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  1. Meaghan

    Baseball bat style buttcap

    I fold and glue a two inch piece of old leather grip in half and stick it to the butt cap. Like Soderling its only on one side so my fingers find my grip easily as I have the same grip for fh and 1hbh. There's also pictures of Wawrinka's built up with athletic tape, like gasquet it helps with...
  2. Meaghan

    Diary of a Racketaholic

    Back with Vantage Bast Core 20 until today when a heavily modded bc30 proved itself rather remarkable...
  3. Meaghan

    P. Angell TC95

    I don't understand the bad press here, I've often had problems with rackets from babolat, Wilson, head etc and I've never emailed their Boss to when we do get a reply from Paul then that's great but its something we shouldn't expect all the time. All the info is on his site, he's...
  4. Meaghan

    P. Angell TC95

    Understand for stapled pallets, yes I just removed one and it was a complete pain. Squeaky handle may be a broken pallet under the butt the past that's been the case for me.
  5. Meaghan

    P. Angell TC95

    To be fair, I looked at your email you posted in another thread and its just a general email about customisation, something you can research yourself to find your answers. Can you imagine Paul answering all these general emails and questions, he'd never get any work done....... Its...
  6. Meaghan

    Diary of a Racketaholic

    By accident really, the apd is fine, the grip is just to big. I've kinda come to the conclusion that flexy frames make my serve and groundstrokes better and stiffer frames do the nuts and bolts well. I left my love affair with the bc20 after missing two volleys against our clubs no.1 seed in...
  7. Meaghan

    Diary of a Racketaholic

    Gone back to silver and green Gads !!
  8. Meaghan

    Diary of a Racketaholic

    I agree thought he was superb against guasquet....
  9. Meaghan

    What's the most extreme customization you've ever made?

    Added two padlocks either side of the top of my grip, an extra 100g to a vantage bc20, worked very well for two sets, struggled in the third.....
  10. Meaghan

    Diary of a Racketaholic

    Thanks corners...... ;)
  11. Meaghan

    Diary of a Racketaholic

    Sorry Jack I have to disagree, I think everyone under 4.0 should play with a heavy, small headed stick and hone their skills, not continue with their game improvement rackets and not continue to improve....
  12. Meaghan

    Pros and cons of a Plus racket?

    Polystyrene comes in packaging, I have some of the round tubular stuff but any will do cut to size and add to the bottom of racket after but cap removal, tape over onto handle then add butt cap then do the same to secure...I find duct tape or athletic tape really good.
  13. Meaghan

    Pros and cons of a Plus racket?

    Simple mod, just take off butt cap, add half inch of polystyrene, duct tape over, butt cap back on, duct tape to secure, regrip and test. If you don't like it take it all off and tap the pins back in to the butt cap.
  14. Meaghan

    Diary of a Racketaholic

    As one who shunned the Nadal sycophants weilding their plastic bats, I do not know how the original apd nor the cortex perform. I'm quite surprised at the stuff I thought the apd would be pretty average at, slice, volley, stability, solidity, deftness, all perform high in terns of players sticks...
  15. Meaghan

    Diary of a Racketaholic

    Mike I would seriously look at the BB London, when I modded mine it was as good as I've had in a racket, gives a little more room and forgiveness, swings easy like a c10 or a pb10 mid, plenty of pop too, very surprised at its stability, much better than the c/pb 10s.....
  16. Meaghan

    Diary of a Racketaholic

    Double post...
  17. Meaghan

    Diary of a Racketaholic

    Forgot about them sorry, I liked them, I remember you didn't, is stratagum a poly? Feel like I'm on a while new string quest with the Bab, Bugger!
  18. Meaghan

    Diary of a Racketaholic

    Personality I think this is a poly frame, if you think its stiff then id go softer, imo most of the black poly's are good to go, black code, rpm, blackout, cyclone, msv hex.....tbh tho I'm thinking of going back to tour bite.... Ross I liked it, there was a funny feel from it, can't put my...
  19. Meaghan

    Diary of a Racketaholic

    Garry, I think the Yonex string would be great, it has lovely feel for a poly and is still crisp in what would be a slightly softer n95, considering its relatively old, has been sanded and also the n95 was not as stiff imo. Personally I would string high 40's, lots if pocketing, power and spin...
  20. Meaghan

    Diary of a Racketaholic

    I hada PDR a while back, really struggled with it feeling too fat, didn't like it, at the swing weight I like my rackets to be it felt to cumbersome. The apd just cuts thru the air much better. I'm known as a fair weather player, someone who plays well given good conditions and fresh balls, the...
  21. Meaghan

    Diary of a Racketaholic

    Ross, Yes still APDing, played yesterday, easy win, crushing the ball, one double fault in four sets, massive serving, massive fh, no problems with my1hbh, ok not as stable as I'm used to on volleys but its not in bad, the added weight in the hoop makes it feel rather plush! When one is...
  22. Meaghan

    Diary of a Racketaholic

    Haha..... My Steam experience is thanks to Ross letting me borrow it for a week or so. One if my team mates calls me a Formula 1 player, meaning I'm always after and play well in perfect conditions but as soon as the wind blows or the rain falls or the sun is in my eyes then I have no plan B so...
  23. Meaghan

    Racket For An Old School Game?

    Wilson steam 99s Becker London Volkl x10
  24. Meaghan

    Diary of a Racketaholic

    One on the way........why I have always played proper tennis with proper bats when I can cheat like this....just had my best league match in heavy, windy conditions and was still hitting aces when the balls were completely dead. Obviously its heavily modded but at 350g and 360+ sw its a monster...
  25. Meaghan

    Diary of a Racketaholic

    Comfort: excellent, no vibration, no twisting super stable, nor volkl feel a in flex and plow but quicker, crisper, n95 like and beautifully manoeuvrable. Power: Its relative I know but Its not an apd and its more powerful than a prestige, plenty of spin, good pop, flatten out easily, volleys...
  26. Meaghan

    Diary of a Racketaholic

    Oh dear just hit with a fake APD gt that I've customised and extended, this is some stick, what am I doing trying to play the perfect game when I can cheat like this!
  27. Meaghan

    Diary of a Racketaholic

    Gads, the paintwork makes one think, girly tweener, infact when I compare it to my 'players' sticks, its exactly that a players stick, just on steds! It helps good players, it won't make the game easier for those lacking technique.
  28. Meaghan

    Diary of a Racketaholic

    Just had a session with the steam 99s (Lux 4G), got 9g at 10,12&2, 8g top of handle, overgrip etc etc, relatively light at 344 but at 4pts hl balance and a swingweight thats up there I trotted to the court thinking will this thing volley, will my slices loop de loop??? Really happy at how...
  29. Meaghan

    Diary of a Racketaholic

    Agree with Gads, although I had no problems serving with it. At the time I was s&v a lot and because the bc20 loved TB so much my volleys were not great, from the baseline tho, like gads, superb. I also extended mine half an inch and beefed it up a tad.
  30. Meaghan

    Diary of a Racketaholic

    agree.......except for the natural gut, what you say makes sense Corners, its what I thought but when I go softer there is completely no feel. The 'ring of steel' reduces vibration so much that the opposite feels much better, hence I like something crisp in it, TB I didnt like, a few others were...