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  1. FiguringItOut

    Depth Perception Training

    Looked up "Brock String training". Thank you!
  2. FiguringItOut

    USTA - Wearing Earbuds during Match OK or Violation?

    Genius wit. Thank you for sharing!
  3. FiguringItOut

    Depth Perception Training

    Me, too! You're not alone. My private instructor said to keep my feet moving/light feet/play on your toes (that may not be TECHNICALLY correct, but it may be the IDEA I needed to keep in mind to change what I was doing with my body) - it turns out I believed that it is possible to play with...
  4. FiguringItOut

    Um, WTF. I need a reality check. For real...

    I've spent 2024 finally understanding that what you wrote is true. Thank you for the force of your confrontation. Wasn't pleasant to hear, but it made me consider you were right, and I've concluded that I grossly underestimated the sport and wildly overestimated that I possessed any natural...
  5. FiguringItOut

    5 Months Off - Becoming Bionic

    You couldn't have been more right about my ego. Well-discerned. What you wrote was nothing I wanted to hear, but needed to. Thank you. Peace -
  6. FiguringItOut

    5 Months Off - Becoming Bionic

    I spent 2024 on the courts as a recreational player realizing I had GROSSLY underestimated the sport - and overestimated that I possessed any natural aptitudes to help my own cause. Thank you. Peace -
  7. FiguringItOut

    USTA - Wearing Earbuds during Match OK or Violation?

    You're absolutely right. A well-aimed and absolutely correct criticism. Thank you for making me face it. I've spent since your post learning how to stop being a little ******** in my mind regarding tennis. Peace -
  8. FiguringItOut

    USTA - Wearing Earbuds during Match OK or Violation?

    It's not about unplugging. It's about drowning out the chaos of pickleball and people running their dogs on the courts even at places where USTA matches are being played on public or school courts. I'm 52 (hardly a kid) and when I started "playing" tennis, I was in my 20s, where the courts were...
  9. FiguringItOut

    USTA - Wearing Earbuds during Match OK or Violation?

    Didn't have an issue with the advice, it was the on-line ribbing I wasn't expecting. A year later, I'm more exposed to things that happen on forums and I "understand" now. Yeah, I couldn't take it at the time. Thanks for the growth opportunity. Peace -
  10. FiguringItOut

    USTA - Wearing Earbuds during Match OK or Violation?

    I ended up not making it a habit given there wasn't a clear permissibility for it. Thank you!
  11. FiguringItOut

    Another pickleball rant...

    I haven't been on the boards for quite some time, but I'm so glad I found this thread. I thought I was just a terrible human being because this whole pickleball-is-a-form-of-or-relative-to-tennis thing has been insane to me. And it has been REALLY hard to be gracious to the folks on the courts...
  12. FiguringItOut

    USTA - Wearing Earbuds during Match OK or Violation?

    OMG. I don't know why I bother to post here anymore. Folks, ONE EARBUD - it's in the OP. Also, I'm 51. I'm not a Zoomer. I'm Gen X. Thank you to esgee48 for their reply. I'll research this elsewhere. Peace -
  13. FiguringItOut

    USTA - Wearing Earbuds during Match OK or Violation?

    I've taken a year off competitive play to sort out and try to solve my mental weaknesses on court. During this break, during my practice matches, I tried playing with one earbud in while listening to music I'm VERY familiar with - for reasons I don't mind explaining if anyone asks. Anyhoo, the...
  14. FiguringItOut

    5 Months Off - Becoming Bionic

    So... my profile here is "Figuring It Out" - this is going to be in that vein. I hope this is somehow helpful to others who might read it down the line... Early NOV 2022, I was getting bagel-ed and bread-sticked. My eyes were giving me fits. I dreaded my scheduled matches. My whole body hurt...
  15. FiguringItOut

    Q's on vision, sunglasses etc

    Just found this link elsewhere:
  16. FiguringItOut

    Q's on vision, sunglasses etc

    "it appears that my depth perception is way off and I lost 6-0, 6-1 to a tennis buddy with who I am equally matched." I turned 50 in July. Night matches started after daylight savings time ended, started playing under lights. Mistimed and shanked balls and late reads on trajectory. Went...
  17. FiguringItOut

    Anyone truly knowledgeable about NTRP algorithm?

