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  1. Y

    any1 have that old tennis switzerland video of a young junior federer 10-13 years old training with a pierre paganini and a japanese hitting partner?

    yes my point was there was another video back when fed was 10-13 years old it was for the german tv audience which shows a junior federer training regimen.
  2. Y

    any1 have that old tennis switzerland video of a young junior federer 10-13 years old training with a pierre paganini and a japanese hitting partner?

    nah thats when they were a little older. but yes same japanese tennis hitting partner. but there was another video where they were both 10-13 years old. it was a german language tv show about young federer training when fed was 10-13 years old.
  3. Y

    any1 have that old tennis switzerland video of a young junior federer 10-13 years old training with a pierre paganini and a japanese hitting partner?

    its an old video clip of young federer and his boyhood japanese hitting partner alongside his long time training coach. please post if you have it.
  4. Y

    has anyone made their own prince neos glide bar rods? i need a pair of glide bars..

    Please let me know Would b great if they are a complete set with no modifications or additions needed.
  5. Y

    has anyone made their own prince neos glide bar rods? i need a pair of glide bars..

    No no no that auctions site item does have glide bars, but the length of the rods is shorter compared to a neos. Please try to understand that the neos and the h and model d have different glide bar lengthss
  6. Y

    has anyone made their own prince neos glide bar rods? i need a pair of glide bars..

    Any chance you can make and send me a pair of rods? I just need the two rods and i will use ektelon model h /prince p100 rod ends so thise i would not need. Please let me know
  7. Y

    Can someone tell me more info on this Wilson Pro Staff graf classic look alike racquet

    It might look like a Wilson Pro Staff 7.0 95 lite classic Steffi Graf racquet but it is more purplish white blend throughout unlike the Wilson 7.0 which is pure white i don't see any 7.0 in it anywhere could you please tell me more information about it I got it from the German fleaBay the...
  8. Y

    has anyone made their own prince neos glide bar rods? i need a pair of glide bars..

    Can anyone tell me the length of the Glide bar rods on a prince Neos please I know they are different from the Model H the prince NEOS Glide bar rods are longer if you can give me the length of the stainless steel Glide bars that would be great the measurements
  9. Y

    just got a prince p100. any1 know the difference between the p100 and p200?

    thanks for the info! glad i have the p100 series instead of the 200 in case i can scrape up some cash and pony up a wise tension head in the future! glad my p100 can work with a wise! in the meantime im gonna have some fun with this pneumatic dinosaur mechanism.
  10. Y

    has anyone made their own prince neos glide bar rods? i need a pair of glide bars..

    no freaking way i would go back to flying clamps. not in a million years. my very first machine waz a alphia pioneer 2 which waz a drop weight flyng clamp system. did not like it at all. my next machine waz a alpha pioneer 3 with glide bars and double adjustable turntable. now that alpha pioneer...
  11. Y

    just got a prince p100. any1 know the difference between the p100 and p200?

    can you elaborate on this a little more? i can't quite get what you're saying? are you referring to glide bar clamps? specifically what jaws move closer? height?
  12. Y

    Using bicycle bartape for racket grip?

    yup i did exactly the same thing a long time ago..since im a tennis guy....did the tournagrip thing on a mountain bike i got used..i was like why not use a tournagrip
  13. Y

    has anyone made their own prince neos glide bar rods? i need a pair of glide bars..

    if anyone has a pair of prince ektelon neos glide bars i would love to trade you your glide bars for a pair of neos clamps!! please let me know..
  14. Y

    just got a prince p100. any1 know the difference between the p100 and p200?

    definitely interesting kind of machine withe the plastic? glide bar ends. looks to be a real solid machine. can any1 enlighten me about this vintage prince p100 machine that i recently got? please let me know...
  15. Y

    Old Ektelon Fixed Clamp Adjustment - What should I do?

    i think its just a good old trial and error as far as adjustment of the top and bottom screw goes.
  16. Y

    I feel like a new man

    you are no longer part of the prince ektelon crew. you are dead to us! smh!
  17. Y

    has anyone made their own prince neos glide bar rods? i need a pair of glide bars..

    i do not want swivel clamps. i do not want a redesigned neos. i just want to get glide bar rods and maybe attach them to my older model h half glide bar ends.
  18. Y

    has anyone made their own prince neos glide bar rods? i need a pair of glide bars..

    personally i do not like to modify my prince neos i believe its fine the way it is. so i am not interested in david sperlings upgrades. what i specifically am looking for is that someone here made glide bar rods by themselves. but i cannot find that original post.
  19. Y

    has anyone made their own prince neos glide bar rods? i need a pair of glide bars..

    i bought a prince neos without glide bars!! and yes tennis machines according to jc has been on a shortage of prince neos parts for months now. something to do with taiwan cannot fulfill their orders. i did not even check their glide bar listing on the tm website. i called jc directly..
  20. Y

    has anyone made their own prince neos glide bar rods? i need a pair of glide bars..

    i already called tennis machines and talked to jc directly yesterday. he said they have been backordered with most all neos parts for months now including glide bars!!!!! i need to look into DIYing it myself. and i do not want swivel clamps from david sperling. i am not referring to david...
  21. Y

    has anyone made their own prince neos glide bar rods? i need a pair of glide bars..

    tennis machines has been out of glide bars for a while now. they have been backordered for a long time. i read somewhere that someone made the glide bar rods on their own but can't find that post. i might reuse old ektelon model H half glide bar ends and try to locate the metal rods locally...
  22. Y

    Please tell me more info on the head liquidmetal #1

    I cant find any information about it Is it as good of a quality stick as a original liquidmetal prestige or radical? Is it a lower end head racquet How much was it selling for new Specs are 9.6 oz unstrung 102 sq in.
  23. Y

    Ektelon model H owner's manual

    please send me a model H manual when u get a chance.