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  1. Tigerarp1

    Monthly String shipping service?

    You know I hadn't thought about the experimenting aspect as much, but was having dinner with a buddy last night who is a programmer. He was saying it would be cool to take the raw string data and specs and build an artificial intelligence learning program with it that learns as you try strings...
  2. Tigerarp1

    Monthly String shipping service?

    Yes, for someone like you or myself or other adults a reel might be the best solution, but when I was a young player making minimum wage at a part time job in high school, buying a reel of luxelon and NXT was a major investment. As my game developed I also seemed to need to change strings and or...
  3. Tigerarp1

    Monthly String shipping service?

    Hello all, So I was recently in France and was talking to a guy in a sports shop that was telling me about an online string service that he uses which auto ships his desired string or pre-cut hybrid to his house at the beginning of each month. He basically specifies his string and or hybrid, and...
  4. Tigerarp1

    Help with Racquet options - getting back into Tennis

    Interesting to get 2 more mentions of the Volkl c10 pro. I had another hit with it last night to really hone in on what I'm not liking about it. The big issue I believe is that the sweet spot feels much higher in the string bed than any racquet I've ever used. If I really focused on contacting...
  5. Tigerarp1

    Help with Racquet options - getting back into Tennis

    So, after a bit of research the first 4 I think I will try will be the following: 1. Yonex DR 98 2. One of the Pro Kennex Frames (still deciding which one) 3. Babolat Pure Strike (the new white one) Supposedly plays like a softer Pure Drive 4. Babolat Pure Aero Tour - a bit worried about...
  6. Tigerarp1

    Help with Racquet options - getting back into Tennis

    Thanks, thats what I'm looking for. I've been out of the game so long, I don't even know what to Demo. I'd never even considered Pro Kennex, but actually looks like it might be a great fit. The Yonex Dr98 seems like a good option as well. Only Yonex I ever tried out was the RDX 500 mid- which...
  7. Tigerarp1

    Help with Racquet options - getting back into Tennis

    Yes, 100% plan to Demo a lot of frames. I'm looking for recommendations to start Demoing.
  8. Tigerarp1

    Help with Racquet options - getting back into Tennis

    Hi all, well it's been about 8 years since I was active on this forum. I played tennis in college as well as taught as an assistant pro for about 2 years while in school. Back then I played at a 5.0 level. I had a chronic foot injury and a worn out shoulder after 4 years of college tennis, so I...
  9. Tigerarp1

    KProStaff88 FIRST Impression/Review

    Well, the K90 headguards weigh 1/2oz. SO if by trimming them completely only leaving the grommets... maybe you can remove 1/2 to 3/4 oz. In my experience.... removing even 1/2oz of lead from the 12o-clock position will significantly lower the swingweight. This would then allow people to build...
  10. Tigerarp1

    KProStaff88 FIRST Impression/Review

    For those that might want a lower swingweight, couldnt you simply trim the headguard with a razorblade just leaving the grommet strip in the middle? I did this with an i.prestive mid and then placed lead at 3 and 9. This allowed me to remove weight from the racquet and concentrate it at 3 and 9...
  11. Tigerarp1

    KPS88 Update: NEW Sampras Frame! [Merged]

    Heard from the wilson rep in my area a few facts: *New samp frame is for real *88head *modeled after weight/balance of the old 6.0 85 *he will have sample frames available for me to play-test mid-december
  12. Tigerarp1

    John Brown University: Want to Play College Tennis?

    Coach Carter, are we playing you guys this year? We were planning on making a trip through texas last season to play you as well as a few other schools, but somehow things didn't work out. I really enjoyed playing letourneau my freshman year. It was a good experience.
  13. Tigerarp1

    John Brown University: Want to Play College Tennis?

    We are looking for people of an NTRP level of between 4.0 and 5.5 The guys that graduated last year were close to a 4.0 or 4.5 level. They played # 3,4 and 5 for us, and those are the spots that need to be filled. Thanks, Austin
  14. Tigerarp1

    John Brown University: Want to Play College Tennis?

