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  1. R

    Angle vs Direction of Racquet Face

    I have tried on occasion, but there's a couple of variables that reduce my ability to test it out. Its hard enough during a normal swing to be sure of what angle I'm holding the racquet, since a few degrees can cause the rebound to behave differently, and because the whole motion feels so...
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    Angle vs Direction of Racquet Face

    Hey all, Been getting into golf a little, and one of the interesting things that has been bandied about their forums is that its the angle of the racquet face at impact that determines the flight of the ball, the direction the racquet is moving impacts the spin applied. I was thinking...
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    Mallet Finger from a mis-caught Tennis Ball

    Cheers for the responses, charliefedererer and makinao Even though the doc okayed it, will probably steer clear of tennis or golf for the next couple of weeks, just so not to accidently aggravate it. Good to hear you both got (nearly) your full range of motion back, and thanks for the...
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    Mallet Finger from a mis-caught Tennis Ball

    Hey all, Was having a lunchtime hit of tennis yesterday, and went to catch a ball with my left hand (return from a long serve) when I misjudged the ball and it banged straight on to my left pinkie. Noticed a bit later that my finger was being constantly bent at its first joint, and couldn't...
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    How do you beat somebody who's on fire?

    Been playing once a week with a mate over the last couple of months, and the regular practice has helped our consistency immeasurable. Unfortunately, its helped him more than me, and he's been wiping the floor with me. He used to spray shots quite badly, hitting hard but quite flat, but now he's...
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    Balls Question

    Thanks for the quick replies. I generally always do a rule-of-thumb test I read somewhere to check if old balls are still even worthwhile to use, which is to drop a ball from a height equivilant to the top of my head, and it should bounce at least to my navel. Bounce on new balls does seem...
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    Balls Question

    Hey folks, three quick questions on balls that I hope you guys can help me out on Old Balls - A lot of people tend to keep like a bag full of old balls for serving practice. Does serving with older balls that have less air pressure have any impact on the way the ball leaves the racquet and...
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    I regularly hit short. And I like it.

    Sorry, just to clarify, I can hit deeper when I want to, but its just my shorter shot seems to come off my racquet when I'm not thinking too much. So I'm not hitting short balls non stop, maybe during matches I'll hit 2 or 3 short balls vs 1 or 2 deep balls, so enough to keep them moving around...
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    I regularly hit short. And I like it.

    *sigh*, not to double quote, but can't seem to edit my post, and meant to say 'I'm definately NOT pushing'
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    I regularly hit short. And I like it.

    I've noticed when I hit without thinking, and take a full swing at the ball that that my default forehand has very low clearance, and lands short in the court, mostly before the service line. It probably comes from not always stepping fully into the shot, but using the proper body motion to...
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    Nishikori VS Tsonga 4th Round

    I saw he's been playing mixed doubles with Date-Krumm? Happy she's still playing, but good luck to the both of them!
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    Nishikori VS Tsonga 4th Round

    Super return by Echizen. No wonder he's tired, that muga state he's in must be draining.
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    He had a comment in his loss to Federer along the lines of 'Well, the top 4, they're in a league of their own, but I can beat anybody else' I mean, congratulations against beating the fiasco, but it just seems quite too early to toot his own horn like he does.
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    Australians love cheats

    I think Bartleby is incorrect to referring to 'Australians' as a whole, but if he was to refer to 'Australian Media', he would be 100% correct. The media in Australia continually present news in a slanted fashion, to appeal to the sort of image that Bartleby outlines. The fact is, after Pat...
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    Australians hate cheats. And they hate grunting..

