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  1. J

    How Old Are You? What Racquet Do Use? How Many Of The Same Racquet Do You Have?

    16, head flexpoint radical tour and head microgel radical mp
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    Advice for natural gut/kevlar hybrid stringing

    have you ever used kevlar crosses? heck you would have to string around 40's to get any decent spring from them... basically, IMO kevlar crosses will kill almost anystring combo. ur arm also... that is at tensions above 50ish
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    ASHAWAY KEVLAR+SYN GUT - Will string savers lengthen the lifespan?

    personally i feel that kevlar loses tension quite a bit but it still gets the job done. when i first get mine strung up at 60lbs, i love the feeling and the amazing spin that comes as a result with relatively not string movement. however, later on the lvl of spin i impart starts making the...
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    Racquet Grips Question

    lol nice. um. ..... ... .... well heres a quick solution to your grip thingy. start continental. then rotate the racquet slowly in your hand. stop turning when the handle feels the most comfortable. if its still eastern work on your swing. you want to hit the ball like this: .\ the...
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    Am i being over charged?

    40 is definitely overpriced try asking people you hit with or people at a local club to see if they string. most will only charge 5-10 to string it. that is you still hve to buy the strings.
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    lead tape on rackets--health hazard

    well since the question has been fairly adequately answered i wanna pose a question... why dont they just switch away from lead. its not like its that special and cant be replaced by another material.
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    How do you wrap your overgrip?

    i use head overgrips and most of them come looking like the base grips with the little ridges on the sides so thats about as much as a overlap as i need. as for nadal. he is right handed just plays left. i know a few people who do that. or vice versa, lefty playing right. it really doesn't...
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    Would anyone happen to have a stencil of a pokeball?

    um wow... yeah... good luck finding one :)
  9. J

    Head Flexpoint Prestige - Mods?

    any dampener will be fine. leather grip feels good. omg i cant believe they are still $199 considering how the mg's are out... hmmmm that's weird.
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    Anything similar to the Liquimetal Prestige MP?

    imo the microgel is mushy and feels alot different from the lm but the flexpoint mp feels closer to the lm. i mean they are both lm raqcuets just the flexpoint one has flexpoints. lol :) try upgrading to the tour/pro editions. you might like them... a little heavier though.
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    Best racquet for my 14 year old son

    if your son is really hitting puberty than a heavy raqcuet won't be bad. last year when i was 15 i went from a under 10oz to a 12oz flexpoint radical tour. if your son really cares about tennis, he will bulk up in matter of 2-3 months. and will be able to handle the stick perfectly fine.
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    How to choose String Machine

    hmm question. do both machines come with everything necessary for a beginner to start stringing racquets?
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    What tension do you string at?

    Prince ProBlend Duraflex at 60... nice and tight
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    Kevlar strings

    woooh i switched to kevlar cause my local dude told me it was durable. i hve been using Prince ProBlend Duraflex String at 60lbs everyone posting 48's and 50's have got me really really scared. am i doing something wrong here?
  15. J

    Where do i go from kevlar?

    kk thanks ill give them a try and see what i like :)
  16. J

    Where do i go from kevlar?

    i have been using Kevlar for the past year due to cost efficiency however im thinking about using polys. im currently strung at 60 with Prince ProBlend Duraflex String. what do strings do you recommend i try? what tension relative to the 60 i have with the Kevlar?
  17. J

    what kind of shoes do you wear????

    hmm no kswiss in poll kswiss!!!
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    WORST Tennis Ball You've Ever Used?

    gamma sucks!!! i really hate gamma balls. especially the pressure ones. even the outta the can ones suck. :(
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    What do you do with FAKE racquet? Have you ever strung and used them?

    it may not necessarily be a fake. it could just be a stolen shipment. so give it a try and see how it goes.
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    Looking for flexible heavier racquet with some pop

    try the head tour racquets, i really like them. the flex point radical is nice. the microgel one is kind of heavy for me. mabey you will like it.
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    very frustrating plateau

    a productive work out could consist of having a partner/coach feed for one specific ball for example, feeding forehands of varying speeds spin and depth. one thing my coach does is me on forehands is rally w/ forehands only cross court only first to 7 points wins. in my opinion, its key to...
  22. J

    Hitting Topspin(Into net)

    the best thing for you to do is to hit through the ball. pretend as if you are hitting 3 successive balls. if you have so much top spin to start with, it should be no problem when you actually start to hit through and extend. :)
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    Teaching the Serve

    i dont know if this will help too much but heres an interesting analogy for most north american players. the serve is alot like pitching a base ball. does that help? you can also try adjusting how much he is facing the net, for first serves i recommend the left foot pointing at the right...
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    very frustrating plateau

    srry, correction you need to hit thousands and thousands of the same stroke which is essentially thousands and thousands of balls but w/e. :)
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    very frustrating plateau

    i agree with Bagumbawalla you really just need to practice. it sounds like what your doing is just going out there and hitting with a partner and playing sets. if you really want better strokes which will then result in more confidence(to some extent) you need to practice practice practice. you...
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    Penn ball numbers

    sweet thanks i just never knew what they meant. thanks :)
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    Penn ball numbers

    I have a quick question. whats the difference between penn 1, 2, 3, 4? do the numbers actually mean anything?
  28. J

    Fastest String Break Experience

    wilson sensation 16g at 60 on my flexpoint radical tour. broke in under 5h of play. too bad:cry::cry:
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    mains/crosses breaks, can I keep the other?

    well the thing is when you use expensive strings, sometimes it really matters. idk i guess you could argue that if you cant afford the strings, dont use them but what the heck:):):)
  30. J

    Making Gut Last

    lol. i dont think steve is weird. i do the say thing he does. for some reason, my fingers always fall on the creases of my grip so i always use the same side for my forehands. even when i twirl it. when i stop i usually, lets say 90% of the time, end up on the same side i always use fro my...