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  1. AlecG

    Graphs of pre-impact tension vs stiffness and "energy return"

    Mannarino strings at 8-10 kg or 18-22 lbs. But the tensions on the graph are pre-impact tensions, not reference tensions, and I think they mean immediately before *each* impact, and after previous impacts. Tension drops 2-12 lbs from the reference tension almost immediately, certainly within...
  2. AlecG

    Graphs of pre-impact tension vs stiffness and "energy return"

    Based on data or speculation? The data I've seen shows otherwise. If you check the "Total Tension Loss" box here and click Get Report, you'll see the total tension loss for the first 10 strings is between 13 pounds and 26.5 pounds, with a starting tension of 51 lbs...
  3. AlecG

    Graphs of pre-impact tension vs stiffness and "energy return"

    That's two things. Did you forget one? This is pre-impact tension, not string tension. The real tension of the strings very quickly drops to well below the reference tension after stringing, even before you start hitting, and then it drops even more. Totally agree, but "energy return" seems a...
  4. AlecG

    Graphs of pre-impact tension vs stiffness and "energy return"

    Energy return wasn't measured by measuring power, which might explain why they seem to have taken down the articles about it. They acknowledge on their website now that strings with lower stiffness have more power even though they also have less "energy return". This is due primarily to the...
  5. AlecG

    Graphs of pre-impact tension vs stiffness and "energy return"

    NOTE: I believe they used a VERY STIFF polyester string here (Black Code?), as some polyester strings have similar stiffness to some nylon strings. Here are some graphs that were on a talk tennis thread a while ago, from a tennis warehouse article, both of which seem to have since disappeared...
  6. AlecG

    The Ruud Awakening!

    Priorities. Most of those tournaments he just doesn't care about as his focus is clay season, Roland Garros and then the ATP finals.
  7. AlecG

    The Ruud Awakening!

    Haters gonna hate.
  8. AlecG

    Why are bad food problems soo common among tennis?

    OK. Generally I agree with you. I notice a lot of unwarranted disrespect on these forums, including from many in this thread. But when I see see someone with less than zero science knowledge being disrespectful to scientists with their crackpot theories that prevent us from solving serious...
  9. AlecG

    How Mannarino (aka Claydrian) can dominate on the clay

    Talk Tennis only want to argue over which pro player sucks. It's no fun :cry:
  10. AlecG

    The Longform Tennis Essays / Articles Thread

    If only the title was "tennis is the worst organised major sport in history".
  11. AlecG

    How Mannarino (aka Claydrian) can dominate on the clay

    New plan for Paris olympics:
  12. AlecG

    The Longform Tennis Essays / Articles Thread

    OK. Here you go:
  13. AlecG

    Why are bad food problems soo common among tennis?

    Must be fun making things up. First you claimed superbugs were to blame for food poisoning and now you're instead claiming it's due to pro players having their gut flora destroyed by antibiotics? Yes, antibiotics temporarily destroy gut flora, which then recovers just fine quite quickly with a...
  14. AlecG

    Why are bad food problems soo common among tennis?

    They are getting sick in the semis and quarter of grand slam tournaments. Some players look for "excuses" in the minor tournaments but it's clear many are genuinely getting sick.
  15. AlecG

    Why are bad food problems soo common among tennis?

    This doesn't make sense, mate. Superbugs are only called "superbugs" because they resist antibiotics. They aren't enhanced in any other way and so aren't any more likely to cause an initial infection, and food poisoning generally doesn't last long enough to require antibiotics so it won't make a...
  16. AlecG

    Is Sinner Finished?

    He's not finished until he does himself a serious injury or destroys his joints. He has a high risk style and string tension but seems very healthy for now.
  17. AlecG

    Why are bad food problems soo common among tennis?

    OK but that's just not the main thing that causes serious stomach issues like these. It's usually poor food hygeine in kitchens. The number of places that don't wash hands properly or don't use gloves or don't change them often enough is crazy, and there are other issues like surfaces...
  18. AlecG

    Is the Australian Open too early in the year?

    There are a couple of issues it would solve. For the players they currently have to start on New Year's Day if they want to get a tournament in before AO that gives them a week break. This contributes to the problem of getting very little off season and means they can't enjoy New Year's Eve or...
  19. AlecG

    Is the Australian Open too early in the year?

    Maybe, but it starts in February in the Southern Hemisphere, so it could certainly be expanded there, and probably anywhere else south of Estoril. I don't think anyone was suggesting moving the British grass tournaments to late May, early June. Yep. If they were to be moved, just before US...
  20. AlecG

    Is the Australian Open too early in the year?

    Average temperatures in February are actually slightly cooler on average, not to mention at the very end of Feb, but school holidays are over by then.
  21. AlecG

    Why are bad food problems soo common among tennis?

    Yeah. I wonder how many cases are from eating out and how many cases are from the official catering, players' buffet etc. Sometimes a bunch of players get food poisoning at the same tournament, which makes me suspect the player buffets are risky. But it's true that restaurants can be too.
  22. AlecG

    Is the Australian Open too early in the year?

    Nah. Move IW and Miami to after Wimbledon so that the clay and grass season can start immediately after AO in Australia/Asia. All we need is clay and grass courts that actually have stands.
  23. AlecG

    Is the Australian Open too early in the year?

    Ah, of course. There weren't many kids in the crowd when I went (from what I can remember), but I guess that's it. I think there need to be more weekend long micro tournaments that start Friday night and finish on Sunday arvo, that way they could be held in Aus right after the AO and get big crowds.
  24. AlecG

    Is the Australian Open too early in the year?

    To me it seems a bit crazy to cram 5 tournaments for each gender into 2 weeks starting on New Years Day and ending the day before the Australian Open starts: United Cup, Brisbane, Auckland, Adelaide and Hobart/Hong Kong). For comparison, the US Open has the same number of hard court tournaments...
  25. AlecG

    All PRO players racquet SPECS

    A couple of good resources on this: 2021 spreadsheet: Reddit infographic:
  26. AlecG

    Let's settle this for once and all

    I think your overall point might have merit but in what respect is Stefanos the "far superior athlete"? A height, weight or strength competition?