    Lol, then why is Tomic getting so much adulation from the aussie press? Was watching Azarenka vs Bartell, and ... the crowd wasn't overly enthusiastic when she won. Heard multiple commentators sayin she hasn't got the crowd on her side for most of her matches
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    Clench Pain

    LeeD - Googled Carpal Tunnel, and the symptoms seem in line with the discomfort I'm feeling! Just the first time I've felt this sort of sensation before after playing tennis, so will have to take it easy until I recover (fingers crossed) Bobby Jr - Well .... might have overdone it yesterday...
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    Clench Pain

    Hey all, Had a fairly good hit over the weekend, but seem to be having some issues with my grip on my tennis hand (RHS). All forearm muscles seem fine, but making a fist seem to be causing me significant problems particularly around that big fat muscle at the base of my thumb, but also on...
  18. R

    Sore butt muscles?

    Hey all, Noticed after tennis lately that my gluteus maximum is feeling a bit tight for the next day or two afterwards. Suspect its from the rotation through my core for my swings, but haven't noticed it feeling sore until only the last month or two ... don't think I've changed much in my...
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    Hard hitters vs. Soft hitters

    (How do you edit? Sorry for the double post) Actually, thanks InspectorRacquet for bringing this up, since I've recently decided to wind down myself to approximately 60%, and now I'm probably more in line with these soft hitters ... I made a concious decision to slow my racquet head down to...
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    Hard hitters vs. Soft hitters

    So, what about short balls or soft balls that don't bounce shoulder height? I usually play indoor, on carpet, and so the bounce is considerably less than on a normal hard court. As such, short and low bouncing balls are always a bit of a challenge. I've managed to get around it by increasing...
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    How does LLeyton Hewitt in his prime stack up against the current top 4?

    The thing I'd flag about Hewitt which puts him well up in the top 10, and probably about the top 4 spot is his mental strength. He didn't have a lot of weapons compared to a lot of his contemporary peers, or even current players (somebody mentioned his lob), but he did have great speed and...
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    Venus Down a Set to Ancient Date Krumm! Only Match in Progress?

    the start of this match was pretty incredible tennis from kimiko, and its been a really entertaining match to watch. Very tight, and close games for the most part.
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    State your tennis intention here. Public statement of intention focuses your results

    My intention is to increase my consistency. I want to step off a court without any fustration on the way I played, and to regain my enthusiasm for tennis.
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    Rebuilding the forehand: Need help with the takeback!

    Keen to monitor this thread, your other thread has garnered a lot of useful information. I'm also looking to rebuild my forehand, and realized my takeback is primarily the issue too. Leeds advice sounds pretty spot on in terms of what I've found for myself. Two hand take back ensures that...
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    Fitness Training at Work

    Hey y'all, Quick one. I love me my tennis, but I have noticed that my fitness just isn't up to scratch. As per a suggestion on the forums, I've started taking up skipping to help improve my overall fitness, and my calf strength, but given I'm a desk jockey 8 hours a day, is there anything you...
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    Mental Checklist for Form?

    Hey all, I'm a bit of a headcase when it comes to tennis. When I hit good, I like to think I can thread the eye of a needle. When I hit bad, I tend to overanalyse *everything*, and start talking to myself about what I need to do. That's right, I'm a mutterer :P Anyway, as I always tend to...
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    48÷2(9+3) = ??

    If that's the case, there's worse types of trolling! Intellectual and mathematical trolling at least stimulate my brain! At least Mathematics has absolutes, and its the sheer ambiguity of the question which is driving the conversation. But each extreme is right, in their specific context. Its...
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    Is this player doing the dodgy?

    Sorry, hadn't realized this one had been floated around before. I'm not disparaging them or arguing against their level as listed in the title. As it standards, I barely know what my own level is, so if the want to call themselves grand high master of tennis excellence, by all means go for...
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    48÷2(9+3) = ??

    In the context of the question at hand, what I mean is even though the equation is very ambigious (I hate the division symbol, and prefer everything to be in fractional notation, since its more accurate), the calculation term '2' and only that term '2' is applicable to the (9+3) component. By...
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    Is this player doing the dodgy?

    Was browsing on youtube watching various tennis levels, and came across this one. If you skip forward to 1.50, and watch the point, it looks to me like the ball landed inside of the line. However, the guy in the white shorts...