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  1. jasoncho92

    4.5, really?

    looks like both are 3.5 to me
  2. jasoncho92

    How has Nadal incresed serve speed suddenly?

    if he was serving with more of a eastern backhand grip than a continental grip, it would make sense that he would sacrifice speed for spin. im not sure what grip he used so i cant be certain though.
  3. jasoncho92

    tennis in montreal

    Im attending mcgill university and i really want to play some tennis. im roughly 4.5 level after i get back to form, but as of now i need about a week of constant play or else ill actually whiff some balls haha.
  4. jasoncho92

    Flat hitting K90 user can't hit a solid kick serve

    I dont understand how this makes sense. A flat hitter at low levels will mess up regardless of the type of serve
  5. jasoncho92

    stiffness/tension from weight training?

    I played much better when i worked out. Try stretching post-workout as itll help relieve some soreness as well as improve flexibility
  6. jasoncho92

    High Speed Video of Delpo Taken by Me Today.

    I didnt know you were allowed to play in the actual stadium court. How much does it cost?
  7. jasoncho92

    Question to BB, Others on Picking a Primary FH Stance

    Please dont post crap like this. Hes saying those are common issues for beginners (and intermediates) who use the open stance. If you can find a stance that no player in the world has issues with in the beginning, feel free to chip in
  8. jasoncho92

    How would a modern 4.5 player fare against Evert in her prime?

    No way a 4.5 can beat Evert. My coach was a national 4.5 champ and HIS female students (not even close to 7.0 womens), were close to beating him. A 5.0 would probably get a few games or get close, and a 5.5 would most like win.
  9. jasoncho92

    What NTRP level is typical prep school benchwarmer?

    Prep schools tend to be higher level so id say around 3.5. Doubt it would stoop down to 3.0
  10. jasoncho92

    Do they still exist!??!

    I see a few sites in korea selling them new. In the US, your best bet is just waiting
  11. jasoncho92

    What Should a 3.5 Player Actually Look Like???

    Dont ask me :( The guy i played with made a point of only hitting me forehands until the camera battery literally died out. My backhand was hot that day too
  12. jasoncho92

    Some groundies (video)

    I didnt watch much but im guessing 4.5-5.0 Nevermind, i take the 5.0 back. So 4.5
  13. jasoncho92

    What Should a 3.5 Player Actually Look Like??? People say im about a 4.0
  14. jasoncho92

    video: NTRP?

    Either you are trolling or are mentally handicapped. How is someone a lower level on a good day and a higher level on a bad day?
  15. jasoncho92

    What is the secret of ...?

    I can attest to the very slow by experience. It takes insane amounts of spin to do it. My friend plays around and hits serves that speed up on the bounce by huge amounts, and they end up hitting the back fence higher than his 110+mph flat serves. Its pretty crazy actually
  16. jasoncho92

    Tennis lesson for a 2.9 yr old?

    A coach is a waste of money until age 6 from what ive seen. Kids just cant grasp concepts or improve at a decent rate until they mature to a certain point.
  17. jasoncho92

    Where is "no man's land" located on the court?

    There is absolutely no way you can get away with that while playing against 4.0-4.5 players. Its practically impossible unless these guys are incapable of playing a shot past the service line, which would mean they arent 4.0-4.5. If you are able to hit waist high while being in no mans land...
  18. jasoncho92

    Post 4.0 and above videos

    This is exactly what 3.0 players say about these videos. I have yet to find an actual 5.5 player who cant tell the difference from a low and high level pusher. Im about a 4.0 Serves - Forehands -
  19. jasoncho92

    the grommets dont fit!!

    A dremel is a precise tool if used with any knowledge and gets the job done fast. Its not really screwing with the racket either since youre barely increasing the size of the holes.
  20. jasoncho92

    A good racket for me? (4.0ish)

    I had a 4 1/2 but i have woman hands and bought it incorrectly haha. I use a 4 1/4 now I always feel i put too much or too little on and add more, then rip it off, then repeat. I think one of my team mates has one so ill give it a hit. I was playing an old guy that was hitting low pace balls...
  21. jasoncho92

    A good racket for me? (4.0ish)

    To be honest, im sort of OCD about lead tape and would just repeatedly tear it off so thats a no go. If i could find a new ncode 95 i would jump on it but i have yet to see one. As for the stroke, ive fixed the hitch although im in a bit of a slump right now
  22. jasoncho92

    A good racket for me? (4.0ish)

    OP is a bit long so ill put it here. Here is a vid of my groundies using my ps85. I try putting more topspin on each shot now Hope this helps a little
  23. jasoncho92

    What is the secret of ...?

    It can be slower. Kick serves go pretty high up on the fence
  24. jasoncho92

    For those whose use mid size rackets

    So would i be right in assuming that its not so much as the headsize, but the fact that midsize rackets almost always have specs that are inclined towards the better players?
  25. jasoncho92

    A good racket for me? (4.0ish)

    I dont have a demo service available to me since im in korea and clueless if there is such a thing here, so id like to know what people who have tried many rackets feel would be the best for me. Now my racket history and what i felt about the rackets Head S1 (oversize): First racket...
  26. jasoncho92

    What is the secret of ...?

    Hitting the ball at a higher point, imparting more topspin, and hitting a faster ball make it go up high.
  27. jasoncho92

    For those whose use mid size rackets

    If you used a players racket, what would you say the benefit of a mid is? Saying that an oversize racket has the same specs as a mid (other than the headsize of course), what would the real benefit be? Ive never been able to find the real benefits since i wasnt playing tennis at high enough of a...
  28. jasoncho92

    Rackets that generate SPIN!!!

    Id just like to clear this up since i was a bit rude. I apologize for being a kid and calling names, but your post did have quite a bit of bias in it considering this: "I can't believe no one has said this yet. OP, everyone else has an agenda, apparently. You need to go with a Babolat racquet...
  29. jasoncho92

    What is your NTRP rating?

    Im a 4.0 although i go down to 3.0 level at times since im so inconsistent after a 6 month lay off.
  30. jasoncho92

    For those whose use mid size rackets

    I was gone on vacation and i forgot about this so ill bring it back. First of all, i have no idea what that plasma guy is going off on. I never said anything like midsize rackets being obsolete but that i feel large portion of midsize users play with a racket that is too demanding for them and...