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  1. ninjatennis

    Bonjour from Babolat: Part Deux

    @Babolat Official, I just wanted to say many many thanks to Daniel and Jason from Babolat who helped me tremendously. Jason went out of this way when he didn't have to. They're fantastic. You have a customer for life. :)
  2. ninjatennis

    \\\\ Microgel Prestige Pro Club ////

    I guess I'll keep using these for another 5 years until a better racket comes along.
  3. ninjatennis

    \\\\ Microgel Prestige Pro Club ////

    Anyone still using this racket? Also, if you've used in the past, what have you switched to? I'm stilling using it. I wonder how the youtek, youtek IG, or the graphene compares.
  4. ninjatennis

    TW: gift card usage at TW Europe

    Hi TW, I have a gift card from TW. Is it valid at TW Europe? Thanks.
  5. ninjatennis

    Splurged on Gut

    Absolutely agree with everything you said Jim E. I like my midplus racket at 61 pounds on a crank. at that tension, it plays great right off the bat. since i don't play much in the winter time and the strings stay in the frame longer, i'm at 64 pounds for the winter. It does NOT feel like...
  6. ninjatennis

    Best DRESS shoes for cushioning and comfort

    Thanks everyone for the replies! This has been really helpful! Now to get myself a nice comfortable pair of dress shoes as a Christmas present. :)
  7. ninjatennis

    TW: Racket Specs

    TW, I'm going racket shopping for the holidays and under specs for your rackets, you have: Balance Swingweight Stiffness My questions is, are these numbers for a strung racket or an unstrung racket? Thanks!
  8. ninjatennis

    Best DRESS shoes for cushioning and comfort

    Hey everyone, So it seems everyone here is a fan of the asics gel resolutions or the prince t22's. But does anyone have any suggestions for the best dress shoes for cushioning and comfort. My dress shoes for work are pretty uncomfortable and I can't wait to get them off every day after...
  9. ninjatennis

    Asics Gel Resolution 4 shoes

    it may be just me but it seems like the gr3 just came out not too long ago...
  10. ninjatennis

    Verizon-FIOS US Open-Pulling channel off air?

    i'm pretty upset. what is going on... so no tennis tonight for verizon fios customers?!?! :evil:
  11. ninjatennis

    Roland Garros 4th Round - (7)Ferrer vs. (9)Monfils

    its streaming live on nbc online
  12. ninjatennis

    Ektelon Model H - First Mains Problem

    Hi all, I'm not sure if any of you guys have an Ektelon H but here goes... When I am stringing Head rackets, the mains go through the head first so the first pair of strings come out of the throat to be pulled through the tensioner. The only problem is that the Ektelon H doesn't have a...
  13. ninjatennis

    ASICs Gel Resolution 3 for Clay

    TW and anyone else, I've has been trying to find the Asics Gel Res 2 Clay with no luck. I was going to wait for the Gel Res 3 Clay but now that they arent't going to be offered... What shoe would you recommend for someone who loves the cushioning of the Gel Res but for a clay court? In...
  14. ninjatennis

    HEAD PT57 and PT10 -my opinion on what makes them so special

    ivo, good post. i think you're on to something. confirmed that my microgel prestige is a FULL bridge. this is interesting. does this mean that a p57a is NOT a pt630.
  15. ninjatennis

    Fit: Asics Gel Resolution 3 vs Asics Gel Resolution 2

    TW and anyone else, Can anyone else comment on the width of the GR3 vs the GR2?
  16. ninjatennis

    Gulbis to Wilson!

    but his new wilson racket doesn't have caps.
  17. ninjatennis

    Asics Gel Resolution 3s are up on TW

    i think the gr3's black ones look better than the gr2's black. i like the gr2's white/lime better than the gr3's white/brick red though. i'll have to try these after my current shoes wear out.
  18. ninjatennis

    Head Butt Cap Weights

    Bud!!! - wow, thank you so much. i really appreciate it. you're awesome. this is one of the reasons why i love this forum. sure theres some fighting and sometimes things can get out of hand, but generally people here are great. thanks again bud! :)
  19. ninjatennis

    Head Butt Cap Weights

    I have a customer that is really particular about racket modifications and weight. Does anyone know the weights of the 2 Head butt caps being sold by TW? Thanks so much for...
  20. ninjatennis

    winter, no tennis. practice footwork?

    wow, thanks everyone so much. amazing... great information here.
  21. ninjatennis

    winter, no tennis. practice footwork?

    It's winter and so I can't play as much as I used to. What things/drills do you all use to improve footwork during the offseason? I was searching around and the only thing I saw was an agility ladder. Does anyone use an agility ladder? If so, what excercises do you use on it? I saw...
  22. ninjatennis down

    TW, I was trying to get to your main webpage and I get this: ** Sever Error - Please Try Again **
  23. ninjatennis

    The Head TGK 238.5 YTPP club :)

    vs - i'm a bit confused by the engineering codes... lets take the TGK238.2 (microgel prestige pro) and TGK238.5(youtek prestige pro). they have the same mold, same pattern (16x19). how would they be different then besides the paint? are they completely different racquets?
  24. ninjatennis

    Trying to find knot tightener

    it may be a starting clamp but it's definitely not this type of starting clamp: dancraig - yeah! it looks like that except it was all metal and it looked to be spring loaded.
  25. ninjatennis

    Trying to find knot tightener

    Hey everyone - I was watching ATP Tour Uncovered and they had a segment on stringing. The stringer was using this metal tool to tighten the knot. It wasn't the parallel jaw pliers on tw. It looked to be spring loaded where it clamps down on the string automatically. It almost looks like...
  26. ninjatennis

    Another question about Head pro stock..

    did we ever get confirmation of this or is this just speculation?
  27. ninjatennis

    website down/slow all day today.

    TW, has been either down or slow all day for me today. Has anyone else experienced the same problem? Thanks.
  28. ninjatennis

    TGK 238.4 or PT57A

    dr325i - since you played with both the TGK238.1 (MG) and the TGK238.4 (YT), is there a difference between the two? the TGK's are supposedly not to have any microgel or youtek but just graphite and resin. therefore, besides the difference in paintjobs the tgk238.1 and tgk238.4 should be...
  29. ninjatennis

    Ernests Gulbis PT57E

    vs - so does that mean that the PT57E has the piezoelectric parts in them?