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    The Tennis Book that would never sell.....

    "I love tennis" by Andre Agassi
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    How the Americans can win the Davis Cup...

    im hopin they dont lose to chile at this point
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    Joachim Johansson making another comeback?

    wow hw impressed me with the win over gabashvilli today he seems to be in top 100 form
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    What Are the Current Top 15 In Your Opinion

    Djokovic is definitely #1 the way he is playing now
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    Barricade 6 vs. Courtballistec 3.3

    i have the 3.3s and even after around 5 hrs on court my feet continue to ache. Has anyone else had this problem? should i continue to wear them or ditch them
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    Players coming back from 2 sets down

    Im surprised that like 5 times already a player has won from 2 sets doen in the aussie open, maybe everybody got way fitter in the offseason Here are the people who won down 2 sets Fish Monfils Seppi Kohlschreiber Tsonga add if you know more
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    uh-oh Fed hit another tweener

    Theres been a pattern when he does this in big tournaments, will it continue?
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    New SKINS shirts on TW!

    I heard some good stuff about these shirts, wondering what you guys think
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    rafae nadal will win all 3 remaining grand slams

    hes officially the new goat
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    Nadal no longer wearing watch?

    i was watching him in cincy and i didnt see his like 600,000 watch on him. Is he no longer wearing it?
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    Federer, Nadal, Sharapova US OPEN OUTFITS PICS!!!!

    thats why they made a lighter daytime shirt for him
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    Roger Federer loved by Commentator

    "roger, move your arms, your arms roger, Lazy"
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    2010 US Open Nike Shop Exclusives

    will the booth be open during qualifying? cuz im going tomorrow, hope to get some limited edition stuff
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    My horrible serves please help!! (Vid)

    you need more leg bend
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    What's your FAVORITE string?

    gamma zo tour 16
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    Stephanek got the girl but....

    stepanek looks like a fish
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    My Racquet Quest

    have you got the rackets in yet?
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    best outfits toronto and cincinatti

    Adidas didnt pull it off for murray it looks like he is wearing the sme exact shirt
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    Can i fit a six pack on a air plane!

    I can get my Babolat 12 pack on to a plane but you need to board early so there is room to put it
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    Boys 12-14 Hard court Nationals

    Ben Tso defeats Henrik Wiersholm 76(6)75 to win boys 14s
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    How does babolot pro hurricane feel compare to normal pro hurricane

    whoops babolat not babolot
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    How does babolot pro hurricane feel compare to normal pro hurricane

    ive tried pro hurricane and it was ok so i was wondering how it compares to pro hurricane feel thanks
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    Boys 12-14 Hard court Nationals

    Its in the middle of the tournament now but has anyone watched or played in it also who has surprised you and who do you think is underachieving
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    Rank the top 10 men's chances at US Open

    James Blake will win the US Open
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    How does the CB2.3 warrantee work

    It is my first time doing this so im not sure where to sent my CB to be replaced thanks
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    My Racquet Quest

    Any more updates?
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    What is your Favorite Racket Brand?

    My favorite is the babolot pure drive gt
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    What is your Favorite Racket Brand?

    I think it will be fun to see if more use Wilson, Babolot, Prince, ect
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    Best hot weather grip BESIDES Tourna?

    I use the Babolot pro team tacky I sweat a lot and it is very absorbant
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    Are you are Tennis Master?

    fun, but it took me like 5 tries to become a tennis master But you can cheat by pressing the back button so it lets you redo the question