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  1. D

    Just Tried The............................................... ........................

    forget the blow torch just use shamwow XD
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    Youtek prestige vs microgel prestige

    heard that handle is less rectangular
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    Babolat AeroPro Drive

    i own the APDC nd the PDGT(my main now) nd have not had any arm problems with both of them
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    The Babolat Survey

    1. Which series do you like the most? pure drives 2. Which generation? gt 3. What PJ (All Gens) do you like out of the series? the pd gt or pd cortex 4. Do you own one of them? pd gt 5. Comparing to others, what are pros/cons of Babolat rackets? pros- good spin nd power cons-...
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    If all these fancy tennis racquet technology is true then...

    a car made out of aerogel might fly away wen theres strong winds XD
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    That PDR ping, any other babolat?...

    yeh i have that pinging noise from both my APDC nd PDGT. but i really like the feel with no damper on my PDGT but i use an elastic band for my APDC
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    Significant balance variance on K90s - could it be the strings?

    nah thats just wilson great quality
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    Caption This

    dont worry i got the balls
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    Tomic: Pusher

    thats wat i thought wen i was watchin him vs djokovic
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    Tsonga using babolat?

    he was using the gt version(or pj, i dont know) at kooyong
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    This is the Babolat Alliance calling!...

    to all babolatians, beware of an out burst of BLX sildiers who r trying to assasinate our king, beprepared to take them down at all ps this is an awesome thread
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    This is the Babolat Alliance calling!...

    i shall weild my pure drive gt nd take down any BLX i see
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    practicing serving with snow balls

    remember to stay away from the yellow tennis balls :shock:
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    Can Nadal become the GOAT?

    i dont thick his body can take much more of his playing style so if he wants to become the GOAT he wuold need to make some changes
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    AO Game - Fantasy League (Sort of)

    2. Nadal 6. Davydenko 52. Gasquet 64. Nalbandian
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    CALLING ALL BABOLAT CORTEX RACQUETS...Do you use a vibration dampener???

    i use to use one but it kept on falling off so i couldnt be bothered anymore. nd i dnt use elastic bands cause they feel different
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    Your game in 2010!

    my serve consistency
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    Caption this

    should of put someones face on the lamb IMO
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    Caption This

    thats hewitt lol
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    Babolat 2010

    are those black pro hurricane tour strings in the aeropro drive gt? nd which half of the racquet is gloosy nd which is matte?
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    Babolat Aeroprodrive gt

    oops accidentally quoted twice
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    Babolat Aeroprodrive gt

    nice review
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    Babolat Aeroprodrive gt

    nice review.
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    Female version of Nadal?

    sharapova cause of the grunting?
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    Babolat Aeropro Cortex vs. POG OS

    oooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. lol
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    Babolat Aeropro Cortex vs. POG OS

    wats POG stand 4?
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    Which TW 2010 Calendar will you buy?

    i like the sound of that
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    New starter gear for son

    wow i wished my dad cared bout my tennis. he only found out i played like a month since i started (but he has long hours at work so i forgive him). anyway since ur son's a beginner i would prob say dnt get something too expensive until he is more experienced. mayb get a head liquid metal 4 or...
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    what are the top racquets of today??

    you forgot the pure drives
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    What would you get if...

    as much as the bag could fit...