    "The bottom line is that I don't think you are as good as you think you are, but good luck in your quest to improve." You're absolutely right. I've become self-aware - I had an ego problem and it was rotting me. I'm working to fix and heal it by addressing all the things I blamed other than my...
  18. FiguringItOut

    Anyone truly knowledgeable about NTRP algorithm?

    PREFACE 1: I know - if I win convincingly in the score line, I'll likely get the bump. Understood. Working on all that, LOL. PREFACE 2: Live in the Raleigh area. Played USTA here for many, many years. NC is one of the most highly migrated-to states right now. Am noticing a dramatic difference...
  19. FiguringItOut

    Finally ready for CHESS!

    Thank you for directing me to the Wardlaw Directionals. Just came back from playing a guy I've never taken more than 3 games off of and I got 6 today. Unforced errors due to my countless efforts to redirect the ball and building in margin when I did were WAAAAAAAAY down. Thanks!
  20. FiguringItOut

    Finally ready for CHESS!

    Thank you for directing me to the Wardlaw Directionals. Just came back from playing a guy I've never taken more than 3 games off of and I got 6 today. Unforced errors due to my countless efforts to redirect the ball and building in margin when I did were WAAAAAAAAY down. Thanks!
  21. FiguringItOut

    Finally ready for CHESS!

    Very cogent. Thank you!
  22. FiguringItOut

    Finally ready for CHESS!

    Out of position
  23. FiguringItOut

    Finally ready for CHESS!

    Yeah, osmosis hasn't worked. Been watching everything I could get access to since bunny ears on a B&W TV. Thanks, though!
  24. FiguringItOut

    Finally ready for CHESS!

    PREFACE: Never played highschool or college. Have a Tennis Instructor when I can afford to pay him. Have worked the last 2 years in-earnest on footwork (including losing 13 lbs), forehand (work-shopped and now flat and penetrating), volleys (added them to my game), overheads (not afraid to go...
  25. FiguringItOut

    Horror stories of choking, losing big leads, etc.

    I'm grateful for your reply. To be honest, I still don't understand. From seeing many of your other posts, it seems you've found sports-watching and body-building as pathways to joy for you. Keep that intensity - life is to be lived! Peace -
  26. FiguringItOut

    Classic Grunting/Hindrance Scenario

    Disagree. I learned expulsion of air on my way to a Black Belt. Comes out naturally when I am in my flow-state when playing. So between training and the natural outcome of a highly-focused performing state, I grunt. Now, I don't moan as if my fenders were about to fall off - so to your point...
  27. FiguringItOut

    Horror stories of choking, losing big leads, etc.

    Help me understand why, if you've moved on, that you're on the Forums sounding bitter that Tennis was a Cruel Mistress to you...? You haven't quit tennis, it seems - it's just morphed from playing to posting...
  28. FiguringItOut

    New to being ahead in match. How does one THINK/FEEL/STRATEGIZE to win?

    So, I found this on another thread from YOU, LOL - this is what I was looking for!!! So "Thank you" circuitously... "Opponents play well when they have ‘nothing to lose‘ as is usually the case when they are multiple match point down. When I am 40-0 (or 0-40 if returning) up 3 MPs or have a 4-5...
  29. FiguringItOut

    New to being ahead in match. How does one THINK/FEEL/STRATEGIZE to win?

    Right. You've said this before: Thank you. I've gotten up to 90 responses to other posts I've made and the variety of feedback was SO helpful. I'm being greedy for perspectives I hope to get here - not minimizing yours. Peace -
  30. FiguringItOut

    New to being ahead in match. How does one THINK/FEEL/STRATEGIZE to win?

    I understand the "personal confidence" "fear of success" possibility, but as I tried to rule out in my OP, I tend to over-think - so I was hoping others could help me with what's in their MIND when they're up. Unless everyone who ever wins is in a Zen state of unconscious one-ness with the ball...