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  1. D

    Just Purchased the Babolat Pure Aero Rafael Nadal

    I think you’ll like the 2019 PA. I originally started with the OG, had elbow issues, then went on a lengthy journey to find something to tame my strokes. I have a long, loopy forehand, and I wound up with a PS90. It will always be one of my favorite racquets as there’s nothing that feels like a...
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    Upgrading from Wilson Clash 100 Pro to get a more arm and spin friendly racquet... to what?

    Ditto on the restring! I’m 49 and love to hit heavy top spin. I use a Babolat Aero Pro Drive which has a reputation for arm issues, but I don’t have any. I won’t critique your technique since I have no idea how you hit, but something else to consider. On the string side, though, I use Isospeed...
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    Pure Aero Substitute

    I agree on addressing the actual issue with your arm. I started with the APDO and left it because my elbow hurt so much I had a hard time shifting gears in my car. I missed it, but everything I read said it was my problem. Fast forward about 15 years and 5 racquets later (including a PK 7G...
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    CURES for tennis elbow

    I got two sets off of amazon—the old style and new one. I went with the sleeve which covers the arm. They can be pretty tight, so I don’t think a shirt would be good.
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    CURES for tennis elbow

    I’m in AK now, so haven’t played in awhile. I ditched the copper sleeve for a full compression sleeve by 2XU. I found the tightness of the sleeve on my forearm, elbow and bicep helped keep everything in place, less over-flexing Not sure I believe the marketing, but it did seem to help a lot...
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    My apologies. Unfortunately they both only seem to be in reels which is how I've always bought it. Probably not worth paying $60 to try unless you string your own. There have been many threads on strings, of course, and years ago one of them mentioned Isospeed and Gosen as a really good...
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    I use Pro Form Tough (Gosen Sheep but in 15L and half the price of Micro) with Isospeed mains in 17L. These play great with solid spin (big part of my game), durability (about 15 hours) and price ($60 for both reels, about $2 a job). I've tried more expensive jobs, but keep coming back to this one.
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    Tennis Elbow

    This: This works instantly and thoroughly. Can't believe this isn't more widely known. I bought a couple of lacrosse balls since they are denser and don't slip on the wall.
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    Replace pallet on Wilson Kfactor 90?

    I replaced an 85's pallet after discovering the same thing. I think I used a TK82S and Gorilla glue. In my research, I think the guy who said it would likely fit had a 90. I also have a prototype, blacked out 90 (ncode?) that I've thought of doing it to, but have enjoyed the 2014 PS90 so much...
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    I use a hybrid of Isospeed Baseline Spin x Gosen Pro Form Tough (17g & 15g, respectively). It plays very well, has some softness and still gives me tons of spin when I need it.
  11. D

    Fitting head pallets on a Wilson stick ?

    I used a large flat file. You can scrape with the square end and smooth any rough patches with the file.
  12. D

    Fitting head pallets on a Wilson stick ?

    I put a Head TK82S pallet on a PS85 Chicago. The original owner shaved the foam off and made it square. I trimmed the length to where I wanted it, and I think I used Gorilla Glue to secure it. There was a small gap between the pallet halves, so I filled it with RTV. Slid on a Wilson L2 butt cap...
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    Playing with 93sq inch head?

    I agree. I switched to a 90 this year, and it wasn't a hard transition. You might be surprised at how well you strike the ball i.e. how often you hit the sweet spot. I think it depends on your style of play. You lose free power going to the smaller head size. I have a big forehand with a long...
  14. D

    How dense is the string pattern of a Pro Staff 90 to that modern racquets 18x20 and denser?

    Just so I say something to the original intent of your thread, I think the last version of the 90 is pretty open, evenly spaced. I have a PK Redondo mid that is 18x20, and it is super dense. The squares look half the size even though the hoops are pretty much the same. The closest I've seen to...
  15. D

    How dense is the string pattern of a Pro Staff 90 to that modern racquets 18x20 and denser?

    Surprising! I don't think I've ever hit a flatter, lower slice. That is one of the first things I noticed about the 90. I used to always pop up my slice backhand if I got lazy (often), but the 90 rarely does it.
  16. D

    How dense is the string pattern of a Pro Staff 90 to that modern racquets 18x20 and denser?

