Search results

  1. B

    Nike Shoe recommendations similar to Zoom Cages?

    I'm size 11. I just looked and seems like that may be the way to go. I also order some shoe goo so may try to repair my current shoes for the time being. But if I get back into playing a lot I won't mind spending a lot on some new tennis shoes.
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    Nike Shoe recommendations similar to Zoom Cages?

    I may go with them but am having trouble finding them in my size and it's at the top of my price range ~$165 after tax. Do you know how the Vapors or another shoe closer to $120 compare
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    Nike Shoe recommendations similar to Zoom Cages?

    I'm getting back into tennis after a long break and the sole on my old Nike's came loose. I always found that Nike fit me well (low arch), were comfortable and pretty good durability so I'd like to stick with them. I think I used to have the Zoom Breathes and Zoom Cages both which I liked...
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    Call it quits - only 40 and sore from playing

    Thanks all. My back is doing much better but my knee is taking longer than expected. It would have been one thing if it was an acute injury but I'm not even sure what I did to it. Maybe I just stopped wrong, felt a twinge but didn't think much of it at the time. I'm going on vacation soon so...
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    Call it quits - only 40 and sore from playing

    Thanks for the feedback. I may continue to just hit casually with my wife until I'm pain free. I know some guys who play doubles once a week so that will be good to ease back into it too. Even though mentally I don't feel like I over did it and felt pretty good on the court, my body is...
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    Call it quits - only 40 and sore from playing

    Well, I'm not ready to completely call it quits, but I'm 40 years old, recently started playing again and have been discouraged by soreness after I play. I initially had a sore back (my SI joint occasionally flares up) and now somehow tweaked my knee (I tore my MCL playing football in college)...
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    Serve tips (video)

    Thanks for the feedback, that makes a lot of sense too.
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    Serve tips (video)

    Perfect, that's a great video. Sometimes my serve feels a bit rush / out of rhythm. I'm going to work on adding a lag and see how it feels
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    Serve tips (video)

    I'd like to get more consistent with my serve. Should my toss be a lot lower? If so, I'll need to adjust my timing quite a bit and work on consistently tossing at the same height. Anything that looks especially off or any tips?
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    Racquet head sizes ... pros vs intermediate players?

    What racquet head sizes do the top pros use? I believe Novak's is 95. Also, what racquet head sizes would you recommend for most intermediate (~4.0) players?
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    New TWU Racquet Recommender Tool

    Neat tool. I too am wondering how accurate the spin metric is. How does 5% less spin translate and how is it measured? I have a Prince 03 Tour MP and according to the tool it provides more spin than all of the 294 racquets it compares. I'm happy with the racquet so guess I'll stick with it
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    Kids tennis balls : Wilson Orange Dot vs Penn QST 60

    Are these pretty much the same? Are they decent to teach with for a 7 year old or should I stick with the QST 36?
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    Which Overgrips should I try?

    Well, I picked up the following: Yonex SuperGrap, Volkl V-Tac, Head Super Comp, Gamma Supreme Power I definitely like the Wilson Pros over the SuperGraps and maybe the others. I figure I'll probably sell or trade the ones I don't like and stick with the Wilsons. If anyone is interested in...
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    Cheap tennis balls for a hopper

    Looks like those get good reviews too at about half the cost. I'm going to do a bit of research but may go with a case of those instead
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    Cheap tennis balls for a hopper

    Great, thanks for the feedback. I'll probably go with a case of them
  16. B

    Cheap tennis balls for a hopper

    Seems like the Trinitis are twice as expensive. Do you think they last over twice as long?
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    Should I demo some new rackets?

    Thanks for the feedback. I just did a racquet finder search and saw a bunch of interest. I think I'll be able to tell pretty quickly if I prefer a heavier, head light tour style racket vs a more intermediate style racket. If not, I might play it safe and go with the intermediate as I figure I...
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    What is the impact of leaving racquets in the attic?

    I doubt an average player would notice a difference. I left my rackets in my attic for 9 years with outdoor temps ranging from freezing to triple digits. They still seem to play the same.
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    Should I demo some new rackets?

    I'm playing again after about a 10 year break so I have some pretty old rackets: a Prince 03 Tour that is my main racket but has seen better days, a 10 year old Babolat Pure Drive Team and an old Wilson Pro Staff Classic 6.1 My game right now is between a 3.5 and 4.0 and I'd love to get closer...
  20. B

    Tension for control?

    I haven't played in close to a decade so forget what I used to string at. The other day I strung Gosen OG Sheep at 60 lbs and have used it a couple times. Is the typical recommendation for poly to string it at 10% less? Maybe I'll try 54 and 60 lb to start.
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    Tension for control?

    I'll be stringing either IsoSpeed Baseline 17 (poly) on the mains and Gosen OG Sheep 17 (synthetic gut) on the crosses, or a full OG Sheep on a Prince O3 Tour. I'm looking for more control than power. What tension do you recommend?
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    Forehand Critique / Tips for consistency (video)

    I appreciate the additional thoughts. My back has been sore/tight since I got back into it but once I feel good and loose I'll work on more shoulder rotation, more extension, etc and may even get a coach if I get really into it. Right now, I'm just hitting and playing for fun and working on...
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    Lower back sore / tight

    Thanks, I ordered the book so will give it a read. Will also work on longer warmups and stretching more. I started doing these which seems to help a bit -
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    Forehand Critique / Tips for consistency (video)

    Great, thanks for the feedback. Makes sense. Based on it, and a few videos of some pros and lessons that I just watched I now have a better feel for what I want to do.
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    Lower back sore / tight

    I'm playing tennis again after a long break and my lower back is getting sore after playing. Not super sore, but I don't want it to become more of a problem. The spot is around the back of my right hip bone. I've had some tightness and tweaked this area in the past and am now considering...
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    Forehand Critique / Tips for consistency (video)

    I'm playing again and really want to work on consistency (especially with topspin and depth). I like hitting a lot of topspin but I find that tougher to do when I'm on the move and sometimes my timing is off and the balls will sail. Here's a couple shots at the end of a hitting session...
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    Staying balanced with an Open Topspin Forehand

    I have an open topspin forehand, but sometimes my right (hitting side) shoulder drops well below my left shoulder (especially for low balls). Also, my right foot gets planted but my left foot often comes up and I tend to be falling back. What are some good tips/ things to think about to break...
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    Cheap tennis balls for a hopper

    I’m looking to fill my hopper with 70+ balls. I may just wait until I'm done playing matches but ideally I'd like a hoppers worth of balls sooner than later. Seems like my best bet may be to get a case of 72 Penn Championship Extra Duty balls for ~$56. Any other ones I should consider?
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    Which cheap strings should I try?

    Thanks, that's nice of you. I'm in North Carolina. I could send you some IsoSpeed Baseline Speed 17 in return if you're interested.
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    Which cheap strings should I try?

    Does TW sell it? I need a bit more to get free shipping so am hoping they do.