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  1. joe1987

    Should you cut strings when flying?

    Yea, my strings lost a lot of tension after coming of the plane. I brought them into the cabin with me, it was a 14hr flight though so pretty long time spent up there!
  2. joe1987

    >>> Men's Claycourt Championships, Houston, April 2008 Picture Thread <<<

    Its a vantage. Around 80-90 '000 pounds here in uk. The options are where they kill you.
  3. joe1987

    Estoril Open Picture Thread

    Fed's gf looks huge is the photo where she is standing behind while he is playing.
  4. joe1987

    Kevlar at low tension = magic!

    Interesting thread. I use crossfire 18 in my Lm radicalmps at 57-55lbs. Any higher and there is too much vibration. I've been stringing them like this for the past 3 or 4 years now. I never thought of going as low as 50lbs. Is there really such a big difference? I really like the crisp feeling...
  5. joe1987

    Hyogen's Magic Wand Search is finally over!!!

    Soon a wandmaker will come with something better. Oak and unicorn hair anyone? (*for those still lost, read harry potter)
  6. joe1987

    ****Yonex RDX500 MP Review****

    I used the rdx500mp. 12g of lead on the inside of the throat works wonders. Loads more stable and no more problems with a weak serve. But with the rdx I had the tendency to hit too much spin. Really heavy ball but I can't crush sitters. I tried to change my strokes a wee bit for 1 year with it...
  7. joe1987

    Microgel Prestige Mid Review. (Photos included)

    Its like Bmw making a 330i coupe, convertible and touring.
  8. joe1987

    The J011yroger guide to strings.

    Good stuff Jolly. Keep it up.
  9. joe1987

    wilson hyper hammer 6.3 replacement

    They are still avaliable on Tw. Don't fix what ain't broke!
  10. joe1987

    inner throat of LM Radical MP

    Strange, I could generate a more spinny shot with the prestige. The longer dwell time really benefits my shots there. The radical was really more flickable and I really digged that as I'm playing a lot of doubles now and reaction time is a big thing. I can just snap off some sort of return a lot...
  11. joe1987

    inner throat of LM Radical MP

    Its the same. But I think that those on sale now are the newer batch of Lm rads. Somehow, I really prefer the feel of my 1st two from the older batch.
  12. joe1987

    Head MicroGel Prestige MP.

    Thanks Anton, yes yes I do agree with you on the harsh off centre hits with the older rackets. Grrr I got to get my hands on a demo. Anyway why did you choose the pro over the mp?
  13. joe1987

    Head MicroGel Prestige MP.

    Hey chris, have you tried the Lm radical mp, I.prestige mp, Lm prestige mp? How does the MgpMp compare to them. There have been so many rave reviews I'm tempted to get one. But I can't demo in the Uk.
  14. joe1987

    inner throat of LM Radical MP

    Oh its doesn't say anything about the weight, stiffness and length. Its normal don't worry.
  15. joe1987

    inner throat of LM Radical MP

    Other than the swing rating on 1 side, the other side should have the headsize etc. I've 2 from tw and 2 from the local store. All have the same markings even though those from tw are the new batch. You can tell this as they have a different butt cap.
  16. joe1987

    Vantage - Full set of pics and initial thoughts

    ^^^^ What are the specs?
  17. joe1987

    !!! 2008 RDS-001's Now Available on TW

    I quite liked that yonex 850 string. I had it in my rdx500mp but I revereted back to my Lm radical mp after a year of yonex.
  18. joe1987

    post your prestiges (mid perfered)

    ^^ yep they aren't tied correctly.
  19. joe1987

    Switch to a lighter racket or stick with my current sticks?

    Hey nick, I had the same problem as you. I went from my Lm radical to a n90. It was very stable and I really liked it but its gave me a slight elbow pain and was not a flickable as the Lm radical. My game was moving more towards double so I switched back. What I didn't like was that my shots...
  20. joe1987

    Nickb's Poly Reviews

    I do agree with you on the redcode. I found it harsh and stiff too. Didn't really like it much and I cut it out as well.
  21. joe1987

    LF Suggestions for demos (replacing RDX 500 MP)

    You may want to try the Lm instinct. Its going cheap now.
  22. joe1987

    Old Head LM Radical MP users: What did you switch to?

    I went from the Lm rad to Rdx500mp then to n90 and now I'm back with the Lm rad. I bought 2 more so I've 4 now!! They are quite a bargain so I guess you could stock up on them? Don't fix whats broken and I learnt that the hard way.
  23. joe1987

    Andy Murray's '08 End-Of-Year Ranking Predictions

    Yes, I agree. He is still not consistent enough and abit erratic at times. I think he'll need to step it up to challenge Fed or Nadal. But great start to the year for him, lets just hope it was nerves. I predict 3 or 4 unless he gets injured again(fingers crossed).
  24. joe1987

    Does it matter if I cut/leave the string on a racquet that is going to storage?

    Cut out the strings. The tension loss during storage may be uneven and warp the frame.
  25. joe1987

    How do i tell LM Radical vs LM Radical Tour?

    Oh, I had no problems swinging it, just that its was kinda hard to find and a tad bit more expensive, the extra weight could be added using lead.So I went with the standard one. I'm feeling the standard Lm radical to be abit light though but I'm moving more towards doubles play and less singles...
  26. joe1987

    How do i tell LM Radical vs LM Radical Tour?

    Lm tour will say tour on the racket. It is just a weighted up Lm radical Mp. I've have had both. The headsize is identical at 98
  27. joe1987

    YouTube Videos - How To

    Fantastic video Yulittle. I'm trying to learn stringing but your videos does put the words in the books into a much better perspective. Cheers
  28. joe1987


    Omg, how did she ever turn pro? Its a tennis ball for god's sake. She plays mostly doubles and it definately isn't the 1st time she would have gotten hit.
  29. joe1987

    Excluding Fed, who has the best shot at beating Nadal at the French Open?

    Wimbledon should speed up their surface back to the traditional level rather than slowing it down just to accommodate the baseline bashers in today's game.
  30. joe1987

    My latest custom paintjob.

    Woah thats is sweet!