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  1. K

    prestige mid tensions

    alright sounds good. ill probably be expecting to string it up at prolly 50 first way though.
  2. K

    prestige mid tensions

    im curious as to the prestige players choice of tension. i just demod one with a 49 and i thought it was great. what tensions u prefer on the prestige/ and or other small head racquets?
  3. K

    liquid metal prestiges

    yah demo-ing is obvious. ive been demo'd them already and just doing a price check.
  4. K

    liquid metal prestiges

    so my friend has some lm prestiges for me in like mint condition. is 65 for each a good price for them? not sure about prices of past prestiges.
  5. K

    rds 001 question

    not sure if it is hollow or not, but the racquet is a bit lighter compared to a wilson, so im guessing that there would be some hollowness, if thats wat u are looking for. even my k95 had some hollowness to it.
  6. K

    1 HBH issues with RDS001 mp

    adso, i u are getting tired from playing with a "heavier racquet," i suggest that u work out your arms then. it cant hurt to have a little bit more muscle, just make sure u dont over do it.
  7. K

    1 HBH issues with RDS001 mp

    well, i just bought some rds 001 mp. i have to say that i love it very much. although i mainly use 2hbh, i am also able to get the 1 hbh. its not that difficult for me. although it doesnt feel right at first, sit there and keep trying. i mean,since when was tennis a sport of expensive equipment...
  8. K

    getting a real of gosen polyon

    yeah ive tried that stuff. my favorite poly by far is prosupex. never liked top spin strings. im just experimenting with gosen. im looking to string my racquet at 52 i think should i string 1 racquet at like 50, one at 52 and one at like 54?
  9. K

    getting a real of gosen polyon

    finally some advice! i should get u a gift cause u are the first one to give me the advice i was looking for. im used to playing with polys at 60. say if i strung at 52, would it give me more feel?
  10. K

    getting a real of gosen polyon

    guys, i have used this kind of string before, i used the polyon ice. i like it but i just want some feed back for recomended string tension
  11. K

    string tension with gosen polyon

    well consider these factors, i used to play with big ace on my k95's at 60. but i have heard that yonex racquets are under powered so that is my first reason to string lower. next is that the gosen polyon is said to be great really low. so any advice as to how low?
  12. K

    Head Youtek Instinct on the HEAD homepage

    haha. nice find. yeah it looks like the flexpoint/ liquidmetal i would say.
  13. K

    getting a real of gosen polyon

    yeah i get u^^ well, in all honesty before even reading that above, i am not a big fan of cf. but i do love big ace soo much. but the thing is, is that i have a cheap string that i can do what ever i want, if i dont like it, i will have tons of string for my team. haha but i will see...
  14. K

    string tension with gosen polyon

    yeah it will be the yonex rds 001 mp and im using the gosen polyon 17g
  15. K

    string tension with gosen polyon

    alright, so i am going to be stringing some gosen polyon. now ive never ventured anywhere below 57, so im not really sure about going lower. ive heard that i will need to go lower with this string and since its a yonex, i know im going to want more power since it is an under powered racquet...
  16. K

    iso speed baseline vs gosen polyon

    ^^ anybody help? please, about to order.
  17. K

    iso speed baseline vs gosen polyon

    who here thinks that i should spend 10 more dollars to get the iso speed baseline?
  18. K

    getting a real of gosen polyon

    iso baseline?
  19. K

    getting a real of gosen polyon

    its ok if its stiff, ima string at around 53, 52. ive tried it, but in the polyon ice form. i say it was pretty good for the money.
  20. K

    getting a real of gosen polyon

    its ok if its stiff, ima string at around 53, 52
  21. K

    yonex rds 001 mid or mp?

    haha i will. but i would like somefeed back on the specs and performance on the racquets right now.
  22. K

    getting a real of gosen polyon

    well since im on quite a budget i decided i wanted to get a reel of this string cause its quite cheap. any comments on this string that you would like to say? btw im also considering premier ace.
  23. K

    yonex rds 001 mid or mp?

    i am wondering, whether to get the mid or the mp. if u didnt know yet, i am coming from the k95 but i feell that its lacking someting and i love the yonex frame. so im wondering if i get the 90 that i will be lacking too much power but if i get the 98 there could be too much. im leaning towards...
  24. K

    Nike CB 2.3 colors

    alright, what do u guys think looks better, the whit and black, or the black and grey?
  25. K

    Who's Switching?

    haha im moving away from the kfactors to yonex! dont know what im looking for but yonex just feels so amazing.
  26. K

    Switching from APDC to K6.1 90!!?

    pshh, if u guys are getting tired from swinging your racquet, u need to go work out or go to baseball. i used to play with a leaded up k95 to around 13 ounces and i had no problem at all. but i have used both the k90 and the apdc. i would like to say that i enjoyed the k90 as i am not a...
  27. K

    nike or adidas again thread

    im looking at either the white and black one, or the black and grey. i think the black and grey looks a bit goofy though
  28. K

    nike or adidas again thread

    u know what, ive been reconsidering lately. i think i wanna try nike out cause i dont wanna be asking what if every time i think of nike shoes.
  29. K

    Those who already own the CB 2.3s

    hey, since i have wider feet, will these shoes be ok with me? or more for barricade?
  30. K

    Top 3 best-selling frames in US

    pshh, i wish. if only if only. but seriously, like 3/4 of the girls team over here have a babolat pure drive. i was talking to one of my friends at a local shop, and he says that the pure drives are getting soo big cause they see andy roddick hitting those super fast serves. i would like...