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  1. C

    Possible hindrance?

    Translation: I bend over and say "Thank you Sir!!! May I have another, SIR?!!!" This opponent is counting on the OP to be just exactly this sort of sheeple. Call hindrance on him aggressively and you will win the mental battle.
  2. C

    Mattek -- Sands HOF ???

    Seems kind of hard to imagine that 6 doubles slams would be viewed as less than the equal of one singles slam (i.e. Andy Roddick). If Gigi Fernandez has 17 GS doubles titles and is not in the HOF, something is very wrong with this sport.
  3. C

    A proposal for how to handle time violations

    Another problem with a running average is that one particularly lengthy delay could skew the results heavily against a player who is otherwise generally taking the maximum time allowed but staying within the rules. Also, would the refs shut off the clock when there are delays not related to the...
  4. C

    Will Rafa win more majors?

    I understand that a revolutionary new test method for all the latest PEDs is coming out this spring, which will finally enable the testing to catch up with the cheaters. So to answer your question, OP, an emphatic "No." (What's that noise we're hearing? Nervous gasps and gulps from Nadal fans?)
  5. C

    Berdych and Pospisil: Hidden gems in tennis?

    Someone is a "hidden gem" who has spent a good part of his career "secretively" lurking in the ATP top-10, who has made the semi-finals of 5 Grand Slams and was a Wimbledon finalist? Sounds like an alternative fact to me. I wonder if the guy has ever been to a sports psychologist. Seems like...
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    Who are the most famous people you have played Tennis with?

    I went to high school with a first ballot HOF player's son, with whom I was pretty good friends and used to play a couple of times a week when I was a senior and he was a sophomore. He did not inherit the tennis DNA of his father (we usually just hit, but I'd win more often than not when we'd...
  7. C

    The Drop Serve: Too Bush League to Consider?

    Some people are quite egotistical and overly proud of their skills at sports. This guy at one point in his life had probably been at least a 4.5 or 5.0 and I believe he may have played in college, but he was used to being the star of our 3.5 league and felt he had a monopoly on hitting...
  8. C

    The Drop Serve: Too Bush League to Consider?

    Some people are quite egotistical and overly proud of their skills at sports. This guy at one point in his life had probably been at least a 4.5 or 5.0 and I believe he may have played in college, but he was used to being the star of our 3.5 league and felt he had a monopoly on hitting...
  9. C

    The Drop Serve: Too Bush League to Consider?

    First time it happened to me it caught me by surprise. It was one of the better players in my league who was suffering from a bad knee and who got pissed at me because I had been practicing my serve a lot and aced him a couple of times that night, which was quite rare against this guy. He had...
  10. C

    Ever got to the point where you realise you totally suck at tennis?

    I felt this way after about 3 or 4 weeks of play when I first resumed tennis, joining a league at my local recreation center, after over a decade layoff from the sport. I found I could no longer hit topspin at all so many of my shots were going many feet beyond the baseline, I could not control...
  11. C

    Picking a Lane

    Cindy, when it comes to fishing for compliments, you are the Roland Martin of TW-TT. Quit? Oh heavens NO!!! Dear God! NOOOOOO! You are far too wonderful to pack it in! There - that's what you were looking for, wasn't it? Carry on people, nothing further to see here.
  12. C

    Federer on Sharapova ban

    If you were half as perceptive in real life as you are in your own internet fantasy world, you would understand that my comment was not referring to my own views of Maria Sharapova, but to the fact that as one of the more attractive women in tennis, her looks, rather than her game, her...
  13. C

    Federer on Sharapova ban

    Let's be honest (something that is impossible for 90% of the fanbois and fangurrls on this website), if Sharapova had the looks of Mauresmo and the figure of Bartoli, not a single one of the apologists would be posting their lame defenses of this cheater.
  14. C

    Bryan Bros Keep GIVING BALL to Lopez's

    Kalin, what on earth are you talking about? Did you even watch the match?? F. Lopez had at least 75% of the pair's winners and roughly the same UFEs as Marc. And that's not even counting his service winners and aces. I kept watching the Bryans hit the ball to Feliciano (or within reach of...
  15. C

