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  1. hochiglenn

    Has anyone tried the 5.2 Diet?

    Thats right. You dont need to eat 3 meals a day but we are bombarded with ads sublimely telling you to eat 24-7 and the food is pretty much junk anyways. Eat good, whole foods and everything else falls in line.
  2. hochiglenn

    Has anyone tried the 5.2 Diet?

    I knew I had to start losing weight when I hit 202 (I'm 5'7"-53 YO Male) and my blood pressure started going up. Also tennis game was harder to move as well. I was on a grain free way of eating for 6 years and maintained my weight around 170 of so but then I had a medication that caused me to...
  3. hochiglenn

    What should the net player do in doubles when the baseline player hits a sitter??

    To be honest I haven’t played with this guy in doubles too much and I was optimistic that he could keep it away from the netman. I hate giving up the net like that but yeah, I see your point.
  4. hochiglenn

    What should the net player do in doubles when the baseline player hits a sitter??

    I would gladly take a good deep lob as well. Anything to keep me from ducking all night. LOL. Not sure he could do it off a serve. Sometimes I will tell my partner if I get a look at a second serve I will lob.
  5. hochiglenn

    What should the net player do in doubles when the baseline player hits a sitter??

    I can usually give my partner a pass unless it’s happening all the time like it did the other night for me. I finally had to tell my partner that he had to hit the ball better cross court. He was getting me killed.
  6. hochiglenn

    What should the net player do in doubles when the baseline player hits a sitter??

    If its a waist high sitter, a lot of times I'll get close to the net and hope to get a racquet on it. It happens occasionally. Sometimes I eat it too lol. I find I stand no chance when I'm back a little father. If its a high ball, I turn my head and duck and then give my partner a stare. Also...
  7. hochiglenn

    What kind of player is GSG (MEP)?

    I’ve seen pushers playing at 4.0 and 4.5 level. I’ve seen them beat guys with beautiful strokes. They just frustrate these guys because they anticipate well. It’s hard to hit them off the court because of this. They can run side to side all day. You can literally watch the frustration level...
  8. hochiglenn

    Doubles tactics

    1 up 1 back isn't the best strategy in dubs. Read the Art of Doubles by Pat Blaskower. She's a proponent of the staggered formation, ie Califonia doubles. Helped really understand the game of doubles. Understanding jobs, court position, covering angles, shot selection and targets a whole lot...
  9. hochiglenn

    2 Up Doubles - Staggered or Side-by-Side?

    Exactly. I get kinda frustrated because I know if my partner had played the situation according to the guidelines the likelihood of winning the point would have been much higher. But not much I can do if they haven't read the book. Sometimes Ill give people a quick run down of what to expect...
  10. hochiglenn

    2 Up Doubles - Staggered or Side-by-Side?

    I play 4.0 tennis and mix it up with some 3.5 guys too. I'm a big fan of the staggered, California doubles formation. When I play doubles most people don't know I'm adhering to the California doubles strategy and I still win my fair amount of matches. They think I'm aggressive when come into...
  11. hochiglenn

    Shoulder issues for the past 8 years I Need Help!

    A PT certified in ASTYM Therapy may be something to look into. ASTYM therapy is very successful in treating cases of tendinosis/tendinitis. I had golfers elbow for a year where nothing traditional worked. ASTYM had me pain free in about 3 weeks. 2 30-45 minutes sessions per week. They say it...
  12. hochiglenn

    Playing against someone with pacemaker/defibrillator

    Thanks for your feedback. I'm about 99% paced due to complete AV heart block caused by sarcoidosis. I haven't had a VFIB event in over 2 and half years and I attribute it to taking Coreg ER. I used to have to take it twice a day and would always forget my PM dose. It keeps my heart rate a little...
  13. hochiglenn

    Tennis Elbow. Is it curable?

    Just an FYI. I've had prior posts regarding this issue. I had golfers elbow for a year and tried everything. The only thing that worked for me was ASTYM therapy. Took about 8 30 minute sessions and it disappeared. Fast forward about 2 years and I've switched to a heavier racquet and it's causing...
  14. hochiglenn

    What Should Djokovic's Strategy Be Against Medvedev?

