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  1. Y

    how do you handle deep balls?

    I'm an amateur player and I really struggle with balls which land deep and then shoot up really fast at my direction. I usually completely miss the ball. I always seem to be late with the shot. I try to do a proper take back and the 'circular' movement with the racket and then frame or miss the...
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    What tension to string at for wilson pro staff 90 (2014 version)

    ah I see, so the smaller the number, the thicker the strings I get that thicker strings hold tension better, but what's the trade off?
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    What tension to string at for wilson pro staff 90 (2014 version)

    I do occasionally play in the wet, well not when it's raining, but when the ground is wet and the ball picks up moisture.
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    What tension to string at for wilson pro staff 90 (2014 version)

    Thanks for the tip. Just out of interest, what do you think of the babolat rackets? I've seen so many people use them. Most of the best players around my sort of level use them. Although I've never played with them before, I do wonder if they're easier to hit with?
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    What tension to string at for wilson pro staff 90 (2014 version)

    What does 16 ga and 17 ga mean?
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    What tension to string at for wilson pro staff 90 (2014 version)

    I think my strokes are technically ok, still very much work in progress, although I think I have the general racket movement correct - racket drop, circular swing follow through. Developed? Probably not. My timing is average, I can't rally at more than medium pace. I figured if I play with a...
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    What tension to string at for wilson pro staff 90 (2014 version)

    Luckily I haven't had any elbow problems. I definitely do struggle to generate my own power. Often I go for too much and completely miss hit the ball. I'm looking for all three, power, spin and control. I think I would rank control as my no.1 priority, followed by power, and then spin.
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    What tension to string at for wilson pro staff 90 (2014 version)

    I've been playing with the pro staff 90 for a while now with the strings it came with. I've never had it restrung, but I think I should now. I'm a fairly low-medium level intermediate player, what tension should I have it restrung at? I have no idea about these things apart from the fact thst...
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    2015 Six.One Series Release Date?

    is the pro staff 90 also being discontinued?
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    How much wear and tear do your racquets have?

    You've still scratched them haven't you?
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    How much wear and tear do your racquets have?

    I'm just wondering how well maintained are your racquets from their original conditions. I've played for a few hours with my new racquet and I've already scrapped it a few times on the ground and I can see there's a small rough patch on the outside of the top of the frame. Am I being careless or...
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    Order a wilson pro staff 90 online, it came already strung

    But there isn't an option to string the racket on the website I bought it from. I assume you mean that another customer selected this racket and also selected to have it strung up. Also I'm just curious, how would cutting the strings make it look like its a used racket?
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    Order a wilson pro staff 90 online, it came already strung

    interestingly, the string on the racquet is also wilson sensation, but usually theres a paper cover of federer (along with information on the racquet) on the racquet head which there isn't and it looks completely new, no scratches
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    Order a wilson pro staff 90 online, it came already strung

    Yeah they look fresh, the plastic wrap on the handle is still there. The thing as well is that there isn't the wilson 'W' stencil on the strings, which you'd normally expect from racquets which are sold strung. I'm wondering if there's a way to make sure the racquet is authentic
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    Order a wilson pro staff 90 online, it came already strung

    Is that normal? Because everywhere I've seen, shops and on websites, that racquet is always unstrung. I bought it from online, brand new as well, so I expected to be unstrung. It just seems weird to me, a pleasant surprise but the paranoid part of me fears it isn't authentic. But it does have...
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    Please help me pick the strings for the Wilson Pro staff 90

    Once again, thanks man.
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    Please help me pick the strings for the Wilson Pro staff 90

    Thank you very much for a concise explanation, one final question, between the head sonic pro edge and head hawk 17, which string would be better suited for the pro staff 90?
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    Babolat IS easy on the arm???

    sorry to hijack this thread, spintowin, I have a question for you on the strings section of the forum on the 'help me find the right string for pro staff 90' thread
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    Please help me pick the strings for the Wilson Pro staff 90

    Hey sorry to bring this thread up. Generally speaking, apart from natural gut (which I hear is pricey and doesn't last too long), which other type of string is best for the wilson pro staff 90? polyster, synthetic gut, multifilament, hybrid....? and what's your opinion of this string...
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    Always off-balance when hitting forehands

    I'm right handed. I shuffle between semi-open and closed stance for my forehands depending on the shot that's coming back at me (usually closed stance when I have more time to prepare and get into position). Anyway, I always seem to be off-balance, especially during the follow through. I think...
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    Who's more entertaining when they're in the zone, Monfils or Wawrinka?

    Stan. With Monfilis, there's the annoying side effect of seeing his 'showman' antics at every point. Stan just gets on with the job with minimal time wasting and show boating, while being absolutely ruthless against his opponent.
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    Federer strikes again!

    The French crowd are always a bit, how should I put it, easily antagonized. They even booed their own guy Monfilis at one point when he miss-tossed the ball and stopped mid-way through his service motion.
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    Federer strikes again!

    To be fair, Federer had a point, Monfilis was getting annoying as hell with all the time wasting and constant shouts on virtually every point he won.
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    What's the diffference between the wilson six one 95 blx and the non-blx version?

    okay, one final question 16 x 18 or 18 x 20?
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    What's the diffference between the wilson six one 95 blx and the non-blx version?

    I'm surprised they are so similar. What is this 'BLX' thing anyway? I assumed one having it and the other not would produce quite a bit of difference
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    What's the diffference between the wilson six one 95 blx and the non-blx version? They seem identical apart from the paintjob and the name. One has 'BLX', the other doesn't? What difference does this...
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    Please help me pick the strings for the Wilson Pro staff 90

    Thanks, I'll get the head hawk 17 as recommended :)