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  1. OriginalHockeytowner

    Fat did you do it?

    I've lost 45lbs since Jan '11, from 293 to 248. Got back from an overseas deployment, crawled into a wheel of cheese, and nearly ate myself to death. I did it doing two very simple things: eating less and exercising more. Don't be like me and get hung up on exercise plans and eating plans...
  2. OriginalHockeytowner

    Could Top Tennis Players Complete Iron Man or Half Iron Man?

    Bingo! Specificity is the reason for a lot of different types of athletes, and their respective specialities
  3. OriginalHockeytowner

    I hate muscle memory.

    Never give up! Somewhere out there, is a racquet that was made for you. You just have to find it...or tweak the heck out whatever equipment you have now, until it works for you :) I went through about a dozen honeymoon phases but I'm back to my trusty blade tour now. Stick with the POG...
  4. OriginalHockeytowner

    Agassi with Donnay?!?!?

    The past 6 years have not been kind to Andre... :(
  5. OriginalHockeytowner

    Is Andy Roddick the best grass court player to never win Wimbledon?

    Sorry I'm late to the party, you make an excellent point and a strong case for Andy. But the illogical side of me wants to equate grass court player with serve and volleyer, even though that just isn't the case in our post-2001, 100% rye grass, compacted substrate world :)
  6. OriginalHockeytowner

    Who thinks Fed would play better with a 95" racquet? Unless he's using a PJ'd racquet, looks like 100sq in it is
  7. OriginalHockeytowner

    Best player to never win a Slam - Miloslav Mecir

    Without TTW, I would never even know Mecir existed. I had read his name in several tennis autobiographies, but just sorta wrote him off. Then I actually saw him play, thanks to the power of YouTube. All I can say is, WOW, how did this guy stay under my radar for so long? Easily one of my top...
  8. OriginalHockeytowner

    Most heart-breaking loss of each player's career?

    Agassi, 2005 US Open against Fed. Halted Agassi's storybook run, after 3 consecutive 5-set matches, including the single-greatest USO match, Agassi v. Blake. If Agassi had won that tournament, he would've followed Pete's example and retired, instead of limping along for another year. 1995...
  9. OriginalHockeytowner

    Battle of Sexes Here's another one, with Yannick Noah beating Henin...!?
  10. OriginalHockeytowner

    Battle of Sexes

    Fixed it for ya, ZeroSkid :)
  11. OriginalHockeytowner

    Donating Blood and on court performance

    I always feel like Superman after I give blood. I've worked my hardest, whether on the tennis court or at work, whatever, after giving up a pint. I dunno, maybe I have too much blood! :) It could also be entirely mind over matter. Also, I am definitely NOT suggesting anyone give blood...
  12. OriginalHockeytowner

    Coolest pictures of pros

    Still can't find a decent color photo of the Big Cat, so this will have to suffice :)
  13. OriginalHockeytowner

    Coolest pictures of pros

    Yes, it is Rafter! I think it was taken after his first USO win. ^Also, I agree! :) Gotta keep the thread going:
  14. OriginalHockeytowner

    Predict the next 5 slams

    Well folks, I'm two for two, don't know about the rest of ya :)
  15. OriginalHockeytowner

    Coolest pictures of pros

    Mirka's not much of a looker, but at least she has a nice bum! :) Ahem...back on topic! :) This is still one of my favorite pictures in tennis:
  16. OriginalHockeytowner

    Is Andy Roddick the best grass court player to never win Wimbledon?

    Rafter is my vote: 4 grass titles and 2 finals appearances, but no Wimbledon victory :(
  17. OriginalHockeytowner

    Which Grand Slam has the nicest trophy?

    Near tie between the Wimbledon and US Open men's trophies, with Wimbledon getting the edge because the US Open trophy looks too much like an urn for a dead relative's ashes
  18. OriginalHockeytowner

    Another question about Math...

    Is that the Collatz conjecture? There are several great XKCD comic strips related to this thread...but I won't post them :)
  19. OriginalHockeytowner

    Why do people think Federer will win another Major?

    He'll have to rip the USO title away from Djokovic, plus have a lights-out fall season, and of course win the year-end final. Pretty tall order, if you ask me :)
  20. OriginalHockeytowner

    Why can't people like both Federer and Nadal?

    I respect both as human beings equally, but I like Federer's game a lot more.
  21. OriginalHockeytowner

    What is the ONE FINAL THING Fed has to do to be considered GOAT

    Does anyone else sense a "Rocky Balboa" or Ali-Marciano-esque computer simulation in the works?
  22. OriginalHockeytowner

    Adult Tennis Players Excuse thread

    "I changed racquets" sometimes the "rally racquet" has the opposite effect :)
  23. OriginalHockeytowner

    This shot only in Federer's book

    Wicked shot. It's true that we don't see a lot of forehand slice, at least not clean winners like those two!
  24. OriginalHockeytowner

    Technology favoring Federer

    Straw man argument much?
  25. OriginalHockeytowner

    Fed's speech...understated?

    I thought the same way for awhile...then I just got sucked into the black hole hahahaha
  26. OriginalHockeytowner

    Fed's speech...understated?

    Shoot, I felt bad for him too, he had the weight of the entire population of the United Kingdom and 76 years without a championship win on his shoulders. To come so close, to go up a set and a break against one of the best to ever play the game in the finals at Wimbledon, was monumental. But...