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  1. S

    Professional Juniors /Kids - First Hybrid suggestions thin Poly / Multi

    Not really because still have 200m of RIP Control 1,25mm... Smile...will try rpm soft or Diadem Evolution AS Cross...
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    Professional Juniors /Kids - First Hybrid suggestions thin Poly / Multi

    Everyone suggests Swift? What about ghostwire or rpm soft?
  3. S

    Professional Juniors /Kids - First Hybrid suggestions thin Poly / Multi

    Not yet. She Likes RIP Control Most of the Multis she tried
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    Professional Juniors /Kids - First Hybrid suggestions thin Poly / Multi

    She did Not Like Kirschbaum syngut Premium 1,25. Moves a lot..she played terrible she said. I now would try RIP Control in the Mains with different crosses. Any Suggestion which of them could Work best as a Cross with Head RIP control 1,25mm Mains and why? Any Advantages to RIP Control...
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    TRU PRO (formerly Tier One Sports) Ghostwire vs. Isospeed Cream

    GW 1,10mm is quite soft
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    TRU PRO (formerly Tier One Sports) Ghostwire vs. Isospeed Cream

    Have you tried ghostwire 1,17mm or even 1,10mm ? Still durable and softer ..
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    Let's create a list of the Top Favorite Poly Strings

    Tierone Black Knight Tourna black Zone Kirschbaum pro Line 2
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    String stiffness on TWU vs. RacketPedia

    There are a lot of more examples and i also Wonder about this .. MSV Swift...very very soft...rp 1,0
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    Head Rip Control question

    OK thanks a lot. Helps a lot. And what about RIP Control in Mains and poly Like ghostwire 19 in crosses?
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    Value Multi's

    Very good. Thanks a lot. And rpm soft? More Like syngut or Multi?
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    Value Multi's

    Thanks a lot. Was adresseed to
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    Value Multi's

    You think Velocity is stiffter than Kirschbaum syngut? Where would you See RPM Soft and RIP Control?
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    Head Rip Control question

    Can somebody compare RIP Control AS Cross with thin Poly in mains to Babolat rpm soft as cross? Spin? Stiftness? Durablity? Control? ...
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    Toroline Wasabi X: Compare it with Cream, Ghostwire and MSV Swift as Cross?

    Ist ghostwire 19 in 1,10mm or Swift 1,25mm softer? More comfortable in crosses?
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    Cross for Poly Tour pro / pro Line 2/ hyper g soft 1,15

    Which IS best soft Cross for you with 1,15mm Poly in Mains from above 4 and why?
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    Ghostwire which gauge is best?

    Try ghostwire 19....very thin....good Spin.... what are your experiences with Ghostwire 19 in 1,10mm?
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    TRU PRO (formerly Tier One Sports) Black Knight / Ghostwire Hybrid Reviews

    What tension in Mains and crosses would you suggest for Black knight 18 1,18 Ghostwire 19 1,10 Thin Cross tighter? Normally doughter plays 22kg/21 kg with multi in crosses 19/16 Racket
  18. S

    Cross for Poly Tour pro / pro Line 2/ hyper g soft 1,15

    I know...but you wrote "Then 1.15 mm poly will last 1 h"....i know that Swift IS much softer... Back to Question MSV Swift 1,25mm Rpm soft 1,25 Kirschbaum syngut Premium 1,25 Head RIP control 1,25 Ist there a big difference in comfort / stiftness or all about the Same? Durablity?
  19. S

    Cross for Poly Tour pro / pro Line 2/ hyper g soft 1,15

    Swift 1,25 2 hours in Mains with Go Max MSV in crosses. Black knight 1,18mm more than 10h.
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    Cross for Poly Tour pro / pro Line 2/ hyper g soft 1,15

    Swift in Mains only last 1 or 2 hours .. That is why i want Poly 1,15-1,18 in Mains with crosses in of them: MSV Swift 1,25mm Rpm soft 1,25 Kirschbaum syngut Premium 1,25 Head RIP control 1,25 Ist there a big difference in comfort / stiftness or all about the Same? Durablity?
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    Cross for Poly Tour pro / pro Line 2/ hyper g soft 1,15

    Any ideas? Thanks a lot
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    Cross for Poly Tour pro / pro Line 2/ hyper g soft 1,15

    Last Question. So thankful you spent so much time for me! If i compare possible crosses MSV Swift 1,25mm Rpm soft 1,25 Kirschbaum syngut Premium 1,25 Head RIP control 1,25 Ist there a big difference in comfort / stiftness or all about the Same? Swift Most unkomfortable because IT IS a Poly...
  23. S

    Cross for Poly Tour pro / pro Line 2/ hyper g soft 1,15

    Yes thanks a lot. Would have expected hyper g soft to bei softer....but i SAW that Data for hyper g soft 1,25 (Not 1,15) are quite different. Tennis university data say quite soft...while Racket Pedia AVG. stiftness is quite high for hgs....KB pro Line 2 plays only good for some hours right...
  24. S

    Cross for Poly Tour pro / pro Line 2/ hyper g soft 1,15

    Thanks a lot for all the great answers!! Big Help for me! What do you think which of the 5 possible Mains IS the softest and Most comfortable? Possible to rank them? yonex poly Tour pro 1,15 Kirschbaum pro Line 2 in 1,15 Hyper g soft in 1,15 Signum pro hyperion 1,18 Black Knight 1,18 Which...
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    Cross for Poly Tour pro / pro Line 2/ hyper g soft 1,15

    Oh great..thanks a lot. And coming from a Poly / multi Hybrid with 22/21kg with Velocity in crosses also 7-10 percent Higher?
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    Cross for Poly Tour pro / pro Line 2/ hyper g soft 1,15

    OK thanks a lot. So If i used Poly with 22/21kp still 22 in the Mains and p.e. 23 kp a Nylon String in crosses?
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    Cross for Poly Tour pro / pro Line 2/ hyper g soft 1,15

    Or Cyber flash 1,2mm. Stiftness Data Racket Pedia says 0,6. But for 1,25mm and 1,3mm much stiffter..more than 1, ist that possible?
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    Cross for Poly Tour pro / pro Line 2/ hyper g soft 1,15

    What about Babolat rpm soft? Similar to Element?
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    Cross for Poly Tour pro / pro Line 2/ hyper g soft 1,15

    Never heard of them. Maybe difficult to get Here in Germany. Any other more popular Strings i could try as soft Cross?