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  1. M

    Why no Chinese male players

    You've obviously never been to China...hehe
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    Will the PD be discontinued?

    let me clarify what I said and what I meant BTW: -I do think the Cortex System works, in that it succeeds in dampening out even more vibration/feedback upon impact than the original if you miss the sweetspot, the vibration is not as jarring feeling as with the original PD...
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    Will the PD be discontinued?

    I much prefer the old Pure Drive Team. The Cortex takes out what little feedback the original had...sure it might be more comfortable, but it was hard enough to get any feel for the ball on the original model, let alone the Cortex ones (and lack of feel was probably the aspect of the PD that...
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    Vantage raquets... cheap??? worth it or not?

    I think that he could answer some of these questions without revealing manufacturing secrets. The problem is the possibility of the uneducated customer being mislead to think that static weight and balance would be enough to determine whether a racquet would swing and respond the way they...
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    First time GUT, which KLIP for an hybrid?

    NBMJ, are you saying that with a hybrid with ArmourPro mains and a synthetic gut cross (let's say a mono like Gosen Micro), that you would expect the synthetic crosses to break before the Armour Pro mains? I'm not a big string breaker in general, so I guess it doesn't matter that much, just...
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    Nadal vs. Federer groundstroke matchup

    It is much harder for a righty to handle the spin of a lefty forehand than vice versa, b/c there are so few lefties out there, and they simply do not get enough practice against lefties, whereas lefties play righties all the time since most players are, so they are used to seeing righty spins...
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    Vantage raquets... cheap??? worth it or not?

    racketdesign, Has Vantage attempted to address the issue of specifying swingweight specs for their racquets yet? IMO, this is the one fundamental flaw with the "customization" process that you guys have. Because a frame could have a specific weight and balance, but the swingweight could...
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    Best Leather Grip?

    keep in mind that the weight of a leather grip can vary quite a much as 10-15 grams, from brand to brand.... for instance I have a Fairway grip that is 30 grams and a Gamma grip that is about 20 grams. This would also result in noticeably different balances depending on which you...
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    Easy on the Arm Racquets with some Pop?

    Babolat PD racquets don't necessarily = arm pain...if you can hit the sweetspot consistently and you have good technique, you shouldn't have a the Roddick version is heavy enough that it should not be T.E.-inducing in terms of weight. Finally, yes it's possible that the Cortex is...
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    pro kennex 5g or 7g

    IMO, the Ki series is a step backward from the 5g/7g...they are less maneuverable and somehow the feel is different and worse, as if they used cheaper graphite or something.
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    Vantage VTS strings

    I have a Vantage 100"...(11.4 oz. unstrung, 63RA) is a nice racquet...lots of feel/high quality frame...a little too powerful for me and swingweight a little too high for me. I hope you discussed swingweight with them...that is a key factor. It is not a spec that you can specify on the...
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    Luxilon BB Ace to Babolat Hurricane Tour 17g?

    I'm familiar with both strings....the Pro Hurricane Tour has quite a bit more pop and does not lose tension much. I would string it 2-4 lbs. higher than the BB Ace to achieve similar power level. Don't pay attention to the 70 lbs. nonsense. 70 lb. is not even within the recommended tension...
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    Vantage VTS strings

    I don't know if these are the same strings that came on the Vantages that were sold a year ago when I bought mine, but those were terrible. They were a cheap multifilament similar to Wilson NXT that lost a lot of tension, had terrible spin and control, and remained in my racquet for exactly one...
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    unique big hitter 17

    Very good poly for the money....not really like ALU except for the fact that it is least if you've tried lots of polys and can tell the differences. To me , none of the so-called ALU "copies" really play like ALU....but the Big Hitter has a lot of good qualities....comfortable...
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    Alu Power mains/X-One Biphase crosses