    Yes, I am a playing coach. I play the # 1 spot as well as helping run practice, helping with recruiting and running the men's team. It's a paid position.
  15. Tigerarp1

    Tennis Scholarships for me?

    If you are wanting to play college tennis, we, John Brown University, have some spots left on our team. We offer partial scholarships for our players. I plan on filling these spots within the next 2 weeks. If interrested, email me at
  16. Tigerarp1

    John Brown University: Want to Play College Tennis?

    My name is Austin Phillips, I am the assistant coach at John Brown University located in Siloam Springs Arkansas. Due to various issues, we have 2 or possibly 3 spots available in our starting lineup. I am looking for talented and committed MALE players with a lot of tournament experience...
  17. Tigerarp1

    AMAZING set up for Nsix-one 95

    prince original synthetic gut 16g. I strung the posg mains at 61 and the poly crosses at 60. I had so much controll and feel with this that I could probly drop the overall tension about 3 or 4 lbs and not loose any control. Many people describe the 16x19 version of the racquet as great, but...
  18. Tigerarp1

    AMAZING set up for Nsix-one 95

    I have tried a bunch of setups trying to get feel and a very predictable stringbed out of this racquet. I liked POSG 16 in it, but it was too powerful and unpredictable. So after a month of trying differnt setups, I decided to go back to my trusty POSG 16 but place some cheap SuperSmash 16 in...
  19. Tigerarp1

    JohnCauthen: please advise!

    well, im just trying to get in contact with him...
  20. Tigerarp1

    JohnCauthen: please advise!

  21. Tigerarp1

    JohnCauthen: please advise!

    I have a head i.prestige mid. I like the way it plays, but I am very interrested if your methods could be appled to the frame to make it play even better. Right now, it weights 13oz with a leather grip and overgrip and strings. So, this is what I am thinking. ** I remove the leather grip and...
  22. Tigerarp1

    Venus', Serena's, and Roddick's racquets.

    JohnCauthen: I was serious about wanting to get in contact with you about your ideas. I would like to put them to use on my racquets. Please email me at Thanks!
  23. Tigerarp1

    Venus', Serena's, and Roddick's racquets.

    JOHNCAUTHEN: please e-mail me at I would like to talk to you about some of the stuff you have been posting. Thanks!
  24. Tigerarp1

    prestige rackets

    well, could tell me how it has worked on your other frames? i have tried radicals before, but the low weight was just too much of an adjustment. So im wondering if a radical with a cap grommet and leather grip would create a prestige-like frame with a slight boost in power, spin, and a lager head.
  25. Tigerarp1

    prestige rackets

    how did the flexpoint radical play with the cap gromets? I will be getting 3 flexpoint rad 98's in a few days and have never tried them before. Ive used the i.prestige mid for 2 years. Do you think the flexpoint rad with Cap gromets would feel anything like my i.prestige mid? I want a bigger...
  26. Tigerarp1

    serious about my net game!

    Danman, i do have a 5.0 backcourt game... but because my volleys are so poor, I just do not come to net. I try to keep it aggressive until i can put away a short ball or hit a winner from the baseline. Problem is... I cannot win alot of matches playing like this... I could win so many more...
  27. Tigerarp1

    Head Prestige users!

    no, the racquets all had similar synthetic gut and the same grips. I think I will try to acheive the 31.5cm ballance that almost all pros seem to use when i do my "trimming down". My racquet is extremely head-light right now...
  28. Tigerarp1

    Head Prestige users!

    alright...I think i will try to keep my prestige.... cause i just love it so much, but try to make it a little lighter by: 1. Removing the leather grip and using only 2 overgrips (takes off 1/2oz) 2. cutting the CAP part of the grommet strip off. I will only cut off the sides and leave the top...
  29. Tigerarp1

    serious about my net game!

    i play dubs and singles nearly every day, and my volleys have improved greatly. Still, they are a far cry from my backcourt game. A pro that I play matches against told me the other day that If I could learn to play all-court then I would be a scary opponent to face and I would be able to beat...
  30. Tigerarp1

    Head Prestige users!

    anyone else?