess if you raised your reference tension it would even things out. Still...
  4. G

    NIKE HAT worn by Isner & Berdych

    dang, i missed a nude ghoat pic? what if it was a goat wearing the ghoat... i mean come on, goats don't wear clothes anyways!
  5. G

    Any experienced stringers willing to help?

    Like Irvin said, once you get "good," you can do it in about 30 minutes. I've personally been stringing for about 2 years (or three?????) with almost 100 string jobs to my name, and it takes me 60 minutes on my racket (I know it well) and 75 minutes on a typical job. With a better machine (I...
  6. G

    Celebrity Death Match String-Off Between Diredesire and Yulitle: Who Wins?

    All I know is that I could learn a LOT from either of these guys. Asking this question is akin to asking me if I want to take a Lambo or a Ferrari to the track next weekend. Answer: who cares, since both are better than my Civic! Anyways, I voted for YuLitle because that's how I learned to...
  7. G

    Do drop weight machines ever need calibration?

    Well, it's worth "calibrating" them once, to make sure the scale is in the right spot. You know, if they put that sticker an inch "off", that's not a small difference. Buying a calibrator for my DW machine was a bad idea, though. Just sayin'...
  8. G

    So I was watching the Klippermate commercial on Tennis Channel...

    lol... I sit while stringing... I put my SP Swing on a coffee table and sit on the sofa and go for it. It's kinda slow (60 minutes is a good time) and I'm looking forward to the day I get a setup that allows me to stand up. Sitting at that table, with the stringer as high as it is for...
  9. G

    Tricky Logic Question

    Ok so I promise I haven't looked at ANY answers yet. Here's how I'm thinking... 1. Y: I don’t know what this card is.: Y has a 4, 5, Q, or A. 2. Z: I know that you don’t know what this card is.: The suit is heart, since all three of those cards are doubled in a different suit (and therefore...
  10. G

    What plays like a technifibre 335

    I hear the Technifibre 335 plays like that one. :oops: Sorry, I couldn't resist.
  11. G

    USTA summer league lines order of play important!

    What difference does it make?
  12. G

    Spider Silk, ruined?

    My Global Gut has unwoven like that before... I just wind it back as I put it in the racket, and I've never had it come back to bite me. Yet.
  13. G

    Never noticed this before

    Hahahah I was thinking of posting something similar to this as I read through the thread. You win this time, Donny!
  14. G

    Fast women!

    yep, it sucks.
  15. G

    Wife complains about my wandering eye

    I applaud this well-written post and its success in approaching a serious subject in such a tongue-in-cheek fashion! This is hilarious! The title makes the reader think you're checking out the short skirts around you. Then you build up to it, and say it's guys (!) that take your attention...
  16. G

    Drakulie -

    The Silent Partner dropweight doesn't hurt natural gut. Sure, it'll bend the string a bit, but I've done plenty of natty string jobs with no problems. I wouldn't call its bend a full kink. Now with that said, I don't know much about the spider silk string, but I wouldn't worry about the...
  17. G

    Racket weight, swing speed and physics

    Was it THAT long ago? Where has the time gone?
  18. G

    Tennis Drama and Attitudes..What should I do?

    He's proud of himself for hanging in there. Just like the ping pong video posted earlier. :)
  19. G

    Tennis Drama and Attitudes..What should I do?

    This sounds like me so far. You know that feeling when you pop "the one" smack on the line? You know that feeling when they call it out? Ugh, what an swing in emotions!
  20. G

    Tennis Drama and Attitudes..What should I do?

    It's a league. Win. Get excited. Do your thing. Maybe you should keep the drop shot serve to yourself, but whatever. You're complaining about not making many friends on the court. Well you're not supposed to befriend your enemies, are you? If you're looking to make friends on the court...
  21. G

    Hitting People with the ball.

    That clip is AWESOME and it stands for much of what this thread is about. Final answer: each of these two shots were legal (though that serve was pretty mean).
  22. G

    Treatments for Rotator Cuff Tendinosis?

    She's a doctor, and we're not. She's looked closely at your shoulder, and we've not. Listen to your doc. Or see another. But honestly, how the he|| will we know if she's correct or not?
  23. G

    On NTRP

    you said that phrase a couple times in your comments... ahh, the crux of my tennis existence!
  24. G

    Hitting People with the ball.

    Here are a couple options: 1) be ready for it, and dodge "Matrix-style." 2) read #1.
  25. G

    On NTRP

    Yeah I was reading that thinking "did he just put The Blonde Backboard in the same group as Clijsters?" Clijsters hits the he|| out of the ball! Wozzi just never misses.
  26. G

    On NTRP

  27. G

    TW: FREE the GHOAT

    Yeah, and april fools to you, too. :cry:
  28. G

    Best Sandals?

    I love my Teva flip-flops. My wife has been through 3 pairs, and I'm on my first. AWESOME!