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  1. CaldwellYSR

    How much does playing racquetball hurt?

    Terrible to hear about your ACL, my friends say much of the same about my racquetball though. Probably why I lose.
  2. CaldwellYSR

    How much does playing racquetball hurt?

    So while I'm at school, I can never find anyone to play with. It seems like the only people that play are busy and/or don't want to play with me, or are on the tennis team and WAY out of my league. I can, however, find alot of people to play racquetball with. The result of this is that I am...
  3. CaldwellYSR

    What type of tennis do you prefer?

    I much prefer to watch A. I like seeing the ball cross the sideline before the baseline on a winner. These days it seems like they just pound the corners back and forth and maybe sometimes hit a drop shot.
  4. CaldwellYSR

    Music City Slam 2012

    I lost as well. Tough match and I was shaking like a leaf with nerves. Next match though. Sorry to hear you lost too.
  5. CaldwellYSR

    I think I'm an idiot

    I need advice on how to stay with a junkball. The guy I play with most consistently here hits alot of slice and the ball bounces either straight up or even backwards sometimes. I know it's coming, it's very obvious what's about to happen, yet I get into my backswing and wait for the ball to...
  6. CaldwellYSR

    Music City Slam 2012

    Hmmm.... I said it because I heard it but now that I look I can't find the tournament... maybe it's non-USTA or one of the junior tournaments. I was told they are playing a tournament there soon but I didn't get any more information than that. How'd your 8am match go?
  7. CaldwellYSR

    How many "innocent" bad line calls are made in REC leagues?

    I'd say I probably call balls that catch the back of the line out sometimes. Especially against really big servers because the ball is moving so fast it's hard to see. If I think it's out I give a confident and loud "fault" or "no" call and move on without worrying about it. That said I probably...
  8. CaldwellYSR

    Music City Slam 2012

    They will move indoor if it rains I'm sure. There is a tournament in those indoor courts a week or two after this one. I play in the championship Sat at 5 ;) kind of ridiculous how that goes but it is what it is. If we win I might just retire from USTA as a champion ;)
  9. CaldwellYSR

    Music City Slam 2012

    Are you in the open singles? I wish I was good enough for that seeing as how it's one of the only brackets that would allow more than 2 games. Good luck, I'll have to root against you since you're from KY though ;)
  10. CaldwellYSR

    A pusher in USO?!

    Stephens vs Malek today is an interesting match. I have never seen someone in a slam playing like Malek is playing. She slices literally every backhand and 50% of her forehands are slices as well. It's interesting to see someone pushing this much in a slam. Then every 20 minutes or so she slams...
  11. CaldwellYSR

    Music City Slam 2012

    Despite a big sounding name... There are only 34 participants and only 2 men's doubles teams. So I will be playing in my first USTA tournament and my first tournament finals match on Saturday at 5pm. Woo hoo :/
  12. CaldwellYSR

    Yellow Spheroid to the Gut

    Hahaha yeah I guess so! Always enjoyed outdoor basketball more than paying $5 a day to play at the rec center. Better players outside most of the time anyways.
  13. CaldwellYSR

    Yellow Spheroid to the Gut

    Interesting. We had a lot of fights at the basketball courts but we never moved them to the tennis courts. Then again our courts had fence around them so we already had the make shift ring ;)
  14. CaldwellYSR

    Yellow Spheroid to the Gut

    I forgot to read your Momentum but that's a heck of a story! A few years ago I probably would have responded the same way you did :P Thankfully I have a little more self control now thanks to ju-jitzu. I've never seen someone knocked out at a tennis match but that would have been a funny sight...
  15. CaldwellYSR

    Yellow Spheroid to the Gut

    I do agree that social tennis is a bit different but it's also the only tennis I play out here and I've been playing with this group all summer and nobody has frowned upon my aggressive style when I play it. A couple of them really push for me to be aggressive. I think it depends on the group...
  16. CaldwellYSR

    Yellow Spheroid to the Gut

    Missed this one... I am not married but I'm in a steady long term relationship and I do understand the protective nature we guys have. That said this was an accident that I immediately tried to apologize for. I understand being protective and maybe a little angry that she got hit but I don't...
  17. CaldwellYSR

    Yellow Spheroid to the Gut

    Trololol I'll stop feeding the trolls now.
  18. CaldwellYSR

    Yellow Spheroid to the Gut

    Oh get serious. The thread is designed to mock the guy. Not the woman, she was cool about the whole thing and didn't even want to leave after his tirade. She shook my hand at the end when the husband was walking away. The point of this thread was to share a story that I found entertaining. No...
  19. CaldwellYSR

    Yellow Spheroid to the Gut

    I have pretty good control of my serve. Sometimes I get close to my partner if I'm trying to hit the wide corner on the deuce side but I've never hit anyone before yesterday. One errant serve doesn't equal poor control it equals a bad toss that I should have let fall and didn't. As far as lack...
  20. CaldwellYSR

    Yellow Spheroid to the Gut

    You're probably right... But I also like to work my aggressive game as much as possible because that's the style I want to take into competitive matches. The way we play you only get a set before switching partners so it's a lot of adapting and game changing. When I get partnered with another...
  21. CaldwellYSR

    Part 2 after adjustments: Please critique this 7-years old

    His forehand looks better than mine and I'm 21 so good for him ;)
  22. CaldwellYSR

    Yellow Spheroid to the Gut

    This is a funny tale from yesterday's tennis play. Enjoy... The group that I hit with on tuesdays and thursdays had quite a bit of drama yesterday. We had 8 people there on two courts so we had a couple sets going, rotating partners every so often to keep things interesting. At one point...
  23. CaldwellYSR

    Maybe we need to come to an understanding about ratings

    This is bothersome to me because the USTA desperately needs some competition. As it stands they're allowed to sit back and charge players exorbitant amounts of money at times just so that person can have a rating and play in tournaments while they do little to nothing to actually give back to...
  24. CaldwellYSR

    How do you beat somebody who's on fire?

    A bucket of water might help?
  25. CaldwellYSR

    The merits of teaching a junior the one handed backhand?

    Oh whatever sport he wants then. My point was don't control the kid if he wants to hit with a 1 hander let him hit. Also I feel bad for your kids. I'm glad my parents let me play football as it was a huge influence on my life. I played 15 years and the only concussion I ever got was in basketball.
  26. CaldwellYSR

    Tips on beating a drop-lob specialist

    I didn't see another drop shot thread? Is it in a different section of the forums?
  27. CaldwellYSR

    I have virtually no backhand.. help?

    This might actually be what I do. I'll have to check when I get the racquet back in my hand. I'm still pretty noobie myself. Sounds more correct when I think about it.
  28. CaldwellYSR

    Tips on beating a drop-lob specialist

    He can only beat me with ground strokes if I'm standing in no mans land having ti try to half volley them. If we were trading baseline groundies I would win outright. I also volley better than him and probably good enough now to beat him with it. It's been since March that I played him and a lot...
  29. CaldwellYSR

    Tips on beating a drop-lob specialist

    Oh I know that. I definitely plan to learn a solid drop shot I was just hoping to find a strategy to beat him in a couple weeks when I go home :P that is a good strategy and when I develop the shot no doubt I'll use it but that can't be my strategy yet. That's all I was saying. I'm glad to...
  30. CaldwellYSR

    The merits of teaching a junior the one handed backhand?

    Then let him switch. Why force a kid to play different from what feels most natural to him? I had a coach back home trying to turn me into a 2hander and it's the most annoying thing ever. Why was he doing it? Because I'm a lefty and it works so great for Nadal! At the end of the day if it's what...