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  1. GetBetterer

    Word Association!!

    Vanilla Ice - Ice Ice Baby (song)
  2. GetBetterer

    Word Association!!

    Avocado Goolash
  3. GetBetterer

    Word Association!!

    Roasted Duck
  4. GetBetterer

    I'm tiring of the "grow the game" mantra

    Well if you want it live...without it being a recording how do you move it into a different timezone?
  5. GetBetterer

    0-6 is being bageled, 1-6 breadsticked but what about 3-6 and 4-6?

    I think the score references are based on shapes. A 0 looks like a bagel too. A 1 looks like any sort of stick, they just like to keep bakery foods relevant to the discussion. No idea what a 2 looks like... For 3 you MIGHT be able to get away with Pretzel 4 Depends on how you write the 4...
  6. GetBetterer

    Word Association!!

    Smirnoff (nasty I know, but the only thing I can think of from that picture)
  7. GetBetterer

    Starcraft 2 players club

    soyizgood: I'm taking every option. News Anchors don't count because they're not that much of the actual storyline. Until she destroys a planet or something, she's not on my list.
  8. GetBetterer

    stats: avg number of time you have to flip a coin to ensure a head

    I skipped Statistics and went directly to Calculus and never took it in College, but just by going off a guess: There's a 1/2 chance it would work the first time, another 1/2 chance it would work the second, and a 1/2 chance the third and so forth. This leads us to 1/infinity using basic...
  9. GetBetterer

    Starcraft 2 players club

    soyizgood: I don't think Kerrigan died at the end. It looked like she just kind of calmed down and rested in his arms. As for the storyline (this is a guess), I think she tries to get the Zerg army back since the Dark Voice will destroy the entire world if she doesn't. Although I do think it's...
  10. GetBetterer

    To Jump Or Not To Jump

    I can't "jump" as well as the Pro's, but I do it.
  11. GetBetterer

    Word Association!!

    Federer > Nadal always.
  12. GetBetterer

    Starcraft 2 players club

    coyfish: When you get into Grand Master's League, your entire thing "resets" so to speak so that only the games you play in Grand Master are shown.
  13. GetBetterer

    Starcraft 2 players club

    Hey hey, guys, guys Guess what, Guys, Hear me out, Guys, Starcraft 2... HEART OF THE SWARM!!! Important Stuff happens @: 1:50 5:15 SC2 HoS Interview: I chose...
  14. GetBetterer

    Word Association!!

    Tennis Balls (of course)
  15. GetBetterer

    Making a tournament draw found online
  16. GetBetterer

    Word Association!!

    Black Box (for TV)
  17. GetBetterer

    Word Association!!

    Friedman & Schwartz
  18. GetBetterer

    Starcraft 2 players club

    Hot_Sauce: Yep, Season 2 started like 2 months ago-ish. Good luck on everybody's endeavors!
  19. GetBetterer

    Dubious privileging of the internet and computers

    max: It's called advertising, and it helps you get money. There were tablets out way before the original iPad, but when iPad began advertising it, we saw a surge of people buying tablets and companies advertising tablets. What sureshs said. I haven't met anybody who does this, but if there...
  20. GetBetterer

    Classic Women's Matches on Grass-- Please Help!

    Graf vs. Seles @ Wimbledon
  21. GetBetterer

    Word Association!!

    Law Firms (10 char)
  22. GetBetterer

    Word Association!!

    O. J. Simpson
  23. GetBetterer

    Disgusting spitting on court

    Sometimes I do it too, and it's really this "feeling" you get in your mouth when you put water in, and it mixes with spit and it feels icky inside. So icky that swallowing it really doesn't feel good.
  24. GetBetterer

    Word Association!!

    Amnesia (the Dark Descent)
  25. GetBetterer

    Dilemma with old cat

    Well, maybe she's just used to pooping at the old spot. Honestly I don't see what's the huge problem with it other than that you have to look at it being in your living room. There are freshener litters which makes the place smell good if she poops, and you don't have to clean it EVERY day...
  26. GetBetterer

    Word Association!!

    "I is Confus" lolcat
  27. GetBetterer

    Judgement Day

    the ACTUAL Date is in October of this year. Well, let's wait it out you guys. Then if that one goes as badly as this one did, let's revive it in 2012. I'll make sure to revive it then, if it doesn't return -- the rapture happened.
  28. GetBetterer

    Judgement Day

    It's the 22nd in Korea...did we make it? Seems so...
  29. GetBetterer

    Judgement Day

    Well, it's May 21st in Korea, world hasn't ended for them yet. It was all fake. Good day to you sires. If it happens before then, well in that case: Gentlemen, it was an honor posting with you tonight.
  30. GetBetterer

    Starcraft 2 players club

    dave333 confirmed for troll. But since you're drunk, I'll go easy on you: If you read my post, what you said doesn't match up with Timbo's hopeless slice, or yourself. Won't Vikings just dominate them? Vikings are great anti-air units, and maybe, just maybe if they massed Marines, they might...