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  1. ilovecarlos

    CanadianChic's Corner - The NON-Chat Cafe Bar and Bistro

    Wonderful Bistro Peeps: I wish you all a very happy/merry Christmas and a Happy Hanukkah. Hope to be back more often in 2017. I miss all of you and your wonderful personalities. Of course, I miss the Lemurov and LPV. xoxoxo ILC
  2. ilovecarlos

    CanadianChic's Corner - The NON-Chat Cafe Bar and Bistro

    Hello Bistro Peeps! Happy Fourth of July and a great big happy birthday to my most Beloved, Mr Dedans Penthouse. We are celebrating quietly this year. You all know of our fondness for submarine races and canoodling? well, that's where we are and that's what we're doing. Back later!
  3. ilovecarlos

    CanadianChic's Corner - The NON-Chat Cafe Bar and Bistro

    OK boys......ILC leaves tomorrow. Pick up after yourselves. Don't forget to lock the doors when you leave. Be back first week in May. Blows kisses
  4. ilovecarlos

    CanadianChic's Corner - The NON-Chat Cafe Bar and Bistro

    Thanks for all of the well wishes dear friends. It was a lovely day
  5. ilovecarlos

    CanadianChic's Corner - The NON-Chat Cafe Bar and Bistro

    I'm counting the days until my annual jaunt to Alba. Leaving April 14 and returning May 2. I need it badly. the past few months have been unkind. Have found a new source for my newest vice.....Arran Gold. It's what Bailey's wants to be when it grows up! It's made on the isle of Arran. I may...
  6. ilovecarlos

    CanadianChic's Corner - The NON-Chat Cafe Bar and Bistro

    Waves to Senti! Hi honey! How's my favorite pup lover? Oh my dearest Beloved Dedans.....he makes me smile every day. Tom, the lemur is well known for his neck massages;) Love and hugs to everyone!
  7. ilovecarlos

    CanadianChic's Corner - The NON-Chat Cafe Bar and Bistro

    Saw CC's PM holding 2 adorable panda cubs this am! We have to arrange for them to come and meet LPV and the lemur!
  8. ilovecarlos

    CanadianChic's Corner - The NON-Chat Cafe Bar and Bistro

    Anything that Mr Cleese wants is on the house! The lemur and LPV are very excited by his visit, as am I
  9. ilovecarlos

    CanadianChic's Corner - The NON-Chat Cafe Bar and Bistro

    Waves to CC! Waves to everyone else! Long time I know. Yes, yes, yes CC.......getting to see Carlos again is wonderful! He's aging well. The best part? No Floozie anywhere. Yay!!!!!! I upgraded my cable service and finally have the Tennis channel. I got to see the ITPL matches and watched most...
  10. ilovecarlos

    CanadianChic's Corner - The NON-Chat Cafe Bar and Bistro

    Semti, when Jerome tried to post the Senator's poem but received an error message telling him that the Senator had been permanently banned. Jerome notified Dedans who shared the info with moi. Now I must go rest and try to recover from my concussion.....ouchie.... blows kisses to all!!!
  11. ilovecarlos

    CanadianChic's Corner - The NON-Chat Cafe Bar and Bistro

    Impeached yes> Dedan's considers it an assassination
  12. ilovecarlos

    CanadianChic's Corner - The NON-Chat Cafe Bar and Bistro

    The Senator and Jerome tried to post a lovely holiday poem to us and got an error message. They contacted Dedans and told him that they had received the dreaded permanent B word. I have asked LPV and the lemur to see what can be done.
  13. ilovecarlos

    CanadianChic's Corner - The NON-Chat Cafe Bar and Bistro

    Congrats Peter! A proud sports dad that encourages his daughters! Welcome to all you newcomers. Make sure you check out the legend of LPV too! He and the lemur handle security. Sad news. The Senator has been assassinated> He wanted to come give us his holiday blessings, via a rap or 2, but...
  14. ilovecarlos

    CanadianChic's Corner - The NON-Chat Cafe Bar and Bistro

    What I require in a cheese and what I don't want in a mate:)
  15. ilovecarlos

    CanadianChic's Corner - The NON-Chat Cafe Bar and Bistro

    Always sending great wishes Peter's way! Congrats for being a great dad and raising 2 super young ladies! Now, pass that bottle of scotch over here. I'll have it with some Mull of Kyntyre "extra mature" cheddar I've found!
  16. ilovecarlos

    CanadianChic's Corner - The NON-Chat Cafe Bar and Bistro

    Dearest Bistro peeps. Today (well technically Monday) is a most important day. It is the birthday of our most loved founder, Canadian Chic herself!!! Let's all gather at the bistro bar, pour some shots, and give a toast to CC!
  17. ilovecarlos

    The Birthday Thread

    Speaking of sexy icons, I'm Twitter buds with both Glenn Hughes AND David Coverdale!
  18. ilovecarlos

    The Birthday Thread

    And a belated happy birthday to our own, Sup2dresq, who had a bday a few days ago!
  19. ilovecarlos

    The Birthday Thread

    Happy Birthday to Carlos Moya!!!!!!!! xoxoxoxoxoxo mwah........
  20. ilovecarlos

    The Official Sentinel Tribute Thread

    Congrats dearest Senti, on your new well deserved title! I add a cute pup and some more chocolate cake for you. xoxoxoxo Yours, ILC Penthouse and little Snuggles
  21. ilovecarlos

    CanadianChic's Corner - The NON-Chat Cafe Bar and Bistro

    Nope, ILC will be solo. My Beloved knows that my heart belongs to him and that I only go for the eye candy. Hey, can I be the first to use the new Bistro cab service Sir Tom? I can guzzle all of the sangria I want! Pick me up here at the Bistro tomorrow at 12:30....
  22. ilovecarlos

    CanadianChic's Corner - The NON-Chat Cafe Bar and Bistro

    ok Bistro's that time of the year again.....Citiopen 2015. Your very own ILC will be making her way there tomorrow and Friday. Didn't do my usual entire session package this year. I decided to go less, but upgraded to box seats. Sooooooo close that I can reach out and grab a...
  23. ilovecarlos

    CanadianChic's Corner - The NON-Chat Cafe Bar and Bistro

    A happy ending....Bistro style
  24. ilovecarlos

    CanadianChic's Corner - The NON-Chat Cafe Bar and Bistro

    We must do something to help Mikey's cab budget out. Tom, what about getting an offshoot of your business here at The Bistro? Either that or we can reach out for a franchise op. We need a cab company that caters strictly to our Bistro patrons! May be a job for LPV?
  25. ilovecarlos

    CanadianChic's Corner - The NON-Chat Cafe Bar and Bistro

    ILC appreciates the return of the g string. The avatar of the little "I've been naughty puppy" also goes a long way. If you need extra stoli in Russia, contact Mikey B and the lemur. They'll be happy to help a fella out!
  26. ilovecarlos

    CanadianChic's Corner - The NON-Chat Cafe Bar and Bistro

    Hey, that's my favorite red g string!!! Get that off your face right now! *****stands at bar with hands on hips and tapping foot***** I'll have a summer in a glass please LPV and a nice rum and milk for you too. After a big sip all feels better. Room in scarce in my suitcase on my returns from...
  27. ilovecarlos

    CanadianChic's Corner - The NON-Chat Cafe Bar and Bistro

    Greetings Sir.....welcome to the Bistro! Ooops, ILC has made a first one ever.... The aforementioned Mango fusion part of the summer in a glass, is rum, not vodka...Bacardi brand to be specific. Me likey Tom's idea of a volleyball court. I can sip my cocktails and watch! The...