    I would try keeping the ball deep and down the middle to take Meddys angles away which he is so good at. Also mix in droppers and angled slices to get him to the net. He'll run side to side all day and hit amazing angles and down the lines all day.
  15. hochiglenn

    Can Joker beat Medvedev? How?

    Great post. Its going to be a great match to watch. Both are great at playing side to side and attacking the sitter. Id rather see Meddy at the net if I'm the opponent and I think Novak may employ drop shots to get him there. Admittedly, I'm not a fan of either but I'd rather see Novak win.
  16. hochiglenn

    Can Joker beat Medvedev? How?

    Medvedev played out of his mind throughout the Tsitsipas match. I think Joker has more shot variety than Tsitsipas which I will think you need to win against DM. Need short angled slices and droppers to get him to the net where he isn’t comfortable. I also think just playing the ball deep down...
  17. hochiglenn

    Playing against someone with pacemaker/defibrillator

    I haven't had a shock in 2.5 years (knock on wood) and most local people know my issue. But if they are new and I don't have people around who know me, I just explain if I pass out suddenly you can call 911. I should come to in 1.5 minutes. I'll then say, the chances of that happening are pretty...
  18. hochiglenn

    Racquet for doubles?

    Thanks. I think you are absolutely correct. I like your thought process.
  19. hochiglenn

    Racquet for doubles?

    The way I'm playing doubles now as the returner or server I'm mostly aiming my return/first volley at the service alley T. I want to hit this with slice or flat so they will have to hit up to my net player. With my current setup of a 16X19, flattening out my shots and getting close to my target...
  20. hochiglenn

    Racquet for doubles?

    Nailed it! LOL
  21. hochiglenn

    Racquet for doubles?

    This exactly my thought process now. I need more accuracy in doubles and need to keep ball lower so opponent will hit up to us to volley away.
  22. hochiglenn

    Racquet for doubles?

    I also found some older threads addressing this as well. Thanks.
  23. hochiglenn

    Racquet for doubles?

    Im pretty serious about my tennis. Playing league wanting to improve every chance I get. Im not playing as much singles as I used to and Im playing doubles differently than I used to. I very rarely stay back and "rally" any more. I kinda dont see the point in doubles to do that but that's a new...
  24. hochiglenn

    Playing against someone with pacemaker/defibrillator

    Glad to see you are back on the courts. You are right about getting old. I’m 52 now and just had a 2nd knee surgery on my opposite last summer. The will is the there but the body likes to disagree! Good luck!
  25. hochiglenn

    Playing against someone with pacemaker/defibrillator

    Oops. Never mind. Lol.
  26. hochiglenn

    Playing against someone with pacemaker/defibrillator

    Sorry. Never saw this response. I feel super lightheaded and I know I’m getting ready to pass out so I usually drop down and lie on my back. I have about 2-3 seconds before I know I’m going to pass out. Hope your condition is much better now.
  27. hochiglenn

    Racquet for doubles?

    Is it normal to think you may need a different racquet for doubles? I’ve been using a V7 Blade 104 with 16X19 pattern. Lately I feel as though I need to go down to 98 with a tighter string pattern for better volleys. I played with a TFight 305 RS tonight and felt that the tighter pattern helped...
  28. hochiglenn

    What are some tips for winning points when coming to net

    Haha thanks. According to my last report from 1/21 I have 2.8 years battery life remaining LOL. My Physical juice doesn't last long in extended rallies especially if I'm sprinting for balls. Once my stamina wears out my form goes out the window and if they hit a good lob I don't even try...
  29. hochiglenn

    What are some tips for winning points when coming to net

    I play a lot of retriever types and the problem I encounter with them is a lot of them have a knack for hitting great lobs. I have a pacemaker and take medication that gets me winded easily so I need to shorten points or I run out of juice. My shots generally have more punch and it usually gets...
  30. hochiglenn

    Your shots have to creat some heat

    You right. Think I need a little more CC depth and slide more toward open court (DTL). If they change directions (and they do 90% of the time) I should make them pay and go back cross court and make them run.