Didn't know if I was cheering for her or against CE. She is so far up cocos ass that I can't cheer for coco anymore. If she were only a mom like serina all boxes would be checked.
I've split coaches before, liking one for their movement teaching and other for their ball striking. I didn't want to have two people teach me a forehand, it's like golf when e-v-e-r-y-b-o-d-y gives you advice on your drive. It's too much input. When I have settled on a coach, I go to the point...
Well, you do a great job at defining your lows, but is your high also superlatively good? You describe getting bageled and then going back to your regular level. No description of playing lights out- "dominating*1" the other player. (*1 - If I can figure out how to footnote, I'll give credit to...
Let’s have Knox’s best in category coachee play Thomas Daniels’ best and end this muscle flex.
Loser burns their thesaurus
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You guys sure play with a lot of Dousche Bags. You can see some of the douschiness on his forum but to do so without the anonymity of the internet is actually funny-sad.
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Tsi has a big mouth.
He has to back it up. Tries too hard so he can say he showed med. Trying hard = choker.
Hell get it one day. Maybe grow up too.
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It can close the gap for the difference in practice and match play. It puts skin in the game on your practice and can simulate stress of a ‘real’ match. I don’t think playing for money itself makes one better
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There is the theory of too much too soon. The lower level players do serve up opportunities and the better players talk themselves into trying to take everyone to the fences. Slower moving, or higher bouncing balls are a different breed that that dreamed of Rafa ts FH or the Stan OHBH can be...
What’s a good way to convert from chipping blocking serves back to driving them? I’ve been practicing against harder servers and I almost always default to the block/ slice even when my intent is to drive. It’s programmed!
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I’m waiting to get better. Most of the cue coaching is bad because the focus is something uncontrollable
In practice, I feel progressions are the better way to go. Body specific cues. It doesn’t matter what happens to the ball if you keep your head stable other than you kept your head stable...
I’m digging on Kenin’s style. Fiery, hyper, etc. I hope she does well. It’s nice to have another tank on the world stage that plays hard, with emotion, and looks like a professional athlete.
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I like it. It may not be a 100% drill. But it should force one to have to advance quickly and under control. I’ll have to be honest with myself to ensure that i learn. Also keep it a return drill.
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Starting to get more served in. Technique is still not pro level so many come back. I'm struggling with the returns of returns.
In a rally I think I have a more developed feelmfor the ball, returns feel like I a, flat footed and I struggle to get my weight moving in the direction I want it to...
Play your court just published a video on this. Ultimately the chicken is correct. Balls on the rise attack flat, balls in the descent, shape with a topper spin swing.
I don’t think that fast but do agree that I have to “cover” the on the rise hit
I have many rallies of which you describe...
I lost 150#s in my 20s and have kept it off for 25 yrs. in the meantime I have experimented with every diet and exercises
What I have learned is I love running. I love cycling. I’ve taught body pump and spinning for about 10 years. I’ve known swimmers that are ranked state and nationally so...
The coach also offers that since I’m tall and prefer balls between knees and hips that I’m bending a lot at the back. As part of me lifting the ball im also standing up, changing the axis of rotation.
This may feed into my other blog topic about not being able to feed balls well. The swing...
Follow up lesson last night. Even worse than last time since I bought into my defect. It’s there and I’m looking at months of likely retraining a reverse pivot or bad weight shift
Looks like my furniture is against the wall until the divorce.
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Most open stance guidance that I’ve seen and read discusses stability on the strong side. I think as long as you keep your axis of rotation stabile aka not pull off the **** in moving your left leg, you’re fine.
As soon as an instructor has an apparel contract, many will say you can’t hit in...
You're not spending enough time or money. Just amp up the expenditure and truly develop a hate hate relationship.
Our amps go to 11 type of step change.
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Several things going for that.
1) no one comes to this forum group as there isn’t quick fix to serve toss here
2) anyone that reads is likely to join in the more honest we are
3) I can’t change my name on this damn forum so I’ve been posting as such for a couple of years and am desensitized to...
I'd say your job is to hit off the side of the court and follow the poach. Not back. Or your partner hits a lot of slice so you can pick off the upwards hit. I think that as a one up one back your focus is on angles, not down the middle and drop shot. As a team, you should be able to win out. If...
thanks but it;s not about the drop feed per sey, lots of people advocate drop feeding a practice for ground strokes. I cant hit the buggers. I wonder if I practiced drops would that really payoff in ground strokes?
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