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  1. jibinhe

    Pro's Pro Red Devil review

    I have tired thinner visions of both before settled with Red Devil. They are very similar, Red Devil was slightly softer and slightly more powerful, but it might be just in my head... I decided on Red Devil because 1st I like the red colour:twisted: 2nd it's bit softer, 3rd, it has a special...
  2. jibinhe

    Volkl Organix V1 Pro

    can anyone compare it to X8? or X8 315 since my X8 is moded to be close to X8 315
  3. jibinhe

    Recent practice match video

    Thanks for tips, I need to play more doubles to get my volley working. He is my worst matchup I believe because my serve doesn't work as well as against other guys...and he is super steady...he is a grinder no double (me too :-) ), but not a pusher. He kills instantly when I give a weak ball...
  4. jibinhe

    Recent practice match video

    Thanks, working on them.
  5. jibinhe

    Recent practice match video

    Guys, back angle video is up!
  6. jibinhe

    Recent practice match video

    Thanks for the tip, I am a bit out of practice due to injury, I do used to toss more into court when serve 1st serve, perticularly when I want to S&V. Now the toss is just a bit all over the place.
  7. jibinhe

    Recent practice match video

    Thanks, Tom. I am trying not to play very hard...injury is so annoying.
  8. jibinhe

    From NTRP-based 3.0 to 3.5 by January 2014 (video diary)

    Thanks, I had first set video at that angle, I haven't upload it because it's quite big file. I will try uploaded it tomorrow. The surface is synthetic grass, like a carpet, behave like a fast hard court, just softer for knee.
  9. jibinhe

    From NTRP-based 3.0 to 3.5 by January 2014 (video diary)

    Yep, I felt that exercise is addicting too, particularly tennis:) I had a new video in a recent tread, link is here:
  10. jibinhe

    From NTRP-based 3.0 to 3.5 by January 2014 (video diary)

    Tom, you are a real man. You make any other person who finding all sort of excuses to not do sport/exercise ashamed. Thumb up, you may not have a pro's game, but have a pro's sprite.
  11. jibinhe

    Recent practice match video

    Fantastic video!!! Thanks a lot. Now I just hope I can get rid of it too. One or two month...very long...
  12. jibinhe

    Recent practice match video

    I have noticed that, I thinks I should keep my left arm close to chest after shoulder rotating in serve.
  13. jibinhe

    Recent practice match video

    Good tip, I will give it a try when get chance.
  14. jibinhe

    Recent practice match video

    Thanks a lot for the detailed tips. I will surely work on them when my injury is solved.
  15. jibinhe

    Recent practice match video

    Thanks for tips. Everyone was telling me about the leg band, I just couldn't get rid of it. No matter what I do, it's still there. It is better through now, you should see my previous video, it was worse. After all the effort, I thing that maybe my body just like it this way, therefore I decided...
  16. jibinhe

    Recent practice match video

    Totally agreed :razz: I need more practice on put away shots
  17. jibinhe

    Recent practice match video

    Thanks, I wish I could hit a 115mph serve :D. I think my first serve is currently around 100mph, knee injure does give me some problem. Thanks for the advice, I know the hitch problem, just don't how to smooth it out. It seems my body just doing that rhythm itself... any tips?
  18. jibinhe

    Recent practice match video

    I was very sloppy in that first game in the video, concentration was bad...
  19. jibinhe

    Recent practice match video

    Recent practice match video, back angle video added A recent practice match with friend (I am the blue top). I really shouldn't been playing since right knee injury has not yet solved. However, I am moving in two weeks, so I must use the rare good weather (in UK) to play the last match. Had a...
  20. jibinhe

    Volkl Powerbridge 8 (295g) vs Organix 8 (300)

    I have briefly used PB8 before, now O8 is my choice. Be aware, they are very different in SW. O8 swings a bit like a PDR, not as light as the static weight suggested...
  21. jibinhe

    Wall paper collection

    Monte carlo pictures are amazing
  22. jibinhe

    Wall paper collection

    Hi guys, I want to collect some good wall papers of tennis. What I need is photos of players in action (match/practice), artistic, and not too small. I went through the coolest pictures of pros tread (yes, all 231 pages and still counting), but didn't find many. Could share your favourite...
  23. jibinhe

    What about Volkl O10 295?

    I love my O8s, basically a slightly lighter PDR without killing my arm.
  24. jibinhe

    Is Pro's Pro Red Devil really close to Red code?

    Never used red code. Have been using Red Devil for half year now. The best I have tried, crisp, good control, have some explosive power when fresh, consistent.
  25. jibinhe

    Pro's Pro Counterparts

    1.19, will try thinner one next time. I think thinner string may just suit me better. One thing I noticed about Red Devil, the color of the set I had is bit different comparing to the reel. The set has deeper and darker red color, the reel is closer to orange. And I felt they also had...
  26. jibinhe

    Pro's Pro Counterparts

    Spinox--Luxilon 4G/Big Banger Origin, really? There is nothing I like about spinox, too much power, no control, no feel, not consistant, only spin is decent. I cut it out after 2hrs use......If that is how 4G/BBO works, I am glad that I didn't pay my hard earned money on those...... On...
  27. jibinhe

    Stiff arm friendly racquets

    Volkl O8 300, basically an arm friendly PDR with lighter static weight but swing weight is about the same. You still has the stiff feeling in hitting but no arm pain after.
  28. jibinhe

    Pro's Pro String

    red devil 1.19 main crossed with Hitec Multifiber is my current string. great control, good spin, crisp yet comfortable, have some explosive power when fresh, very consistent. Best setup I have used. Plus power is very similar but a bit stiffer and lower power. Spinox has nothing except...
  29. jibinhe

    Zennis or The Inner Game of Tennis?

    Your book is great!!! I felt that you were repeating yourself too much in the book at beginning. Then one day when I played a match and was tense because the pressure of winning, something from your book about "you need focus on playing well, winning will take care itself" just suddenly jumped...