    As a Federer fan I have already accepted Djokovic will pass 17 and become GOAT

    In the words of golfer Colin Montgomery, when asked what it would take to beat Tiger Woods at a major where he was running away with an overwhelming victory, "Did you just get here?" You are grossly mistaken if you think that all fans are similarly passionate and biased towards their idols and...
  16. C

    As a Federer fan I have already accepted Djokovic will pass 17 and become GOAT

    It is because of the fanbases. People who like Djokovic tend to be garden-variety fans, with a more-or-less reasonable, real-world perspective on things, whereas people who like Nadal are obsessive about it and tend to be obnoxious, rabid Rafa fanbois/fangurrls. Also, while no player is...
  17. C

    As a Federer fan I have already accepted Djokovic will pass 17 and become GOAT

    I'd much rather watch Federer, when he's playing well, than any other current player. He's more graceful and makes more exciting or spectacular shots than just about anyone except Monfils. However, I'd say that Djokovic at his peak beats Federer, Nadal or any other player in history at his...
  18. C

    Best Cheap(er) Headphones/Buds?

    Get the NuForce NE-600X: Ridiculously good earphones for only $15 - probably better than most sub-$100 earphones. Definitely have more natural sound, better imaging, better highs and lows than the Panasonics someone linked to...
  19. C

    Playing next to a Grunter .. oh my

    You seem to be rather obnoxious. I'm not familiar with the OP so I cannot comment on his/her choice of posts in the past, but saw nothing wrong with this thread, although I'm sure others have commented on this subject before. If you have a problem with lack of content in what is posted on...
  20. C


    Here's what you do when you are facing a cheater: 1) Glare at the cheater for half a second after the bad call - they'll surely know what you mean by that. 2) Keep playing fair. 3) Keep doing nothing, confident in your belief that "No one likes a complainer - It's always wrong to stand up for...
  21. C

    Old guy that Cheats on score, Holy Cow

    I agree with this 100%. You passive-aggressive types who allow others to cheat and then whine about it in an online forum are simply aiding and condoning the bad behavior. Take to mind the words of 18th century Anglo-Irish political philosopher and politician Edmund Burke: All that is...
  22. C

    Is it too late?

    Annie, did you even read any of the other posts? They ALL said you were being silly (albeit they were a bit less direct about it than I was) for a) thinking 23 is too late to change careers; and b) not doing what you want with your employment. If you're this indecisive, odds aren't very good...
  23. C

    Moirai to Muzzle the haters — Muzziah for US Open!

    Do you Murray fanbois and fangurrls feel a bit foolish now that your hero got his arse kicked and he was the stereotypical British Brat, throwing childish little tantrums throughout the match? Seriously, how can you watch that cr*p with his pouty face and juvenile outbursts at himself, his...
  24. C

    Help in remembering former WTA player from Georgia, USA?

    I think Harkleroad played WTT doubles partnered with Martina Hingis for a bit a year or two back. She was not and is not harsh on the eyes. I might put her very close to, if not equal or beyond, Kournikova as the hottest woman to play in the WTA.
  25. C

    Rules Question: hindrance or not?

    Precisely the correct question to ask. No, it's not a hindrance when the noise is generated before Player B even hits the ball, let alone before the ball even crosses the net and it becomes possible for player A to begin to prepare to hit it.
  26. C

    Is it too late?

    Or you could ask the Great Pumpkin. You'd be just as likely to get a response.
  27. C

    Is it too late?

    That's rich. You post one of the silliest inquiries on this forum, then call someone else an idiot? PS: Go look up the definition for "sarcasm" - you clearly don't understand the term.
  28. C

    Should I Pay?

    What a complete, bloody b*st*rd, loaning you inferior equipment and then thinking you should be responsible for upgrading his sorry junk that couldn't withstand the force of your awesomeness. The nerve of some people! I wouldn't bother trying to talk to the guy ever again. In fact, you really...
  29. C

    The Golf Thread

    DParis, that seven sets includes one set of Wilsons I picked up super cheap from a daily discount site, played two rounds with them, discovered they were too low end of clubs, and sold them at a garage sale, plus two more sets I picked up at the same time as my current set of Nike Slingshots...
  30. C

    "I saw paint - OUT"

    Nope. Sorry. Not true