Search results

  1. G

    Anyone know the name or HAVE the Browning wood composite like a PK Golden Ace?

    I think you're right. This is the first time I could find this model, and only because of 'Contact'. No cross-piece, and my friend's has NO name on his like this one here. Thanks
  2. G

    Anyone know the name or HAVE the Browning wood composite like a PK Golden Ace?

    A friend has a Browning wood/graphite 90" frame. NO NAME. Very dark purple overlay face, thin beam, VERY similar to the Pro Kennex Golden Ace, but his model has a throat cross-piece/bar in the V-throat (some came without? The ONE pic I have (and cannot post) had no cross-piece. Earlier...
  3. G

    Will other Blade grommets fit my 98 v6.5?

    Thanks. Wasn't sure where to put this. Was kind of leaning towards the CV-version as no one listed a 6.5
  4. G

    Will other Blade grommets fit my 98 v6.5?

    Wasn't sure where to post this, but my searches find 6.0 and 7-on up, but no 6.5 sets?? WTH? Mine is the all-black, green writing only WILSON, CV. Thanks
  5. G

    Wilson Prostaff 6.0 85 Original Grommets

    I have 2 sets of WRG5914 in one bag. Not sure of differences, as 2 St. V/Chicagos I have have grommets, but set inside the frame, not 'bumpers'. Did you ever find - and what did you pay? I just saw a set go on the 'E' for $100 for one set
  6. G

    Head (Prestige) mid history

    Old thread but I haven't been on in ages, but looking at getting out and selling a lot of stuff. I'm having trouble finding much info on the Special Edition Tour Pro (red/blue) frames. I have two, 10/10, cap gromments, one has original butt cap (like a 5/8) but the other is more modern as I...
  7. G

    Blade 98S grommet question

    What I had figured. Thanks for confirmation
  8. G

    Blade 98S grommet question

    2012 Blade S Amplifeel. Were the latter grommets the same drill-pattern
  9. G

    As I have no way to contact you save here, just wanted to say THANK YOU for the new caps! They...

    As I have no way to contact you save here, just wanted to say THANK YOU for the new caps! They arrived a day after Wilson sent new frames to me. Is the material a newer type, or just color? Thanks!
  10. G

    Hey. Lost your number in a phone switch. Can you text me? Thanks

    Hey. Lost your number in a phone switch. Can you text me? Thanks
  11. G

    Better than Google search - duck duck go

    People are starting to wake up to these entities. They're NOT 'your friend'.
  12. G

    Better than Google search - duck duck go

    Naw. It's fine if you're a docile sheep....
  13. G

    Murray's Legacy.

    Murray who?
  14. G

    'Lime' Wilson Blade 98s?

    Wilson made any mention of the Blade S in the lime (reversed) colorway? I noticed that the 'L' is now offered in that, but the 16 and 18's are gone.
  15. G

    Anybody got the flu already?

    Most who get the joke 'vaccine' flu shot usually end up getting the flu. If you don't/didn't, it wasn't because you got a shot. Like last year. At the end of the season, it was very quietly - and unreported in MSM (of course) that the flu vaccine was "actually quite ineffective". I take camu...
  16. G

    Why has Wilson not released the latest red buttcap?

    STILL no current-model red buttcaps!???
  17. G

    Why has Wilson not released the latest red buttcap?

    Just curious why the latest iteration on all the frames cannot be purchased?
  18. G

    The Arrogance of Ignorance in tennis in America – Ignoring the ubiquitous
  19. G

    New Wilson frame paint finish. . .?

    Which is WHY they peel; No surface prep'. You CANNOT paint onto a smooth, shiny surface. Ask anyone who works with paints or coatings.
  20. G

    Angell vs Ultra Tour

    Actually, Google is NOT your friend. One day you'll realize this.....
  21. G

    Tennis Warehouse Playtest: Wilson Ultra Racquets

    Yea. I did the same. Had something prepared, then realized there was a 'format'. I doubt there's a TT Police, so we're either in or out, based on other factors - like them being overwhelmed with responses!
  22. G

    Guys only: best legs and other best female issues

    My Chinese cousin, Ho Lee Crap, says 'HOLEEECRAP!'
  23. G

    Anyone know if all the Blade 93 Tours use the same grommets?

    Hunting around. Not sure if the pattern changed at all, since I'm not really familiar with all the updates the frame went through, but I'm assuming they're all the same. Thank you
  24. G

    Hoarding cash

    The Federal Reserve is trapped and there is no way they can raise rates. Get ready for The Big One
  25. G

    Would it surprise you if Federer won 3 Majors in 2017 but didn't finish year end #1

    And yet Angelique Murray is still #1 from playing so many non-events.....
  26. G

    Question for mavens

    A friend uses the Blade and his elbow bothered him with 4g. He switched to 4g Soft - no problems. 4g is a great string, and he says he really can't tell them apart. He's a SOLID 4.5 player.
  27. G

    How does Roger keep looking young and handsome?

    "Livin on 'reds, Vitamin C and cocaine..." ~ Grateful Dead
  28. G

    2017 Wimbledon Men's Seeds & Draw

    'Andgelique' Murray,