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  1. delosalpes

    8th Gen Yonex Ezone

    I believe it’s “she”: Alyssa Yoneyama
  2. delosalpes


    How’s that working out?
  3. delosalpes

    Ezone 98 v8 String Setups

    I’ve got some pink Enso, maybe if I find otoro to be too firm, Enso cross could be an option.
  4. delosalpes

    Ezone 98 v8 String Setups

    I just got set of o-toro. What does snapper add to the equation?
  5. delosalpes

    8th Gen Yonex Ezone

    @TW Staff Thank you!!! I, and probably others, would love to hear the playtesters' string set up preferences with the Ezone 98 and 100--particularly with polys. Did they prefer softer or firm, crispier polys, more lively or more dead? Strings that offer more pocketing or those with a more...
  6. delosalpes

    8th Gen Yonex Ezone

    Why not just add a gram or two of tungsten putty in the butt cap and call it a day?
  7. delosalpes

    Ezone 98 v8 String Setups

  8. delosalpes

    Ezone 98 v8 String Setups

    I dig a softer feel. So far enjoying MSV Swift and M8, each full beds. M8 is firmer yet just as comfortable. M8 has an edge on spin but lower powered than Swift. Didn’t care for TBS in 1.25. I’ve got reels of confidential 1.20 and TB 1.15. Will give both a try, maybe that thin TB next, but I...
  9. delosalpes

    8th Gen Yonex Ezone

    In the 2025, so far, I’ve tried MSV Swift, M8, and Tour Bite Soft—all 1.25 @22kg. I would rank them: Swift>M8>>TBS. Swift was marginally more comfortable than M8, but was more powerful. Spin was sufficient with both. TBS provided the most spin but balls fell shorter, particularly with...
  10. delosalpes

    8th Gen Yonex Ezone

    I would disagree. I experience more power without loss of any control, maybe due to the lower ball trajectory. I’m getting better depth with the 2025.
  11. delosalpes

    Soft poly for a Yonex Ezone 98 Aqua Night (305grs)?

    I second MSV Swift. I just tried it in my 2025 EZ 98 and it was fantastic.
  12. delosalpes

    New Ezone paint job is ugly

    Really? A light blue racquet challenges your masculinity?
  13. delosalpes

    8th Gen Yonex Ezone

    Just strung up one of my new EZ 98s with Swift 1.25 for its maiden voyage. The other with TourBite Soft 1.25. Will report back.
  14. delosalpes

    8th Gen Yonex Ezone

    Ooops! Corrected.
  15. delosalpes

    8th Gen Yonex Ezone

    New racquet(s) day! My 2025 Ezone 98s unstrung specs: - 303g / 31.5 balance / 288 SW (Briffidi) - 304g / 31.4 balance / 287 SW Very happy with that! Compare my v7s: - Blue: 306g / 31.2 / 284 - Aqua Night: 301g / 31 / 276
  16. delosalpes

    8th Gen Yonex Ezone

    I know a guy.
  17. delosalpes

    8th Gen Yonex Ezone

    EZ 98 x2 order in!
  18. delosalpes

    8th Gen Yonex Ezone

    That's sounds like a terrible idea, but what do I know. The 300 does not lack power, and already feels hefty for a 300. I would think that you would either have to hit laser guided missiles just over the net cord or hit with a tremendous amount of spin to keep the ball in play. Who is this...
  19. delosalpes

    8th Gen Yonex Ezone

    I have not seen it in person, but I really like the paintjob. It's refreshing, like the percept green. Don't get me wrong, I have the Aqua Night and think it beautiful and dig the all black aesthetic. But a vibrant, distinct paintjob that stands out in a good way (unlike the extreme paintjob...
  20. delosalpes

    Solinco Blackout V2

    I don’t know but the video was posted by Solinco yesterday. So it’s the new one or someone needs to talk to their marketing team.
  21. delosalpes

    Solinco Blackout V2

  22. delosalpes

    EZONE 98 — Two years later

    I like my EZone (all my sticks) closer to 31cm balance. Adding some weight in the butt/handle should make it feel more manuveable.
  23. delosalpes

    EZONE 98 — Two years later

    I’m coming from the Percept. And, for me, the ez98 asks for a more vertical swing path. My serve and OHBH are (relatively) amazing with the EZone. My forehand is still adjusting. Maybe it just doesn’t suit you or you need to adjust.
  24. delosalpes

    TOROLINE Enso?

    I sometimes use it as a cross. It's very slick and round. Works nicely with Wasabi in the mains, but it's a very muted set up.
  25. delosalpes

    Introducing Grapplesnake USA!!!

    try solinco confidential 1.20 in the mains and M8 1.25 in the crosses. Pure gold.
  26. delosalpes

    Introducing Grapplesnake USA!!!

    M8 but maybe 6 side would be sweet. Tour M6 please
  27. delosalpes

    Introducing Grapplesnake USA!!!

    I'm currently playing with M8 in my Ezone and really do love it. I I could ask for two things it would be a bit more ball bite and a touch more power. Any chance Mako accomplishes that with compromising M8's wonderful qualities?
  28. delosalpes

    Introducing Grapplesnake USA!!!

    Sounds promising! When will it be available in the Europe webshop?
  29. delosalpes

    2023 Yonex VCore Pro Racquets / 2024 Percept Racquets

    4g total at 10&2 and 5g in the butt. Could probably use maybe an additional 1g or 2g at 12 as it's still a bit anemic compared to my P97H or VCP 97D which are both unmodified.
  30. delosalpes

    2023 Yonex VCore Pro Racquets / 2024 Percept Racquets

    I kind of feel the same way and might also spec up my Ezone to my VCP 97D specs. I get a lot of topspin with my VCP 97D; although I do use a small gauged, shaped poly. It's not a high launch, looping top spin; it's a penetrating top spin shot. And as someone who likes to play an attacking game...