Search results

  1. Robbie_1988

    Pacific X 8 Stringing Machine

    That's a hot machine. I've seen photos of that stringer from their use in the Stuttgart tournament. I want one but it's hard to get one being in Australia and all. I'll just keep using my current Pacific Digital 700 till it dies one day. Then I'll think about the X8.
  2. Robbie_1988

    Stringing machines in Australia

    Ah my bad. Didn't know you were going for a low end machine. In that case check out these. Get rid of the spaces between characters of course. Where do you live? If you live in Sydney, try Jadee. http:// www. jadeesports. html http:// www. the tennis...
  3. Robbie_1988

    Stringing machines in Australia

    Hey mate I live in Sydney myself and have yet to buy a stringer from around here really. From what I've researched, the stringing machines here are a rip off. Especially the ones that have to be imported but I guess we can see why they're so expensive then. I was considering buying the Babolat...
  4. Robbie_1988

    Federer Fans- can you honestly bear to watch him play nowadays?

    I have always been a huge Fed fan and always will be. Put it this way; I'd love to be Fed right now. As a tennis player who wants to keep improving I've always tried to replicate certain aspects of Federer's game (in particular his footwork at his peak). Nowadays I still enjoy watching...
  5. Robbie_1988

    Strings got Wet.......

    What Rabbit said ^^ Poly won't mind getting wet. Natural gut is the one you gotta keep dry.
  6. Robbie_1988

    Inside Sport: Is Professionalism Killing Sport?

    Thank you for taking the time to inform us fellow posters of this program. Sounds like a nice psychological take on how sporting culture can affect performance. Can you try providing us the link or name of the program anyway? I'm sure some of us dedicated posters around here will try and scour...
  7. Robbie_1988

    Pacific Digital 700 - My 1st Stringing Machine

    A month ago I posted a thread here to ask what machine I should buy as I was torn between the 2nd hand Pacific or a brand new Xtreme Pro Master. Unfortunately, I decided to go against the advice to buy the brand new machine. Thing is I have been stringing at a tennis shop on the Pacific for...
  8. Robbie_1988

    New Machine Advice Please

    Hi there Dunlop Kid. I live in Lakemba (which is in the Canterbury/Bankstown area). However, I spend most of my time in the city because I study at Sydney Uni, and I coach there as well. The shop I restring at is Baker's Tennis Shop in the city. I did a bit of work there for its previous...
  9. Robbie_1988

    New Machine Advice Please

    You've picked up on something I missed about the Xtreme Pro Master with the fact that it is also self-calibrating. I think if both machines are self-calibrating this is pretty much a no brainer that I should spend $4000 on a brand new machine as opposed to a well used one. If the clamps are...
  10. Robbie_1988

    New Machine Advice Please

    By the way, the Pacific machine in question is seen in this video clip.
  11. Robbie_1988

    New Machine Advice Please

    Hi guys I need some advice as to what option to take. Do I go for the USED Pacific Sport String Digital Stringing Machine (THIS ONE) which is the grey, green and blue machine in the top left. The cosmetics of actual one of this that I am buying is totally black and looking more like the tall...
  12. Robbie_1988

    I tried a Federer forehand....

    Can I buy a Western Forehand grip at tennis warehouse?
  13. Robbie_1988

    Wise 2086 Review

    Ah I forgot about those rotational grippers. Ya's got me there.
  14. Robbie_1988

    Wise 2086 Review

    You shouldn't have to use the 'roller' in order to use the unit. So the answer is no. The gripper will grip the string whether you use the roller or not. I've read on these boards that the 'roller' just allows for the string to enter at a more level angle into the gripper. Correct me if I'm...
  15. Robbie_1988

    Wise 2086 Review

    Thanks for the clarification. I know it's possible to produce quality string jobs on a crank. It's just I've been using a high end electronic for a year. It's kind of hard to come back to using cranks I guess.
  16. Robbie_1988

    Wise 2086 Review

    Hey topknocker when you say 'it didn't seem to fit good on this machine, do you mean the Crank machine that I talked about in my previous post?
  17. Robbie_1988

    Wise 2086 Review

    QUITE the Dilemma Hey guys I need some advice here from those of you who have the Wise 2086. I have read before that 'cheap electronic constant pull' machines aren't that accurate from here on these boards and my local pro shop owner says the same. Does the Wise fall into this category of...
  18. Robbie_1988

    Unique big hitter Blue 17

    So the Big Hitter Blue plays much more powerful than the silver Big Hitter ey? I guess it makes sense since on the packaging of the Blue it has 'Spin + Power + Comfort' as opposed to the 'Spin + Control + Comfort' seen on the packaging for the silver Big Hitter. From your review it sounds like...
  19. Robbie_1988

    Unique big hitter Blue 17

    I have used Unique Tourna Big Hitter 17 (grey one) for a while now as the mains in my string jobs and I love it. Please do post a review after you've hit with the BLUE a bit more. I'm very interested in how you perceive it to play.
  20. Robbie_1988

    Anyone knows great stringers in Sydney, AU?

    Hey mate in response to your question about how much I have paid recently, I haven't been doing any paying for a long time now. Labour was $20 when I was getting my racquets strung by Bob but nowadays I string my own racquets with my own stringer so yeah. Lam charging $22 is still good I...
  21. Robbie_1988

    Anyone knows great stringers in Sydney, AU?

    Hahaha Lam is actually Thai but I can see where the name "Lam" would have made you think he's Vietnamese. I thought he was Vietnamese too. The last time I ever got my racquet restrung there was with full Luxilon Big Banger Alu Power and it cost me $45. Compare that to Top Serve Tennis's $64.
  22. Robbie_1988

    Anyone knows great stringers in Sydney, AU?

    Hey mate if you're living in Sydney CBD, you should get your racquet restrung at Baker's Tennis Store at 155 Castlereagh St. I used to get my racquets strung there for years when Bob the old owner was there. Nowadays there's a new owner named Lam. I'm getting my racquets restrung by the new...
  23. Robbie_1988

    Global gut or Gaucho?

    I have sweaty hands when I string is what I meant sorry.
  24. Robbie_1988

    Cheapest natural gut?

    Thanks for the input mate. Much appreciated.
  25. Robbie_1988

    Global gut or Gaucho?

    Sorry to go off topic, but I'm curious. If you're someone who is prone to sweaty hands, will it be harmful to string up a natural gut string job?
  26. Robbie_1988

    Cheapest natural gut?

    Sorry to go off topic, but I'm curious. If you're someone who is prone to sweaty hands, will it be harmful to string up a natural gut string job?
  27. Robbie_1988

    about hybird strings

    I'm also very interested in this question can someone please explain? I'd also like to know what stringing the crosses tighter vs stringing the mains tighter will do. *Bump*
  28. Robbie_1988

    Is it bad if my crosses' tension is different from my mains'

    Yesterday I was at my city's tennis shop and the stringer had a look at the tensions I set my strings at which is currently: Mains: 50 lbs Unique Tourna Big Hitter 17 Poly Cross: 47 lbs Gosen OG Sheep 17 Synthetic Gut. I told him that I strung my racquets that way because I thought that...
  29. Robbie_1988

    Nadal Leaves Home For Spain

    A good gesture by Mr Nadal. 5 Stars for giving his comrades free accommodation.
  30. Robbie_1988

    Federer has toughest draw.

    I'm still waiting for your answer veronique...