    I would not recommend that combo. I've tried it. For what you are trying to do, I would not use a multifilament as a cross. First of all, X-1 Biphase is rather expensive...secondly, it will get sawed through by the ALU mains quickly....thirdly, the feel is just off for some reason, makes the...
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    Tecnifibre RedCode

    sure...but you can get such excellent polys as Topspin Cyberflash for around 60-70$ a reel vs. 110$ for REdcode. That ends up being 3-4$ a set for Syberflash in a reel! IMO, Cyberflash outperforms Redcode in every possible way.
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    Pro Supex Premier Ace & Topspin Cyber Flash

    Not sure about the PRemier Ace..supposedly it plays like Signum Plasma...but the Big Ace string is very low-powered....I would string it 2-4 lbs. lower than Cyber Flash.
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    what is the best 100sq in racquet?

    Vantage 100" Babolat Pure Drive Team Babolat Aeropro Drive Pro Kennex 7g Pro Kennex Laver Type S/SX
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    Topspin Cyberflash vs Big Banger Alu Power Rough

    no I don't think so...the mains are the strings that make the most difference for spin.
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    Topspin Cyberflash vs Big Banger Alu Power Rough

    To tell you the truth I am not sure what the difference is between super micro and regular micro..supposedly the super holds tension better which is why I like to use it...but can't confirm that. When I use 17g. mains, I usually use 16g. for crosses for added durability...also the Gosen Micro...
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    Isospeed Control or Professional as a cross string with poly mains?

    Has anyone tried this? After comparing multiple polys, I've determined that the difference between gut crosses vs. synth gut crosses is considerable for me. The gut makes it much more comfortable and more pop. Standard multifiber synthetic guts don't feel that great as a cross for me...worse...
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    Topspin Cyberflash vs Big Banger Alu Power Rough

    ALu Rough and Cyberflash are similar in power I would say...Both are on the high side of power for a poly. THeir feels are different....the ALU has a more crisp feel...Cyberflash is actually surpirsingly soft. To A/B the 2: 1.Power - similar 2.Spin - ALU Rough 3.Control - ALU Rough...
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    Recommend tension for SPPP?

    I would try it at around 60 lbs.
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    Are polys more powerful?

    I would say from my experiences that some of the more powerful polys (for instance ALU Rough which is one of the most powerful I've tried) in a hybrid with gut crosses strung at low tensions (say around 50 lbs.)is just as powerful as anything else, including higher tensions, this setup...
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    (Yes, another): VOLKL DNX 9 REVIEW!!

    for all you DNX9 users, just wanted to check up to see how that frame was working out for you. When I tried it, I found it to be an intruiging frame, although ultimately, I could not play well with it against players that were better than me, specifically players who were better AND power...
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    list of Aerodynamic frames

    obviously any thinner beamed and smaller headed racquets are going to be more aerodynamic....of the racquets I've tried in recent years, the ones that come to mind in terms of being aerodynamic FOR THEIR SIZE AND BEAM WIDTH : Yonex MP series Yonex Ti-70 and Ti-80 Volkl DNX 9 and DNX 10-mid Pro...
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    Vantage RA 70

    interesting about the adding lead on the outside of the this something you've experimented with? I'll have to try this...
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    Yonex RDX 500 HD 98

    My buddy just got this racquet...he had it strung with Klip Legend Gut 17 @ 60 lbs. He said it felt just a little too tight for him, and would probably string it 2-4 lbs. lower next time...that would probably coincide with the recommendation of 55-57 lbs. for a multi like X-1 Biphase, since the...
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    pro hurricane tour hybrid

    don't string it at 70 lbs! It is more powerful than ALU...I'd say string it at least a couple lbs. higher than you would for maybe a 5% drop from what you would string it at with a synthetic gut instead of the recommended 10% for Luxilon.
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    Yonex 850 vs. Signum Pro Fibre High Tex EXP?

    I've used both and think highly of both. Their virtues diifer : The Signum is more "gut-like", softer, more comfortable, and more powerful. In fact it is the most "gut-like" multi I've ever tried. I think it plays best if ou jack up the tension a couple lb.s higher than other multis. It...