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  1. Spindarella

    Grip technique?

    HAHAHAHA that made my day
  2. Spindarella

    J011yroger Stroke Inventory.

    what you were saying had merit until you asked that question.
  3. Spindarella

    The Basketball Shoe Debate

    I have played basketball my whole life and I'm used to basketball shoes, so I prefer wearing them. As far as durability is concerned, usually the toe doesn't last as long. But I wear the original T-Macs by adidas and they are more durable (and comfortable to me because I'm used to the extra...
  4. Spindarella

    What has happened...????

    just runnnnn man
  5. Spindarella

    Rate my Strokes

    wow wow wow
  6. Spindarella

    favorite shot and why

    That was touching.
  7. Spindarella

    crazy 10 year old girl

    whether she changes her hand and fingers or not, if she serves the way she did in the video and tries to spin the ball different ways, she could very easily get a wrist injury.
  8. Spindarella

    crazy 10 year old girl

    If her superior athletic ability and coordination get her past with unorthodox form and strokes, which is very possible, she will be something to see in a few years. Keep her aggresive and coming in. If she is good enough to go pro, by the time she gets there, no one will be seeing opponents...
  9. Spindarella

    crazy 10 year old girl

    I don't evaluate how good kids are by how much they win. I will give her this: she has great coordination and is a great athlete. She is way ahead of the other girls her age in that respect. However, her strokes could use a lot of work, and her style of play is questionable. Her serve isn't very...
  10. Spindarella

    crazy 10 year old girl

    I have no idea when he posted it, and I have no idea what it means... But I love it and I live by it.
  11. Spindarella

    crazy 10 year old girl

    She isn't that great. I actually remember seeing her at that tournament where she got double bageled. The park is a couple minutes from my house. There are several better players at her age just in this area, and im certain there are many, many more around the rest of the country and the rest of...
  12. Spindarella

    Shopping tennis coaches/instructors tomorrow

    I was going to say something very similar. Evaluate the pro's other students.
  13. Spindarella

    General tips for improving/fixing strokes

    its hard to help you with your strokes if you dont describe them at all
  14. Spindarella

    my strokes (5.5) if interested

    way to display your ignorance in the last sentence. hitting well and playing tournaments are two very different things. also, good job rating his entire game based on some groundstroke analysis videos.
  15. Spindarella

    how many balls to groove a stroke?

    at least 100,000
  16. Spindarella

    My Video- Serve

    what!? weak 6.0? seriously????
  17. Spindarella

    Eastern Grip?

    super duper
  18. Spindarella

    great serves!

    Yeah it looks pretty legit to me.
  19. Spindarella

    Hard Hitters vs. Spin Doctors

    I really don't like how it's an either/or question. But if it is one or the other, i think hard hitters are more effective.
  20. Spindarella

    volleying video of a guy

    All im saying is i would like to see how that guys volley is when he isnt hitting a routine moderately paced practice shot hit straight to him.
  21. Spindarella

    volleying video of a guy

    Well, people who use correct form are less likely to volley up
  22. Spindarella

    volleying video of a guy

    I'm not suggesting that my volley is better than this guy. In fact, I haven't actually really really worked on my volley in over a year. I'm saying, technically speaking, his fh volley isnt great. If you think his fh volley is amazing, cool. Do what he does. I've worked with and spoken...
  23. Spindarella

    volleying video of a guy

    I have no tennis videos on my computer. Just watch a video of mcenroe on youtube and look at the position of his racquet head before he volleys.
  24. Spindarella

    volleying video of a guy

    yeah i know. but its more than just a push. I mean he just pushes hist racquet through routinely, with no punch, without the racquet ever being above the ball. just a plain push in a straight line with the racquet head to the side. His volleys are solid in a simple rally situation, but his...
  25. Spindarella

    Another service critique please!

    He kind of has a point. You cant see where the serve goes, the form isn't terribly great, and its just a serve. How does this justify a 5.0? I know you just mean the serve could hold up at 5.0 and that the rest of his game isnt necessarily at that level. But that same serve could easily fit into...
  26. Spindarella

    volleying video of a guy

    I can confidently hit routine shots with bad form all day. Also, there is more to a good volley than not breaking the wrist. His racquet head position on the fh volley isnt all that great, and he pushes through the ball at times. I will say though, that it looks like he is just warming up...
  27. Spindarella

    Another service critique please!

    You lose all your momentum when you pause in the trophy position.
  28. Spindarella

    volleying video of a guy

    Pretty sweet backhand volley. I could see his forehand volley breaking down though
  29. Spindarella

    Eastern Grip?

    "its good" could be a reason for using a continental forehand, an eastern forehand, a semi-western forehand, or a western forehand. i think the reason most new school coaches teach the semi-western forehand is a little deeper than that. but i do agree. its good, no?
  30. Spindarella

    Eastern Grip?

    haha great analysis there zhan. "because its good"