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    What tactics did Schiavone use to be Stosur?

    Schiavon said that she tried to keep moving forward to counteract the power of the Stauser ground strokes. clearly her speed caught Stauser by surprise many times. Schiavoni I believe has lost a lot of weight to achieve this greater speed. I've watched and loved Schiavoni's play for years...
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    What stork mechanics may lead to Tendinitis?

    That is very helpful and insiteful.. thanks That is very helpful and insiteful.. thanks
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    What stork mechanics may lead to Tendinitis?

    Am experiencing a particularly bad bout of tendinitis on left knee... I am an advanced righty with a modern stroke and a semi-open or 3/4 preparation... plant the back foot and rip. I want to solicit thoughts about possible repetitive mechanics that may have given rise to this situation. I...
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    Free tennis areas in NYC

    Parking at tennis courts Which courts offer better access/parking near the court should one want to go by private car? (Obviously Central Park would be out, short of finding street parking on the west side) Can you park at or near lower east side, riverside, in booklyn? Thanks
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    Federer: Slow-Mo Forehand & Backhand

    Thanks Everyone That was wonderful! Esp the super slow mo...
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    Serving Choke...

    Thanks... good thoughts! When nervous one does not rich up as high nor accellerate. Also playing enough matches that one finally relaxes a little.
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    Serving Choke...

    What would you say to encourage and correct a player who serves well until they play a game and then double fault all the time? Thanks for your constructive thoughts!
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    OK, What tension does "Fedder" (aka Federer) use?

    OK, What tension does "Fedder" (aka Federer) use? BTW was that LUX on the mains or on the crosses.
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    What strings does Fedder use?

    What strings does Fedder use? Thanks
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    Luxilon Strings

    or string it very very looose
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    What technique s best to serve to the near outside corner on duce court?

    Thanks Frenchie! That's the help I need... I love the word "carving" I've also been concerned that tossing too far to the right, which gives a wicked non-boucing slice, is also a big early "give away" to an experienced opponent.
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    when should you take your raquet back

    loosewing... Going back to your original question I would like to clearify in this way. Think of the all your actions after a hit as anticipating and tracking the ball's return. As part of this tracking people point with their racket at or toward the ball. Wagoner types point with the tip of...
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    What technique s best to serve to the near outside corner on duce court?

    Problem with the pure slice is the difficulty in having ball land high in the service box. Often the net interfers with a perfect shot! A slice hit at 3 o'clock tends to have a flater trajectory. One needs the hight and spin to get over the net and still land close to the net. A deep slice...
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    What technique s best to serve to the near outside corner on duce court?

    For right handed player... Especially to make ball move way outside the doubles ally after bouncing no more than say half way between the net and the service line.... I've tryed a variety of techniques and am interested in hearing of other players experiences in mastering this serve...
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    indoor/winter tennis in NYC?

    Parties good value Call around for "Parties", often on Friday, Sat or Sunday evenings. 25 or 35 to play for 3 hours of doubles. Just call all the clubs in the book and ask if they have a tennis party and if so what level. Clubs in the local suburbs as well.
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    Video Cameras

    Any experts know what are the best specs to look for in a video cammera to capture tennis strokes? Special features needed for slow motion? etc Thanks!
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    Help a bunter stroke the ball...

    Thanks guys! I think you hit the nail on the head with the concept of "confidence". I'll have to get into the head a little more with the idea of relaxation. Must say, this is why the Kipling(?) saying above the entrace to the All England Club is so very approriate. Tennis is a game of...
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    A little surprised for what a coach told me...

    It is a process... and a good coach will lead you step by step in building solid funamentals instead of a mire quick fix. Different books, videos, and instructors give you slightly different looks at the same fundamentals. You go through a process of ignorance, disodence, understanding, and...
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    What About SpeedBall?

    Ktowntennis, I've used them regularly for several years since they were introduced. I would not walk onto a kids' court without 12-24 balls! They are great for getting kids to rally. And immediately all your games become much safer. They are a must in a school gymnasium setting because of the...
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    Help a bunter stroke the ball...

    Appreciate people's thoughts on how to help a player who has a tendency to stop after contact, almost like a bunt, with the elbow out to the side instead of out toward the direction of the ball. I've emphasised the follow through and tried many things including throwing the racket. Developing a...
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    Soccer Tennis

    Watched Monfils (last year's number one junior now a highly ranked pro) and 3 other Frenchmen prepair for the Pilot Pen ... light fun games like mini tennis and, you guessed it, soccer tennis, volley soccer or whatever the correct name is.
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    Soccer Tennis

    jimiforpres, that is a very objective answer.
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    *** ARTICLE POSTED!!!***

    Thank you for all you did before. Thanks for the new with great pictures. Good luke!
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    Teaching Beginners

    There are many ways to teach and the longer on teaches the more influences one draws upon. I teach lots of kids. Thousands. Working with a friend I've tested the hypothesis argued above. One of us using Wagoner's "touch the ball touch the shoulder" the other using a more traditional turn...
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    Soccer Tennis

    I would like to hear other people's opinions on an issue I recently saw at a public court. Europeans sometimes play a game of tennis/volley ball with a soccer ball using only their feet. I do not know the name. I assume they use the tennis courts so that the ball will bounce higher and give...
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    Moving to Western from SW grip

    Thanks Zhang!
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    How do you resize a grip?

    Bent, Just glue the balsa on the bevels. Do you leave the space where bevels meet "open" or do you fill it or sand the edges to make them flush?
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    How do you resize a grip?

    Joe Sch.... Are you saying to maintain bevels to use tape in place of a shrink sleave or in addition to a shrink sleave? Thanks
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    How do you resize a grip?

    Thank you very much
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    How do you resize a grip?

    Build up a smallar grip to fit a bigger hand. Thanks