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  1. tennisjon

    Looking for a New Racquet need some help Pro Kennex Ki Q-5 Pro This is my stick. I have tried most of the racquets on your list and they tend to be more spin oriented even with what appears to be a more dense pattern...
  2. tennisjon

    College Recruitment

    I coach D3. I had a player with less than a year of experience make my top 8. He was absolutely dedicated and took a lot of lessons. He was not tall, but he was athletic. We are a non-ranked D3 team, but we are certainly an above average D3 team. There are teams that have almost all...
  3. tennisjon

    The most delusional player you ever met?

    I had a match like that in intramurals in college. 0 & 0 in over 2 hours. Every game went to multiple deuces. But after that, having never beaten him, I finally did the next match. Even though the score wasn't close, I knew I played so much better than I had in the past and that gave me the...
  4. tennisjon

    Maccabiah Games

    I got a bronze in the Pan Am games in Santiago, Chile. Walking into that stadium, representing the US, being cheered on by thousands, was an amazing experience! I will never forget it!
  5. tennisjon

    Maccabiah Games

    Hey everyone. I am going to be the 16 to 18 year old coach of the 2025 Maccabiah Games (Jewish Olympics) in Israel next summer. There are also 14 to 16 year old, open, and masters divisions. If anyone is interested please post here or e-mail me at
  6. tennisjon

    Yonex rep for college/college packages
  7. tennisjon

    Still a chance?

    I'm a college coach. There is a team for every level tennis player. There are a couple of teams in my conference that have players that have literally never played tennis before college. Now, I wouldn't personally go to college just to play tennis if you didn't think the college was a good...
  8. tennisjon

    Former D2 at 4.0 Sectionals

    There are a couple of teams we play that have people who have literally never played tennis but the school only has 4 guys and these guys play some other sport and are willing to go out there to keep the sport going at the school until better times come around.
  9. tennisjon

    Former D2 at 4.0 Sectionals

    As a college coach I can tell you that there are players of all levels in D2 and D3. There are some schools where people are literally 2.5 players. While those in D2 on scholarship are likely to be 4.5 to 5.5 players and those on most D3 teams 4.0 to 5.0 players, for sure there are people...
  10. tennisjon

    Doubles UTR’s - what’s going on?

    For me my doubles UTR was significantly lowered after they added mixed doubles toward ratings. I have played mixed nationals on several occasions and it is probably my best discipline, but whenever I do that, my UTR goes down. I am sure it is not the same, but I have a feeling the algorithm is...
  11. tennisjon

    Open Level Leagues?

    There is becoming fewer and fewer opportunities for 5.0 players to play in leagues. The problem is that there just aren't that many 5.0s. Really, the top 20% of 4.5s can play with the 5.0s. Bump them up and there are more people at 5.0. Then bump the real 5.5 guys from 5.0, but allow them to...
  12. tennisjon

    Poll: have you played in a mask, and if so, how did it go?

    I did my stress test wearing a mask and having to run for 13 minutes. At that point, I needed deeper breaths and my mask sorta got caught in my mouth. I needed to pull my mask down to take 3 deep breaths to compensate and I was fine. Where I coach in college all players in the conference will...
  13. tennisjon

    Racquet in between the Yonex Xi 98 and Yonex VCORE 95D

    The E Zone 98 is dense enough in the middle. Add lead to customize.
  14. tennisjon

    College tactics

    I have seen young players come in who want to play at a quick pace all the time and I have them pick up every ball after every shot. If they miss the serve into the net, walk slowly to go pick up the ball. You are being safe. While the quick pace may work while you are winning, its usually...
  15. tennisjon


  16. tennisjon

    Bergen County / Eastern NJ Tennis Scene?

    I play in that league. My team went to nationals last year and won it about 4 years ago.
  17. tennisjon

    Does anyone prefer the Ezone 98 over the Ezone 98 Tour?

    Admittedly I didn't play nearly as much with the Tour or + compared to the regular 98. The Tour I felt was very light in the throat area and a little too soft (and I like and need soft). If it was a little more headlight I think it might have been the way to go since i was coming from a 320...
  18. tennisjon

    Babolat synthetic gut discontinued?

    So is the interpretation that older Babolat Synthetic Gut and current Synthetic Gut are not the same string. Is there a way to know which string you are getting?
  19. tennisjon

    Does anyone prefer the Ezone 98 over the Ezone 98 Tour?

    I just got the 98 which on my scale actually weighed 310. I demoed the 98+ and 98 Tour. I normally play with a 4 3/8, but for Yonex and Babolat, I prefer to go down a side. Yonex butts don't flare enough for me, so a double wrap the overgrip at the butt. I found the 98+ to be too sluggish in...
  20. tennisjon

    College players and HUGE drop in utr

    Another thing that happens is playing USTA leagues will significantly drop your UTR. I play a lot of mixed, which is my best discipline, yet when they started to include mix in UTR rating, I dropped from a high 7 to a mid 5. I played 2 tournaments this summer and nearly beat a 9, which got me...
  21. tennisjon

    Southern Utah adds Men's Tennis

    Ugh! Just awful. Great new coach there too. Sucks for him and the players.
  22. tennisjon

    Any shoes similar to Barricade 15 or 16?

    I find that Asics Gel Resolutions are quite similar as I play with both.
  23. tennisjon

    I play Division III college tennis, AMA

    My team plays 2 D1 and 2 D2 teams every year. We go to the NCAA tournament, but are unranked. 3 of the 4 teams play a mix of starters and non-starters against us to get the win, but to also get their non-starters a match. They do 2 matches that day and we are the B match. The other D2 team...
  24. tennisjon

    Longest local league drive in USTA leagues?

    The thing with NJ is that it is a divided state between Middle States and Eastern. From the same club you can play in multiple sections. The longest drive for me in NJ is 90 minutes, but that is Middle States and I live in Eastern. In Eastern NJ its a 45 minute drive.
  25. tennisjon

    Match approach against serial conscious determined foot faulter

    I did this once against a flagrant foot faulter who served and volleyed....I tossed the ball up, way into the court, ran up to the service line and spiked the ball into the service box. Message sent.
  26. tennisjon

    UTR Admits Change In Algorithm—Severely Hampers Ability To Raise Rating

    He has played 4 league matches and it turns out I played and lost to him in all 4 matches. His partners were all 8s or 9s. He is rated 5.0, but is a 6 UTR.
  27. tennisjon

    Who are the D1 college coaches who have been at the same college 20+ years (can include years as asst coach)?

    I wonder how many of these longer serving coaches get to keep their jobs because colleges just don't care about success of tennis vs. basketball and football? For some coaches, getting a top gig is harder than keeping it. Then you just feed off reputation. I am not calling out coaches...
  28. tennisjon

    Do you know what shot you're going to hit?

    I always have a plan on every return. If my partner asks or has a suggestion, I will try. We know we can't 100% control everything, but the easier the serve relative to your level, the easier it is to have a plan. Like all aspects of tennis, having a plan is important so that if it doesn't go...
  29. tennisjon

    Middle States 4.5 Sectionals

    There is a lot of variety in the lower levels of D1. My unranked D3 team had multiple court wins over a D1 team in a tournament a few years ago.
  30. tennisjon

    Middle States 4.5 Sectionals

    There are supposed to be guidelines for being a 4.5 or any level. Being a 3 star or a verified 10 UTR regardless of rankings as a junior should automatically make you at least a 5.0. No, I would keep what they have but add extra precautions that would auto count on a 5.0 rating.