    Maybe it isn't more spin, but control over it? Either way, I hit western with both, and the spin seems just as visceral with the 90. What is surprising and perhaps accounts for my interpretation of more spin is how sharp of an angle I can get with the 90 compared to the APD or anything else. It...
  17. D

    How dense is the string pattern of a Pro Staff 90 to that modern racquets 18x20 and denser?

    One thing I noticed about my 2014 PS90 is the outer strings are closer to the frame than on other sticks. The whole pattern is pretty open, but evenly spaced. By comparison, my APD is pretty dense in the center, but very open near the edges. The outside strings are pretty far from the frame...
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    I like the pocketing and softer feel I get at 54. I'd go lower, but my drop weight arm gets in the way of the gripper. I did try 30 twice as it works phenomenally in larger racquets, but I couldn't keep anything in the court.
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    I've always done a hybrid. For the 90, which I've only been playing with for about 4 months, I found Isospeed Baseline Spin mains crossed with Gosen Pro Form Tough to work excellent. It's best after it settles in a bit and produces some of the most wicked spin I've ever hit while still giving...
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    I would agree. It is a bit of a pain to string. The last couple of crosses with three sections of string are particularly tough. The tie off sucks, too, but I've learned a couple of tricks for both. For the last cross, I use a pair of needle nose to pull the string while I push. For the tie, I...
  21. D

    CURES for tennis elbow

    I came down with a pretty terrible case of TE this past year, and I was worried that I would have to stop playing. In fact, everything I read said rest, brace, Ibuprofen, maybe even surgery. The time associated with it was a year or more, too. Then I found this video on YouTube: This has made...
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    I have a western forehand, and I'll tell you, the racquet is just as good for us. What surprised me was the amount of spin I get. Coming from a 100, I thought I would have to hit more flat. What actually happened is that I have my big topspin shots combined with the ability to hit flatter. I...
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    Which racket has highest spin by experience?

    I spent years looking for more topspin and hit a variety of racquets with an even greater variety of strings/tensions. My best setup was a PCG 100 w/BHBR17 x Blackzone @30lbs. I ditched the spin quest to find control, and wouldn't you know it, the PS90 I have now with Isospeed BS 17 x Pro Form...
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    Increasing Grip Size advice

    Glad you figured it out. I just went through the same thing with a PS90 L2. I used a sleeve, but the leather grip made it too fat. So I put a Yonex overgrip on instead plus a Wilson Sensation overgrip (super thin). Now it is the perfect size and has strong bevels.
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    Held the RF97 in my hand breaker :(

    I live in Phoenix, and the Redondo just survived two months of 110-120 degree temps. It's still over 100, but now we're into the monsoon season, so humidity is high. I keep it inside when not playing, but more because of the strings, not the PJ. Just giving you a data point.
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    Held the RF97 in my hand breaker :(

    Pro Kennex Redondo has a rubberized coating that seems to last.
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    Who's still using an original mid (85-93, no 95's)?

    I've used it successfully for years in a variety of racquets. You think you'd lose all control, but it really only softens the bed. There's a bit more launch angle I think, too, but I can hit flat just as easily. I just restrung the PS90 with it and have only hit with my wife who's just...
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    Who's still using an original mid (85-93, no 95's)?

    I picked up the Redondo Mid for $50 and liked it so much that I had to try more mids. The Pro Staff is a recent addition, but I love it. The feel is sweet and the ability to place the ball is unparalleled. Not sure what all the fuss is about when it comes to mids and the modern game. I'm hitting...
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    Best midsize rackets in your honest opinion :)

    It was breezed over earlier, but the PK type C Redondo 93 deserves a consideration. Hefty, flexible and hits a great ball.
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    **** #1 Redondo Talks Thread ****

    Though power would be nice, I'm looking primarily for control. I used to play an APD, and one day noticed that everything went long. The POG helped with that tremendously, but I think the mid will carry it even further. I'm excited a bout the plow through and flexibility of the frame and how...