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    Lehecka Splits With Berdych

    Same Name and Surname. Different person.
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    Head Prestige Pro 2023 16x19

    Nicely written. Thanks
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    Head Prestige Pro 2023 16x19

    Thank you a lot! I quite like Gravity PRO but it is too dense for me. Playing (played) with PK Q TOUR, Head Prestige Graphene MID , Yonex Vcore Pro, some older Prince frame... So If I kindly ask you to tell your opinion about Flexibility, how it feels generaly? Arm friendliness, ball...
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    Head Prestige Pro 2023 16x19

    Hi Any news about mysterious Prestige Pro 16x19? Thanks
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    Head Gravity Pro club!

    Hi My tennis mate has 2 Hea Gravity PRO and like the frame a lot. He is may be not so good but remembering times of heavier racquets. We are looking for suitable strings prefering comfort and spin. Could be quite expansive, not low cost or a bit higher. Thanks indeed
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    Dino's Estusas

    Hi Watching this ESTUSA party... Anyone knows RA of Estusa ProLegend Classic PRO? Blue and gold colour, 95in, 18/20. Thanx
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    How long do unopened cans of balls last?

    Yep, pressurized. Wasn't probably so old :) As I m remember well, my mate got 2 cans as a gift :)) What happened to second one, no idea. I was curious about general durability. Preferably from producers. Doesn't matter. Thanks
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    How long do unopened cans of balls last?

    Thank you lot. This year happened to my tennis mate that he opened new can of ball (traditional brand) and they were totally dead. So I am careful. My experience is that TF X1 getting older slowly than Wilson RG CC, btw. Thanks.
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    How long do unopened cans of balls last?

    Hi Having about 12 cans bought abou 12 months ago, not played bc of covid. TEcnifibre X-One and Wilson RG clay court (50/50). HAs anyone experince how minimum 1yo or more balls behave? We have an offer to buy large amount of TF Xone, quite good price. Believe in micro leaks could happened, so...
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    Adding mass in the handle - best method for feel?

    My idea was to put BluTac or sth deeply into handle. Probably BT in foil. When weight is evenly distributed, it makes better feel,I think. Should still be removable. I see your point, combine overgrip or leathergrip with weight should work. Thanks
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    Adding mass in the handle - best method for feel?

    Thank you. Racquet on the picture is not mine. If I push BluTac in, I ll never get it back. It's really narrow. So put there silicon means the same. Thank you anyway.
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    Adding mass in the handle - best method for feel?

    Hello I d just like to ask you the best way how to deal with the plastic bar and nails inside the handle of my racquet (looks like the right one, but my is more difficult to customize). My idea is to put there blu tack, but there is lack of space. I do apologize for my English, really not...