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  1. The Vitamin L

    Modern Racket like Steam 100

    @Rvansmith Hi! May I know where you found the pro stocks in the 3 grip size? That's my grip size and I'd like to check it out if there are anymore left in stock. Thank you!
  2. The Vitamin L

    Pure Aero 98 v Blade 98 v8

    Sent you a message @Underdog
  3. The Vitamin L

    UTR 8 vs UTR 12

    5 mph vs 120mph
  4. The Vitamin L

    MaxTennis vs Winston Du

    Glad you got to play with my bro Derek! He's a great player!
  5. The Vitamin L

    D1 Tennis Player vs Bad Tan Lines

    Haha I’ll try not to take up the whole foreground next time We’re over in NorCal! I’m thankful to have access to good courts. A real proper summer is incoming so a shaded bench is very welcome during the hot days. Happy to have been able to play with you and the other talk tennis members...
  6. The Vitamin L

    D1 Tennis Player vs Bad Tan Lines

    Not too shabby over here! Like everybody else I feel like I’m going through spurts of playing decent then periods where I’m not playing at all haha. Now that leagues are returning there’s a little bit of motivation to train more. How are things going with you?
  7. The Vitamin L

    D1 Tennis Player vs Bad Tan Lines

    Trying out the premiere setting on youtube to bring you all some tennis points in case anyone wants to watch me get progressively more and more tired playing against a real athlete. USTA league is back so the shorts tan is here to stay until winter.
  8. The Vitamin L

    Video ideas for winter training

    Hi! Hope everybody has been able to get some tennis in! Trying to practice at least once a week with the teammates until the return of leagues/tournaments in the distant future. I'll be recording occasionally in the meantime. First video is a cold attempt at hitting two cross court and one down...
  9. The Vitamin L

    Yuba City Sac California area 10/9-15

    If you're around Sacramento you're more than welcome to stop by. I can get you in my home club no problem. Feel free to e-mail me at and we can try to coordinate (y)
  10. The Vitamin L

    Forehand speed video

    Saw this video today, whatcha guys think about his claimed speed? :unsure:
  11. The Vitamin L

    Jaime Foxx vs a Tennis Pro

    Great vid! He's definitely one of the better celeb tennis players I've seen in recent memory.
  12. The Vitamin L

    [Video] Clay points

    Nice playing! Those courts look fun!
  13. The Vitamin L

    pointplay videos

    In the original post I said that I uploaded the smaller video of my friend's set first because the other one is taking forever to upload. Will be updating as the days go by with more videos including myself.
  14. The Vitamin L

    pointplay videos

    Mentioned in my last thread (wide angle tennis) that I got some more footage of us practicing the following week. The other videos would take forever to upload (15 minutes+) so I have this shorter vid of my friends set for now. They were on another court before joining us afterwards so it wasn't...
  15. The Vitamin L

    wide angle tennis

    I'm from the Sacramento area. It gets real toasty!
  16. The Vitamin L

    wide angle tennis

    Planning on getting another good work out in tomorrow so another video will be coming soon! 100 degree weather whoohoo!
  17. The Vitamin L

    THE complete list of TW Posters' videos

    Adding one to the vault
  18. The Vitamin L

    wide angle tennis

    Thank you for the insight! Using the iPhone 11 Good times! Too bad I was only able to make it out to the bay once for the talk tennis meetups. Definitely trying to work my way back up to form. I'll be playing on my friend's 4.5 team that made nationals last year so it'll be super fun. (Pending...
  19. The Vitamin L

    Spanish Drop Feed Drills

    Those drills are so fun!
  20. The Vitamin L

    wide angle tennis

    Yeah it's the 16x19 blade. I liked the 18x20 too but ultimately preferred the softer feel of a more open pattern. Thanks for the tip! I've tried a more pronounced elbow lead before, but I'll give it another shot to see if it could work.
  21. The Vitamin L

    wide angle tennis

    For those that like long uncut rally videos. It has been 6 months since my last upload. I got really out of shape and am now slowly crawling back to normal, tennis is really fun after 3+ months of no exercise haha. Got a new phone and trying out the wide angle. I'm pretty happy to finally get...
  22. The Vitamin L

    TTW Battle at The Farm

    Agreed! Tommy and I played him at Woodland back in August. Definitely one of the fastest serves I've ever been on court with.
  23. The Vitamin L

    Jolly's Spring Slice Serve Smorgasbord.

    I have one in an old vid at 7:42 in the video. Time already set in link for convenience.
  24. The Vitamin L

    Share your Match video!!

    Thanks! We would have had a better angle, but the club I'm at has wind screens everywhere so there weren't many places we could mount my gorillapod. Winded up using a ball cart.
  25. The Vitamin L

    Share your Match video!!

    Copy and pasted from another thread in Tennis Tips --- Matt edited the video and uploaded it earlier today. Lots of short points with 10:30 probably being the longest lol I might join his team out in the bay area so hopefully we'll get some good doubles footage in the future. Singles is fun...
  26. The Vitamin L

    Jolly's Kick Serve Challenge

    @J011yroger I just got the prize! Thank you very much! I appreciate it! I'll rock the swag in a future tennis video. :D
  27. The Vitamin L

    TT Logic. LeeD < Shroud < Maximagq < Nytennisadict * vid evidence

    Matt edited the video and uploaded it earlier today. Lots of short points with 10:30 probably being the longest lol I might join his team out in the bay area so hopefully we'll get some good doubles footage in the future. Singles is fun, but hard lol Doubles for life! Score: 7-6 with Matt...