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    Could a 4.0 player handle the K90???

    If you're out to enjoy improving your tennis than there is nothing wrong with giving the 90 a whirl.
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    % body fat?

    11% right here
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    Kevlar and other string types at low tension

    How are the groundstrokes with such a loose set up?
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    who still uses leather grips?

    I only use overgrips over leather in the summer. Winter its all naturale, it's definitely a good feeling.
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    Ivo & Isner as Doubles Partners

    Boring. It'd be better if they were on the opposite sides of the court.
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    Request: Real pics of MG Radical TEAM (In exchange: LOTS of MG prestige & Pro)

    Well I had to go through all the new Head frames to see how they feel and spending about 5 minutes on each I'd say the RT felt most comfortable, the strings were kind of weird on all of them so that might have altered my impression but playing with a solid topspin fh and one handed bh it felt...
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    condensed milk
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    running a mile

    I am trying to imagine what kind of handicaps you would have to aquire to achieve that...
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    6 Pack

    Chess is good, probably do a whole lotta good for this young character with a body image obsession.
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    running a mile

    4:30 hahaha, right. I'm lean, played soccer and tennis in high school and at 6'2'' 155lbs ran a 5:15-5:30 mile, I have a really hard time believing someone who hasn't been dedicated to running can run anything under 6 minutes at age 16.
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    6 Pack

    Swimming, believe it or not does the trick the quickest. Crunches are god, pushups and pull ups will help. That exercise where you are lying on your back and then lift your feet at a 90 degree angle to your body and slowly roll onto your shoulder blades and extend the feet as high up as you...
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    My serve. 100 + MPH with video and radar

    Serves are a little deceiving as is. I playtested a few of the new microgel frames yesterday, mostly the prestige pro and hit a few serves with it with radar, my fastest were in the 90's but there were a few that looked like they had more pace on them but ended up in mid 80's. Anyways, this...
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    Request: Real pics of MG Radical TEAM (In exchange: LOTS of MG prestige & Pro)

    I enjoyed hitting with that radical team
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    Wilson QC sucks

    I thought the same, and I agree to a degree. Some of the wilson frames can be all over the place. However I ran several K90's from my shop through the process and they all were near identical.
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    Wilson K90 or K95?

    I prefer k90, smoother feel and has more weight so feels like the shots are flowing through the ball and putting some weight on them. Serves are great as well. The weight can be hard to adjust to, especially if you are not an every day player. I generally like smaller head size frames and so...
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    Redondo real spec?

    Is there a difference between the 100% graphite version and the 80/20 graphite/kevlar one?
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    Your Signature Shot!

    In doubles: A laser return in deuce court down the line barely clearing the net and catching the opponents doubles player off guard. Laser bomb first serve, followed by soft, extreme slice first serve the next point.
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    "It's never the racquet."

    a frame is a tool, at the very basic level it doesn't matter how refined it is. once you begin to improvise with it, that is the point where your relationship with the frame goes to the next level - comfort, power, stability, spin etc... - each racquet will have a slight variation of these...
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    Is the fix in tennis?

    good point
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    The AO should change its surface either to carpet or wood.

    You can slow wood down a little bit. Still, it is an advantage for servers, but there is nothing that can't be counter attacked by good players, for example I would be afraid of Rogers shot making as much if not more than the big servers delivery.
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    Buying racquets from tennis warehouse...

    Yeah that's a good idea for a young person, you'll be in "chase freedom" mode for the rest of your life))))) but really it's not so bad.
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    lux 08

    Well for next year for sure they are sticking with Luxilon. And I don't really see why they would switch, it's gained popularity under the Lux brand name, they make good profits, and if in 5-10 years they find out that the string caused a really high percentage of injuries in this generation...
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    need your opinion

    dude, definitely go. it's as fun as you make it, it's a new experience, think of it this way. if you were not to go you would just spend another day in school, a place you'll be at for the rest of the year. this gives you a chance to do something new, and it's really only akward to yourself...
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    lux 08

    There are some demo packages running around. Our shop is carrying most of the kfactor lineup and so the reps been in and out quite a few times. And yeah it looks similar to the other lux, gray but different texture.
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    Boring Era

    Yeah the players seem to be so concentrated that the feeling often turns into something very detached while watching them engage in the slugfest. It's a job when you play full time, but I really would love to see more players who are more simple, and not so serious - who are happy to step...
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    Ana Ivanovic - Interview Magazine photoshoot

    Yeah I agree with whoever said that she projects a healthy image. Comfortable with her body, unlike some of the other girls. Sharapova just looks uncomfortable in her body.
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    Who would you LIKE to see win the Masters?

    I'm for anyone who will show smooth, interesting tennis. Hopefully there are some great matches coming this year.
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    lux 08

    no, i meant a spin oriented version of the string in addition to rough and power.
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    lux 08

    wilson is coming out with a luxilon spin.