Search results

  1. 5

    Reconditioning clamps

    your clamps are cover under the warrantty, just call Tim and he help you with it.
  2. 5

    What causes a racquet to crack during stringing

    Gaines! can you show me in details how to do the ATW pattern?
  3. 5

    Choosing A Stringing Machine

    Laserfibre is the way to go. Products are excellent, customer service is exceptional you can't go wrong.
  4. 5

    LaserFibre MS200TT clamps with less "drawback"

    Single is the way to go if you got the extra cash. You won't have to worry about locking your clamp's base.
  5. 5

    LM Pres MP : Please help with decision

    What I use to increase my gripsize is a roll of electrical tape. It work like a charm...I suggest that you might want to demo the Prestige first before you buy it before you might be waisting your money. I played with LM radical then I hear so much about how great the LM prestige is so bought...
  6. 5

    My worst opponent: myself

    Sherpa...go to There are some free article in the archive that you can read to help you prepare your mental game...
  7. 5


    Having a proper footwork is the key for twohands backhand. You have to get to the ball early and be inline with it at contact for the best result. Drive the ball with your lefthand and use your righthand to stablelize the racquet. Also your shoulder and hip rotation is very important. For one...
  8. 5

    Cook books for stringing rackets?

    Ay swillburn! go to they have your "cook book" up there...good luck
  9. 5

    Agassi plays with LM Radical, not paintjob

    doesn't matter what head size or weight Agassi use. As long as it is the LM material is what really count. I believe he's playing with the LIQUIDMETAL it's just customize to his preferences like a slot of us tweaking our racquets with leadtapes and etc..he just happen to be Agassi so HEAD...
  10. 5


    Liam, why are you hateting on Coria? I think he's playing very well and we would have a nice match to what. Don't be so shallow and make those comment about anybody if you don't know them...Keep the sportmanship going on this site.
  11. 5

    Stringway Stringing Machines

    Yep,,it will be easier and possibly faster. It's absolutely worth the investment...I've personally have the DX model on the way It's the Big Dog of the manual line-up...I'm just bragging....
  12. 5

    Laserfibre MS 200 DX

    Have anyone own or strung with the Laserfibre MS 200 DX before? What was your impression or experience with this machine?
  13. 5

    How do you beat a pusher?

    be crafty and patient. Power game will not beat a pusher unless you very good at it. Come to the net as soon as you got a chance. If you keep blasting the ball at him, all you gonna do is wear yourself out before him and you will make more mistake. It's true, if a pusher beat you he's better...
  14. 5

    My Back!!!

    You shoul not bend your back on serve. Keep it straight and focus on your knees bend and good shoulder rotation is the key for a powerful and consistent serve. If you're taller than 5'9'' you should not complain about this because all you have to do is to hit down instead of curving the ball...
  15. 5

    What's your secret?

    Can you share your secrets when you preparing for a big match tomorrow?..what do you do to hydrate yourself ? what's your secrets on fighting fatique? and also your preparation on your mental game...
  16. 5

    1st strining machine, Eagnas?

    I don't understand why people have to consider buying their first machine which usually a cheap one then upgrade it to a better and better one later. Why?...why don't you just spend one time with a good machine that will last you for a long long time that you never have to worry about upgrading...
  17. 5

    MS 200TT owner!...any regret?

    The rebate is automatic with your purchase, but you have to use it toward their products. Talk to Tim and he will tell you.
  18. 5

    MS 200TT owner!...any regret?

    OK...I've finally ordered my ms200tt and right now it's going for $879 for the single action with 80 dollars rebate...I know I'll like this little bad boy......
  19. 5

    switching arms

    I do have a friend that is a certified USPTA pro and he could play with two hand on both side or right hand and left hand. Doesn't matter which hand he play with he can kill the ball very effectively...What you have is a gift... you should explore on that instead of thinking it weir...
  20. 5

    lessons with a Pro

    I think it's a waist of money on lesson if you take too many of them. I rather spend that money on buying a ball machine. All it take is to know the basic and practice on it. If you want to see what you're doing wrong, you can ask someone you know to record your stroke with a camcorder and check...
  21. 5


    I think LM radical paint job look way better...but then it's only my own opion...
  22. 5

    To Mr.Rooski

    If you have weak wrists, then the head light racquet will be much better. LM instinct is a better choice, but rooski is right. You should demo the LM radical OS with fairly low tension. LM radical OS have the biggest sweetspot I have ever seen. Good luck
  23. 5

    radical MP+ and Prestige MP+??

    LM radical will be a better transition from your PC. LM prestige might be too demanding and seriously lacking in the power department.
  24. 5

    MS 200TT owner!...any regret?

    I have seen a lot of good feedback on the laserfibre MS 200tt in this forum. But, recently I've seen some mixed feeling about this machine. Some wish they would have bought another machine for different reason...Anyone out there wish they have bought another machine?..If you do what would it be...
  25. 5

    mental game

    Go to and there are some free article in the archive about the mental game of tennis..I found them to be very helpfull
  26. 5


    I'm a 5.0 player and about 5'5". I hold the racquet lower on the handle as much as possible that way I can get a higher reach at the ball and allow more wrist action. Also I bended my knee and jump up and into the ball as my service motion. Don't try flat serve when you not that tall, you might...
  27. 5

    string durability related to racquet?

    I played with PS tour 90 and get about 4-5 hours of play before they break and sometime I break two or three string at a time. I trung them with wilson sensation 16. I recently switch back to my LM radical and I get much more life on the same string (about 12-15 hours) before they break). I...
  28. 5

    Any smoker, or former smoker?

    Thanks for the input guys..I have recently cut down significantly on my smoking from a pack a day to about 5-6 a day and my game have improve. I can see the ball clearer and response much faster. I last longer on the court also.
  29. 5

    HELP! Head or Prince?

    I say the Radical, since the string pattern is denser so you will have more control
  30. 5

    Need a baseline stick

    It's not all the string pattern's fault. You guys need to follow through a bit more and that will bring your topspin down.