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  1. C

    How to you play these type of guys?

    Hi, Today I played a guy who hit cross court backhands that where high-medium height, landed at the serve line but had some good angle... I ended up running a lot, not able to use my forehand and returning crosscourt high backhands... these points where long and I cant play like this. How to...
  2. C

    Wilson RF97 vs Head IG Radical

    Hi I have a IG Radical MP 18x20 customized with 330g. This racquet doesnt offer too much power and spin (18x20). Im looking for something with a little bit more power and spin potential. Does anybody tested both racquets and could provide any insights? Thanks
  3. C

    Why old Head Prestiges maintain same price?

    Can someone explain to me why old Head Prestiges dont lower their prices as most of the racquets do? The Radical went from $190 to $90, and the Microgel prestige is at the same price as the Youtek.
  4. C

    Myth about heavy racquet injuries...

    1: you can be 65kg and strong/trained. 2: F=M.A number 1 physics law. Force equals mass times acceleration. What I mean is that you feel the diference in that 60g you are talking about when you accelerate the racquet. And YES, theres a lot of difference with an additional 60g, but as I said...
  5. C

    Myth about heavy racquet injuries...

    You re partially right: For the strong & frecuent player who has a trained body and hits against strong hitting opponents the right choice is a heavy racquet, not only for the racquet twist but also for the pace. But for the ocasional player, heavy racquets are not the best choice. Heavy...
  6. C

    Shoulder pain increases w ice! Help

    I have some shoulder pain because of a labrum problem that has been bodering me for some years now. If I play tennis twice a week I have no pain and I can also go to the gym and lift heavy, but if I start playing more often the pain reappears. The problem is that the ice makes my condition...
  7. C

    Analize strokes 2, BB and/or other experts

    That really helped me, thanks!! I realize Im not rotating my body on either shots, and I have to work on my footwork also.
  8. C

    Analize strokes 2, BB and/or other experts

    can I get some expert tips please? Thanks
  9. C

    Analize my strokes please

    Done! I tried it this weekend and it worked fine. The power in my backhand increased with the increased shoulder rotation. I still need to practice a lot, but I will definetely use this tips. Thanks!
  10. C

    Analize my strokes please

    I agree with you 100%, just one thought: about the shoulder on the backhand: Im hitting against a wall, so I want all my backhands to be straight so the ball comes back to me. In this kind of balls I need to rotate my shoulders also? And about the backswing, I find that I can generate more...
  11. C

    Analize my strokes please

    OK, I get it, ill try your tips this weekend. Thanks a lot!
  12. C

    Analize my strokes please

    Thanks a lot!!! 1- Totally agree 2- I play on clay, and yes, I have trouble on hard courts! 3,4,6 - What do you mean? I speak spanish (Argentina), I dont understand what you mean with "get me out of the mouse hole you put me in" THANKS!
  13. C

    Analize my strokes please

    I record it with a cellphone, thats not the net its a grate. Thats the best shot I got with the cell phone. I just want my movements analized. The contact point and the direction are fine. Thanks
  14. C

    Analize my strokes please

    Ive made a video hitting the wall, can I get some expert tips please? Thanks
  15. C

    How does Federer do his unique "slingshot" forehand? Anybody else can do that too?

    If you are not going to tell how he does it just keep reading. Dont try to show off. If you want a job just put an ad on your local newspaper.
  16. C

    Racquet Mass vs. Racquet head acceleration

    If you´ve seen that pros use racquets that are lighter than the one this guy uses that should be enough reason for changing his racquets specs.
  17. C

    Advice: LM radical, LM prestige

    Me la trae alguien, asi q calculo q me terminara saliendo con todo 100 o 110 dolares. 330 pesos comparado con los 470 q sale aca y encima aca no tienen 4 1/2
  18. C

    Advice: LM radical, LM prestige

    I demoed the LM Tour but I felt it to stiff, didnt like it at all.
  19. C

    Advice: LM radical, LM prestige

    Yo me voy a traer de USA la LM radical que es a 80 dolares. Averigue en hector tenis pero estan a 470 pesos y encima no tienen 4 1/2. No quiero las prestige, son muy buenas pero la bola no corre.
  20. C

    Advice: LM radical, LM prestige

    I like the control the prestige offers but I hate it has no power. The only reason for switching is power. It seems that the LM Radical offers more power but less control, Am I right?
  21. C

    Advice: LM radical, LM prestige

    I live in Argentina so I dont have the chance to demo racquets, thats why I ask for opinions, because once I buy it theres no turning back.
  22. C

    Advice: LM radical, LM prestige

    I know that the balance is not the only thing but my prestige is 355 grams and 11 pts HL, so its extremely heavy and extremely HL, not good for power. The thing Im most worried is if the LM radical is easy on the arm as the LM prestige.
  23. C

    Advice: LM radical, LM prestige

    Thanks but I live in Argentina
  24. C

    Advice: LM radical, LM prestige

    Yesterday my LM Prestige broke so now that I have the chance to buy a new racquet I would like to know the opinion of people who own any of the racquets above mentioned. My experience with the LM Prestige MP in a few words is: the racquet offers lots of control (if you have the right...
  25. C

    Comparison between players of past and present?

    haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, are u on drugs or just drunk???? Ive seen Vilas and Clerk with wooden racquets play against Gaudio and Nalbandian with their currect racquets, and I can assure that Vilas or Clerk can beat with their wooden racquets a #300 ranked guy. I...
  26. C

    Safin has the fastest serve

    Although I dont know for sure how the gun works I guess it measures the speed of an object that is directly in front and moving from right to left or viceversa. So basically it measures the speed in 1 dimension, the one that is parallel to the ground (X). If a player serves totally straight the...
  27. C

    Nalbandian the hero of overwieght tennis players?

    Muscle size is proportional to muscle strength***. What you say about athletes that can match body builders is wrong. Depending of the sport athletes train for power, which is defined as the speed at which you can apply a force. Body builders may bench 400lbs, but maybe Andre lift "only" 315lbs...
  28. C

    Nalbandian the hero of overwieght tennis players?

    si, soy argentino. Mi nick c10 no tiene nada que ver con la raqueta, yo uso una head LM prestige
  29. C

    Nalbandian the hero of overwieght tennis players?

    I think you are the one that must shut up and learn. Tennis is about speed. You can be superman but if you hit the ball slow the shot wont be fast. Here's and example: although in boxing strength plays a big role also does speed. Notice that elite boxers dont have tremendous arms, they are...
  30. C

    Nalbandian the hero of overwieght tennis players?

    U are wrong, muscles dont guarantee success in tennis, but they diminish your chances of being good if are not strong. 1st: have you ever arm wrestle to a guy that plays tennis everyday?? they are very difficult to beat and they seem so easy, but their shoulder is extremely strong. 2nd: tennis...