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  1. 8

    What is a considered a good second serve percentage?

    I mean the percentage of second serve points won.
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    What is a considered a good second serve percentage?

    Hi guys, I am doing a statistics paper on whether second serve winning percentages have an effect on the number of match wins. I will be taking data from the 2013 year. I will be doing regression analysis and chi-squares tests. For, chi squared test of independence, the null hypothesis is the...
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    Is semi-western really the best grip for forehand?

    I just said that because OP said agassi uses a eastern.
  4. 8

    Is semi-western really the best grip for forehand?

    Bollettieri says agassi uses a semi:
  5. 8

    Berdman shows lack of volleying experience

    I thought people get hit all the time in dubs wats the problem?
  6. 8

    Is sportsmanship lost in pro tennis?

    I don't know if the ball boys in the bigger tournaments are any different but when I ball boy'd in a challenger I would watch the whole point. I even got into some of the matches very closely but I made sure not to show it.
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    Durability Guarantee?

    I dont know about you but I consider my shoes good until there is a hole in them.
  8. 8

    Courtballistec 4.3/ Vapour 9 / 2K12

    I was always hoping that nike would come out with a full dri fit RF hat instead of a hybrid.
  9. 8

    TRN Screw-up or ridiculous result?

    According to the orange bowl website it was Alexandre Favrot who beat mcdonald. Alexandre Favrot is sixteen according to ********** and the itf website. Alexandre is from France, and tennisrecruiting accdentally put down Alexander Favrot who is a fifth grader from Lousiana.
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    Courtballistec 4.3/ Vapour 9 / 2K12

    Those vapor 9's are ugly, better stock up on the 8's.
  11. 8

    Federer Media Blitz

    Thats exactly what I was wondering too, I want to see how happy he is after a big loss.
  12. 8

    Fake Asian Blx 90?

  13. 8

    Fake Asian Blx 90?

    That reference pic was an authentic Asian version so i guess the cosmetics for the asian and us versions are the same. Bad news for me:(
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    Fake Asian Blx 90?

    Yours was the US version so is there a difference with the cosmetics between the US vs Asian?
  15. 8

    Fake Asian Blx 90?

    I bought an asian Blx recently and it looks like its fake. here are two pictures of mine I think its is probably fake, but i just want to confirm. take a look at these pictures, it looks to be an authentic. The Wilson in gold is in a...
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    Huge news about Federer's racket!!!

    whats the weight on the ps 95 again?
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    TW nike exclusive shoe!!!

    3.3s orange and blue GO GATORS!
  18. 8

    [b]Is it okay to admit you get depressed when your favorite player loses[/b]

    Not proud of this but I broke my remote after i threw on the ground multiple times, when federer lost the 09 aussie open. Also I cried when fed lost to berdych in wimby. I also cried when the colts lost to the saints in the superbowl.
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    Nike 2012 Wimbledon

    the vapor 9s look like a running shoe
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    20 Hilarious Tennis Faces (Pics)

    I dare someone to find a funny pic of federer while hitting a shot.
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    Titchy tiny headed racquet 0, Sensible sized, modern game racquet 1

    Anyone ever heard of it not the equipment but its the player. Besides if fed feels the best with his racket then thats what he should play with. I'm pretty sure if he didnt like the feel, wilson would make him any kind of racket that he wants.
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    Is this sour grapes from fed??

    Djoker just thought screw it and went for the shot. Even he said he took a gamble. I'm pretty sure when he was 40-15 down again he didnt think "I got him right where I want him."
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    The Real Andy Roddick

    They moved the final to Monday!!
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    Will anyone give me a sponsorship?

    What does mantis usually give you?
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    Will anyone give me a sponsorship?

    I know a couple of dunlop rackets that I dont mind playing with, but I have to admit I I'm just trying to get a sponsor. Mostly because my parents cant afford paying full price for rackets strings etc, but it would feel awsome knowing im sponsored.
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    Will anyone give me a sponsorship?

    Thanks man, if i get it would be so cool to tell people that im sponsored:)
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    Will anyone give me a sponsorship?

    I just emailed the rep. How long do they take to respond?
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    Head Competition 2011 Package Question

    Can i ask head for an application?