Yes I would agree that TR is low In my case. It has me back at 4.0 after getting dq’d after sectionals this year. Looks like TR has only 2 guys on my National runner up team getting bumped lol
We played our local league season almost a year before that TN team was formed. They had actually played another one of our teams the year before. One lives in Atlanta half the year.
Granted the strength of our team was our doubles lines, we did need to win 6 3rd set TB at sectionals to make it to Nationals. If we are 4.5s then so are the teams that could have easily beaten us. Same at Nationals yet very few of them got DQ’d
neither the UT or Tx captain that were mentioned got
Well i am the player discussed that got DQ'd so I will give you some info you might not thought of. So year end 2018 I was bumped to 4.5, after playing 40+ matches at 4.0 and 8.0 mixed going to Sectionals in both. 2019 I played 18+ 4.5 low as...
For what it is worth, the top 4 teams I saw this weekend were Intermountain, Southern, Texas, and Florida in that order. Florida had the misfortune of drawing both IM and TX. If it weren't for a bad lineup against Northern, TX would have been in.
He owns a tennis center so has easy access to player pool. Plus covers the expense of several team lessons with pros weekly. Confirmed by one of his players
Yeah I think maybe requiring more matches to play nationals would work. I think we had 1 self rate play at nationals but he had 15+ matches played before.
Yea plus the vast difference in the number of matches each team played to get to nationals. If I looked at it right Northern played 8 less matches and Intermountain played 13 less matches than us to get here
I know just for me, I am a much better player now than a year ago. It is also interesting the amount of matches various teams played to get to Nationals. I believe Hawaii only played 6 team matches to get here while we played 22. I didn’t look at all sections but I would guess we have played the...