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  1. J

    Doubles Opponent Complains When I Call Ball OUT to My Partner

    I usually yell "no". That works for me and my partners.
  2. J

    Moving to DFW area

    Thanks for the info. Last year I played 3.5 and 4.0. I mostly play doubles.
  3. J

    Moving to DFW area

    It looks like I'm moving to Arlington, Texas and was online looking at the Arlington tennis center. How are the courts there? Is there a lot of tennis in the area?
  4. J

    Anyone going to states for Mixed Doubles in SC?

    Why aren't you happy about it?
  5. J

    Anyone going to states for Mixed Doubles in SC?

    My 8.0 team just squeaked in by winning our last match. Anyone else going?
  6. J

    talking between serves

    I've never been accused as being a low talker but it could be. I'll ask my teammates. They should get a good laugh at that. :) I think I'll handle it that way next time. It didn't bother me really it was just an odd attempt at gamesmanship. A pill she is and if we ever get to finish the...
  7. J

    Partners for tournaments versus league play

    I like an equal or usually a stronger partner. I find I play better when I'm trying not to make a fool of myself to my better partner.
  8. J

    talking between serves

    Actually r2473 she didn't win the all important mental game if you read my original post. She didn't affect me. It didn't cause any double faults, I found it kind of funny/embarrassing for her to be trying such things. In all reality it probably affected her partner more because he was quite...
  9. J

    talking between serves

    In three years this is the first time in league or tournament play I've encountered something like. I've yet to encounter a sandbagger. So yes I would say a lot of tennis is played.
  10. J

    talking between serves

    Is the opponent allowed to ask for the score between the 1st and 2nd serve? Are they allowed to mention potential foot faults between serves? Recently I played (actually in the middle of playing due to rain) a 6.0 mixed doubles match. I'm a 3.5 guy playing with a 2.5 woman. The captain of the...
  11. J

    It's so sad...USTA league tennis isn't about "team" it's about bragging rights

    I'm not sure what your level is but if you want to get an extra match in against a 3.5/4.0 player down here in Hilton Head just let me know.
  12. J

    It's so sad...USTA league tennis isn't about "team" it's about bragging rights

    I've been playing in leagues for three or four years and always enjoy it. I've never once felt like I played a sandbagger including some pretty lopsided losses at states. They were just better then me that day. Maybe every day but it doesn't mean they are playing below their level. Don't let...
  13. J

    so sad and frustrated

    The op did have other options but I don't think they are practical ones for most league players. I stopped playing tournaments because I could not give up full weekends to play tennis once a month or even more. I've never found a tennis ladder I enjoyed being on. Most league players in my...
  14. J

    It's so sad...USTA league tennis isn't about "team" it's about bragging rights

    Sorry to see you leave. Don't let the door hit you on the way out. You will truly be missed. Oh yeah, it wasn't worth very much.
  15. J

    7.5 Mixed Etiquette?

    I love playing mixed and have always found playing solid percentage tennis works better then attacking the weaker player. I have played with weaker partners and have been the weaker partner and have yet to loose to a team that tries to pick on one of us.
  16. J

    Wittiest team names

    my 8.0 mixed team is the bangers
  17. J

    Late Season Match Against A Tough Team

    I'm just the opposite. I would leave a team that doesn't do everything they can to win the league. If that means I only get to play one match but the team advances I'm fine with it. At least I'll get a season of good practice in. My team captain never guarantees anyone any number of matches. He...
  18. J

    Any big tournaments in FL or southern area?

    I've never played that Jekyll Island tournament but I've heard it is a really good one. They usually get some good players I think.
  19. J

    Afraid-To-Enter-A-Tournament Club

    I love playing tournaments but I never play USTA ones. We have a lot of tourneys down here that aren't USTA and they seem to be cheaper and better run. Cindy, just ask a player from your team to play one and play. It's fun and if you can win league matches you can win matches in tournament play.
  20. J

    South Carolina 4.0 state tourney

    Nope. It doesn't seem like there are that many SC people here at all. Good luck this weekend. Two of my friends wives will be there this weekend for 2.5 womens states. I'm stuck going to Greenville for the third year in a row.
  21. J

    "Here's Why You Missed"

    You could always just hit them with a few ground strokes when they're at the net with their back turned.... but that may not be the best way to deal with it.
  22. J

    Preparing for state tournament

    Us but only part of the team. Besides that I'm not realy sure. Haven't looked really. How about for you?
  23. J

    Preparing for state tournament

    Columbia usually has a good team.
  24. J

    Preparing for state tournament

    Honestly I don't think so. I think we were much stronger last year and we didn't win it then but you never know. To win states you need to be very good and a little lucky. My opinion may be skewed though because of playing 4.0 this year made 3.5 seam very weak.
  25. J

    Preparing for state tournament

    That's cool. My 4.0 team just missed going to states we came in second. My 3.5 team is going though up in Greenville. The 3.5 team will prepare by playing better players because that's what happens at states. We have a bunch of 4.0's and even some 4.5 players come out to practice.
  26. J

    Preparing for state tournament

    Congrats on States. What level are you going for?
  27. J

    OK, how many live in South Carolina??

    Hilton Head, SC here. 3.5/4.0
  28. J

    Do you like to "practice" before a match?

    I like a 30 minute warm up before a match. My whole team will show up 30 minutes before a match for warm ups. Our normal practice lasts 3 to 3-1/2 hours so an extra 30 minutes before a league match is nothing.